
Information on our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives


Prioritizing Safety and Health

Our top priority is safety and health. Making this the basis of all of our business activities, we aim to be a company where all employees can work vigorously in good health, both physically and mentally.

Comprehensive safety measures

In accordance with the "Kyuden Group Charter of Safety Behavior", which sets forth the safety goals and basic policies of the Kyuden Group, we continue to build security and trust by ensuring the safety of all people involved in our business.
To raise the safety awareness of our employees, we conduct thorough safety training while actively incorporating the latest technology such as VR (Virtual Reality).

Educating by VR technology

Using VR technology during training

Kyuden Group Safe Conduct Charter

Efforts to Reduce Accident Rates to Zero

To ensure worksite safety, we promote accident prevention practices that include risk assessment. Furthermore, we carefully investigate accidents to determine their fundamental causes, use these findings to formulate and implement measures to prevent recurrence, and monitor adherence to such measures. By doing so, our ratio of accident occurrence and severity are significantly below national averages for the industry. In addition, we educate employees regarding labor safety and hygiene regulations to promote compliance, and conduct safety training that includes hands-on crises training.

On-the-job accident rate
Labor accident severity
Promoting Safety Activities with Contractors and Subcontractors

We provide support for safety activities to contractors and subcontractors to ensure the safety of those who work with us. This includes hosting gatherings for subcontractors where we share safety-related information, and work with them to monitor worksite safety management, including engaging in worksite safety patrols. Through these efforts, we are working to enhance the safety of facilities and operating procedures.

Contractor and subcontractor accidents
Efforts to Maintain and Promote Physical and Mental Health

We aim to promote a positive physical and mental health environment, by supporting people’s wellbeing. Based on the "Kyushu Electric Power Health Declaration" and "Kyushu Electric Power Health and Productivity Management policy", we will strive to improve the wellbeing of our employees, so that they can continue to go to work with vitality. We have implemented a number of initiatives to increase health awareness and behavior, such as providing for each employee health examinations and evaluations by nurses and organizing health classes for a more active and healthy lifestyle.

In March 2021, we were awarded the "Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations 2021 (White 500)" for the fourth consecutive year, in recognition of our efforts to support the health of our employees.

Health and productivity logo

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program

The program in which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and The Nippon Kenko Kaigi jointly recognize corporations that are practicing particularly good health management.

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