
Information on our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives


Promoting diversity

To realize our mission of "enlighten our future", Kyushu Electric Power supports people from diverse backgrounds regardless of gender, age, nationality, disability or life events they may encounter such as having children or providing nursing care.

We first launched our diversity initiatives by establishing a dedicated department, "Group for Empowering Women in Society" in FY2007, which was then been reorganized into the "Diversity Promotion Group". We are working to ensure everyone feels respected, regardless of gender, age, nationality, disability or life events they encounter, while still focusing on empowering women.

Ideal vision for diversity and outline of initiatives

Kyushu Electric Power's mission
"Enlighten Our Future"

Discovering solutions, and putting them into practice.

We will discover and implement solutions that lead to a better tomorrow through open, active discussions, believing in people's potential and mutually respecting personalities.

  • Foster an organizational environment that allows everyone to express their full potential in order to foster innovation and make the company more competitive
  • Create an open, positive working environment where a diverse workforce can grow through work they find worthwhile
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