
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) information

CO2 emissions for FY2017

CO2 emissions were approximately 7% (2.4 million metric tons) lower in FY2017 than FY2016

Our CO2 emissions for FY2017 were 35.1 million metric tons, with a CO2 emissions per electricity sales volume of 0.463 kg of CO2 per kWh* (CO2 emission factor). In addition to the stable, continuous operation (except during scheduled maintenance) of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2, other factors such as lower electricity sales volume and an increase in power generation derived from renewable sources have meant that compared to FY2016, CO2 emissions have dropped by 7%, and the CO2 emission factor by 4%.
The high emission factor is a result of the feed-in tariff system (FIT): Kyushu’s more rapid uptake of solar power generation than other regions means the area’s CO2 emissions are deemed to be higher than the actual amount of CO2 emitted when calculating FIT adjustments.

CO2 Emissions for Kyushu Electric Power Company

Note: Calculated according to the "Calculation and Announcement of Actual Emission Factors and Post-adjustment Emission Factors for Each Power Provider" released by the national government in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (includes portion due to purchasing power from other companies). Total electricity sales volume differs after FY2016 as the government’s guidelines for calculating CO2 emissions were revised to exclude electricity supplied to remote islands (excluding the Goto Islands, which are handled as part of mainland Nagasaki Prefecture).

Stable operation of nuclear power stations cuts CO2 emissions by approx. 7 million metric tons

The reduction in CO2 emissions achieved by our nuclear power stations in FY2017 is calculated to be approximately 7 million metric tons.
The shutdown of nuclear reactors in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 caused a major increase in CO2 emissions, which peaked in 2013 and have trended downwards since then. In FY2017, stable operation of Sendai Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 (except during scheduled maintenance) and the increase in renewable energy generation ensured that thermal power stations accounted for a lower share of all power generated. Consequently, emissions were down approximately 7% (2.4 million metric tons) year-on-year.
Nuclear power generation is similar to renewable energy in that it produces no CO2 during power generation; thus, it is an excellent means of mitigating global warming and, from an energy security standpoint, remains an important energy option.

Power Generation Composition Ratio* and CO2 Emissions Volume Change Over Time

*Power received from other companies does not include unspeci ed fuel types. The composition ratio shown here differs from the power source composition ratio for electricity sales volume.

Comparison with other providers for CO2 Emissions per electricity sales volume (post-adjustment)

*Average CO2 emissions volume per electricity sales volume (post-adjustment) of former general power providers (nine companies), excluding Kyushu Electric Power.
*See the section on environmental data (p. 50) for information on emissions of greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide, and on greenhouse gas emissions (and reductions thereof) by Kyuden Group companies.

CO2 Emission Factors of Major Countries

Source: Created based on CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 2017 (IEA)

Reference: CO2 emissions over lifecycle by power source in Japan

Besides the power generation process, CO2 is emitted not only when burning fuel, but also when using energy at other times, including when constructing the power station; extracting, transporting, and refining fuel; and disposing of spent fuel. Even when these indirect emissions are considered, nuclear power and renewable energy have lower overall CO2 emissions than other sources.

Source: Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry report

Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Overall Supply Chain*1

*1 All connected processes from the raw materials phase to delivery of products and services to consumers

State of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Scopes 1–3

We approach relevant suppliers (partners, group companies, etc.) on how to properly manage direct emissions of greenhouse gases (Scope 1), as well as indirect emissions (Scopes 2 and 3)

Please note that in case of discrepancy in interpretation, the Japanese version shall prevail.
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