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  3. Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

(Formulated on April 1, 2020; Final revision on September 14, 2023)
Name of business handling personal information
Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc.
3-6-16 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka
President and Director Takayuki Hakugin

In order to fulfill our corporate mission and be a company that is commensurate with the trust and confidence placed in us by our customers and many other stakeholders in society, Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. recognizes the important responsibility of properly protecting the personal information (including a person’s individual number and specific personal information (personal information including the individual number)). Accordingly, we duly handle the retained personal information of customers and others in the following manner.

1. Basic Principle
Kansai Transmission and Distribution fully recognizes that personal information is something that should be handled very carefully, in accordance with principle of respecting each person as an individual. Therefore, we appropriately handle personal information by adhering to the stipulated laws and regulations, and also taking into consideration the right to privacy and other rights. We shall also review the way we handle personal information as required, as we continually strive to improve our operations.
2. Acquisition of Personal Information
Kansai Transmission and Distribution shall properly acquire personal information, without the use of falsification or other fraudulent methods.
3. Use of Personal Information
Kansai Transmission and Distribution shall, in principle, use the acquired personal information within the scope required to achieve the "Purpose of Use of Personal Information", in order to perform our business operations in a proper and uninterrupted manner.
We shall, in principle, use the individual number and specific individual information in the acquired personal information within the scope of the purpose of use, and in order to perform our business operations as stipulated in the laws and regulations.
4. Shared Use of Personal Information
Kansai Transmission and Distribution carries out the shared use of personal information in accordance with the "Shared Use Privacy Policy".In addition to the "Joint Use Privacy Policy", personal information may be shared by individual notification.
* Regarding shared use of personal information under the "Shared Use Privacy Policy," the person responsible for shared use shall be our company, and for shared use of personal information by means of individual notification as well, unless otherwise indicated, the person responsible shall be our company.
5. Disclosure and Provision to Third Parties
Kansai Transmission and Distribution shall never disclose or provide its retained personal data to a third party, except if any of the following applies.
  • The consent of the individual concerned has been obtained.
  • The disclosure and provision of personal information to a subcontractor is necessary in the course of our business operations.
    In the event of disclosure and provision of personal information to a subcontractor, we shall first conclude a non-disclosure agreement with the subcontractor in advance, and confirm the personal information shall be properly handled prior to its provision.
  • There is a legitimate reason for the disclosure of personal information, such as a legal duty of disclosure.
6. Secure Management of Personal Information and Keeping Personal Information Up-to-Date
Kansai Transmission and Distribution shall take the following safety and security measures to prevent the risk of loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, unauthorized access to the information systems, or other such incidents occurring during the use and storage of personal data, and shall also properly supervise our workers and subcontractors to this end.
We shall strive to ensure the retained personal data is accurate and up-to-date, within the scope required to achieve the purpose of use.
  • In terms of organizational measures, we shall establish a plan for information security measures, with the manager performing regular inspections and systems being put in place in anticipation of times of both calm and emergency.
  • In terms of individual personnel measures, we shall provide regular training for all employees and provide specific instructions for persons in charge of handling personal information and those in charge of specific personal information.
  • In terms of physical measures, we shall perform management of those entering and leaving our company’s offices, etc., as well as appropriately managing all media that contain data relating to personal information, and clearly demarcate all areas where specific personal information, such as personal information requiring special care, is handled.
  • In terms of technical measures, we shall manage and control access to our various information systems, in addition to protecting them by means such as encryption, as well as introducing security measures required for the protection of information systems.
7. Disclosure, Corrections, Inquiries, etc.
Kansai Transmission and Distribution shall comply with an individual’s request to disclose or correct the retained personal data, and to any inquiries on the handling of personal information, in accordance with the prescribed laws and regulations.
  • The definitions of the terms "personal information," "personal data," and "retained personal data" in the above policy are the same as those defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
  • The definitions of the terms "individual number," "specific personal information" in the above policy are the same as those defined in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures.
  • The handling of personal information related to our employee management will be determined separately.
  • When we have shown the purpose of use of personal information and other details to persons individually, the contents of that purpose of use, etc., take priority over the above policy.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Kansai Transmission and Distribution uses personal information within the scope necessary in order to carry out the following business operations: contract conclusion and execution, debt collection and repayment, the formation and maintenance of assets and facilities, the development and improvement of our products and services, and the provision of information such as by sending direct mail related to our products and services, as well all other business operations incidental to these.

  • (1) Electricity business
  • (2) Gas business
  • (3) Heat supply business
  • (4) Development, mining, processing, trading and transportation of energy resources
  • (5) Gas supply business
  • (6) Telecommunications business
  • (7) Information processing and information provision service business
  • (8) Broadcasting business
  • (9) Buying, selling, leasing and managing real estate and advising on real estate investment
  • (10) Survey, design, construction and supervision of civil engineering and construction
  • (11) Sales of engineering, consulting, technology and know-how related to the business and environmental protection of the preceding items
  • (12) Businesses related to the preceding items

Kansai Transmission and Distribution uses the individual number and specific personal information in the personal information for the following purposes.

  • (1) Preparation of tax returns, etc., in relation to tax withheld at the source and special tax collection
  • (2) Preparation of payment records of remuneration, fees, contract money, and prize money
  • (3) Preparation of payment records of retirement allowances, etc.
  • (4) Preparation of payment records in relation to real estate
  • (5) Other purposes stipulated in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures

Shared Use Privacy Policy

Electricity Business

<Use for Changing Retail Electricity Business, etc., and Negawatt Transactions>

◇ Scope of Persons for Shared Use
Kansai Transmission and Distribution may carry out the shared use of personal information with the following parties*1.
  • Retail electricity businesses*2
  • Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO)*3
  • Demand control contracting parties*4
  • Power distribution businesses
◇ Purposes of Shared Use
  • (1) Conclusion, modification, or cancellation of wheeling service contracts and electric power quantity adjustment service contracts (hereinafter, "contracts for wheeling services, etc.")
  • (2) Intermediary service for the termination of contracts for retail supply*5 (including contracts in relation to isolated island and last resort supply services) and contracts for receiving electricity (hereinafter, "contracts for retail supply, etc.")
  • (3) Confirmation of information on supply (power receiving) sites
  • (4) Execution of work by general power transmission and distribution businesses and power distribution businesses in accordance with contracts for wheeling services, etc. that include the metering of electric power quantity, the maintenance, inspection and replacement of facilities, and the inspection of facilities during power outages and disasters, etc.
  • (5) Execution of work in relation to negawatt transactions
◇ Information Items Subject to Shared Use
  • (1) Basic information: Name, address, telephone number and contract number of the contracts for retail supply, etc.
  • (2) Information on supply (power receiving) sites: Service areas of Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. and power distribution businesses that conclude contracts for wheeling services, etc.; general provisions for isolated island services; specific identification numbers of supply (power receiving) sites; information on the volume of wheeling contracts; electrical current upper limit values; connection power transmission service menus; power factors; supply formats; methods for determining wheeling contracts; meter gauge information; service pole numbers; information on interconnected power system facilities; transfer date of wheeling contracts; meter reading date; contract status; discontinuation measures and methods
  • (3) Information in relation to negawatt transactions: Power generation sales volume; demand procurement volume; demand control volume; baseline
◇ Persons Responsible for the Management of Shared Use
  • (1) Basic information: Retail electricity businesses that have concluded contracts for retail supply, etc.
    (However, in the case of basic information on consumers receiving isolated island and last resort supply services, this refers to Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc.)
  • (2) Information on supply (power receiving) sites: Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. and power distribution businesses
  • (3) Information in relation to negawatt transactions: Demand control contracting parties

<Use for Grid Interconnection Service Fee (Power Generation-Side Charge)>

◇ Scope of Persons for Shared Use
Kansai Transmission and Distribution may carry out the shared use of personal information with the following parties*1.
  • Power generation contracting parties*6
  • Power generation parties*7
  • General power transmission and distribution businesses*8
◇ Purposes of Shared Use
  • (1) Notification of calculation of grid interconnection service fees, and billing of said fees
◇ Information Items Subject to Shared Use
  • (1) Basic information: Name, postcode, address, telephone number, email address, start/end dates of procurement/grant period stipulated in Special Measures Act for Renewable Energy
  • (2) Information on power receiving sites: Power receiving site identification number, information on the volume of wheeling contracts, billed amount, discount category, contract changes, received voltage, meter gauge information, meter reading date
  • (3) Information on supply sites: Supply site identification number, information on the volume of wheeling contracts
◇ Persons Responsible for the Management of Shared Use
  • (1) Basic information: Power generation contracting parties that have concluded power purchase contracts with a power generation party
  • (2) Information on power receiving sites: Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. and other general power transmission and distribution businesses
  • (3) Information on supply sites: Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. and other general power transmission and distribution businesses
  • *1 Kansai Transmission and Distribution carries out the shared use of personal information with a limited number of businesses, within the required scope for the purpose of shared use. We definitely do not carry out the shared use of personal information with all retail electricity businesses, demand control contracting parties, power distribution businesses, power generation contracting parties, power generation parties, or general power transmission and distribution businesses.
  • *2 Retail electricity business refers to a business that is not subject to the grounds for refusal of registration stipulated in Article 2-5 Paragraph 1 of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 170 of July 11, 1964), and that is registered by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as a retail electricity business (including businesses deemed as being registered as a retail electricity business in accordance with the supplementary provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 72 of 2014)). (Refer to the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy website for the names, addresses, representatives and other information on these businesses.)
  • *3 For information on the name, address and representative for the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO), refer to the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO) website.
  • *4 Demand control contracting parties refer to businesses that have concluded demand control quantity adjustment service contracts with general power transmission and distribution businesses or power distribution businesses (including businesses that have acquired a business code prior to concluding a contract). (Refer to the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO) website for the names, addresses, representatives and other information on these businesses.)
  • *5 "Intermediary service for the termination of contracts for retail supply, etc." refers to businesses that have received requests for new contracts for retail supply, etc. from customers and are making requests for the cancellation of contracts for retail supply, etc. to existing businesses on behalf of those customers.
  • *6 Power generation contracting parties refer to retail electricity businesses*3 that have concluded a power generation capacity adjustment and supply contract with a general power transmission and distribution business.
  • *7 Power generation parties refer to parties that generate power according to the terms and conditions of a wheeling service agreement stipulated by a general power transmission and distribution business. Note, however, that the scope of shared use by power generation parties is limited to information on the supply site at the same demand location as the power generation location.
  • *8 General power transmission and distribution business refers to the following. For information on the name, address and representative of a general power transmission and distribution business, refer to that company’s website.

Handling of Personal Information

  • 1. Kansai Transmission and Distribution fully recognizes that personal information is something that should be handled very carefully, in accordance with the principle of respecting each person as an individual. Therefore, we appropriately handle personal information by adhering to the stipulated laws and regulations, and also taking into consideration the right to privacy and other rights. We shall also review the way we handle personal information as required, as we continually strive to improve our operations.
  • 2. Kansai Transmission and Distribution will handle the retained personal information of an individual in accordance with the consent received from the individual, if it is given as such.
  • 3. Kansai Transmission and Distribution and the Group companies will immediately suspend the provision of personal information stipulated in 2. (2), upon a request from the individual.

Procedures for the Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, Notification of Purpose of Use, etc., and for the Disclosure of Provision to Third Parties, of Personal Information

Procedures for Requests for Disclosure

Service Desk

Kansai Transmission and Distribution website or Call Center


(1) Provision of Request Form
We shall post a special request form to any customer who issues a request to the service desk for disclosure in accordance with the law, etc.
(2) Submission of Request Form
We require the customer to fill in all required items on the request form, and return it by post. Please also write "Contains request regarding retained personal data" in red ink on the envelope. The "requester" on the request form is the individual identified by the retained personal data subject to the request, and the "proxy of the requester" is the individual submitting the request form on behalf of the requester.
(3) Confirmation of Requester
When submitting a request form, please enclose copies of the necessary documents (driver’s license, various health insurance cards or pension handbooks, etc., passport, certification of seal registration, individual number card, etc.; hereinafter, "personal identification documents.") to confirm the identity of the requester or the proxy of the requester.
(4) Request by Proxy
  • 1 If the request form is submitted by someone who has received a letter of proxy from the requester as a proxy of the requester, please enclose in the envelope the letter of proxy with the request form, along with copies of the requester’s personal identification document.
  • 2 If the request form is submitted by a legal representative of the requester as a proxy of the requester, please enclose in the envelope a document that certifies the legal representative’s status (official copy of part of the family register, etc.) along with the request form. The requester’s personal identification document is not required in this case. Regarding documents that certify the legal representative’s status, we request the items not required for confirmation that are displayed on these documents for personal identification and certification of status be properly masked (colored over, etc.) prior to their submission.
(5) Handling of Personal Identification Documents
Regarding copies of personal identification documents of the requester or proxy of the requester, if there is no special request otherwise, we shall immediately shred and dispose of these documents after we have confirmed the identity of the individual. We request the items not required for confirmation that are displayed on these documents for personal identification and certification of status be properly masked (blacked out, etc.) prior to their submission.
(6) Reply
We shall, in principle, post by mail a written reply to the individual (requester or proxy of the requester) who submitted the request form. If the request is submitted by a proxy of the requester, please indicate to request the written response to be sent to the requester when submitting the request form. We strive to promptly reply to the requests received; however, please allow around 10 business days after receipt of the request for the written reply to be posted. * We ask for your understanding in advance that we may not be able to respond to the request as desired, such as not being able to disclose the requested retained personal data.
(7) Handling Fee
Regarding Paragraph 2 of Article 32 of the public announcement of the purpose of use, and requests for disclosure related to Paragraph 1 of Article 33, a fee of 500 yen (including consumption tax) per application is payable prior to the reply as a general rule. (When providing the disclosure, we will inform you individually of the payment method).
  • * We may charge an additional and separately specified fee for disclosure of special content, such as cases where a long-term internal investigation is required.
  • * For electromagnetic records, we use physical media such as CDs and DVDs, so, based on the quantity, we may request payment of the actual costs in addition to the handling fee.
(8) Miscellaneous
Please note that we may not be able to comply with a request for the return of a submitted request form once we have received it.

Inquiries on the Handling of Personal Data

Kansai Transmission and Distribution website or Call Center

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