Dial 111 and ask for the police if you or your children are in immediate danger.

Here you’ll find out about helplines for child safety, Care or Protection Orders from Oranga Tamariki, and how the Family Court can help with keeping children safe.

On this page:

Getting help for your children

Help is available to keep your children safe from harm.

  • Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children helpline
    If you're worried about a child, you can FREEPHONE 0508 326 459 (0508 FAMILY)
    This helpline is free and is available 24/7

  • Family violence helplines
    If you'd prefer a non-government contact, you can FREEPHONE the Women's Refuge crisis line 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE)
    Their crisis line is free and available 24/7

    Women's Refuge(external link)

    Shine's family violence helpline will assist anyone who experiences family violence – women, men, or non-binary gender people - or who wants to help someone they know.
    FREEPHONE 0508 744 633
    Their helpline is free and is available every day between 9am and 11pm

    Shine(external link)
  • Protection Orders
    If you're experiencing family violence from your partner or ex-partner, you can apply for a Protection Order

  • Supervised contact
    Supervised contact is when a parent only has contact with their children under the supervision of an approved third party organisation or, in some cases, a relative. The Family Court can make Orders about supervised contact

  • Counselling and other support for children
    Find out more about resources and professional support for children

Care or protection – Oranga Tamariki

Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children works to keep children and young people safe from harm. It can ask the Family Court for Orders to protect children, and in some cases to place children in Oranga Tamariki care if they're in immediate danger.

Justice and the Oranga Tamariki Action Plan

The Ministry of Justice is party to the Oranga Tamariki Action Plan requiring all children’s agencies to work with each other and the community to promote wellbeing for children and young people with greatest need.

The Action Plan was launched in July 2022 to enable children’s agencies to drive integration across the children’s system.

Tamariki and their whanau may experience or rely on parts of the justice system at critical times in their lives, including:

  • the Family Court’s role in care and protection, family violence and adoption;
  • the Youth Court and associated specialist and community agencies;
  • the Te Ao Marama initiative to improve the experience for all those who seek justice in the District Court so they are seen, heard, understood and able to meaningfully participate;
  • victims services in the criminal courts;
  • Te Puna Aonui, the government-wide Joint Venture to end family and sexual violence.

For more information about the Oranga Tamariki Action Plan click here(external link)