
Japan Prize

[画像:Japan Prize Laureates]

Laureates of the Japan Prize



  • 国籍:米国
  • 生年月日:1931年5月29日



2020 Japan Prize受賞者


1966 IEEE Baker Prize
1968 IEEE Fellow
1973 Moore School Gold Medal Award
1978 Guggenheim Fellow
1979 National Academy of Engineering
1983 IEEE IT Soc. Shannon Award
1984 IEEE Centennial Medal
1990 IEEE Medal of Honor
1992 National Academy of Sciences
1993 The William Bennett Prize Paper Award
1993 The Prize Paper Award for InfoComm
1993 M.I.T. Graduate Student Council Teaching Award
1998 IEEE IT Society Golden-Jubilee Paper Award
1999 The Harvey Prize in Science and Technology from Technion
1999 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2000 IEC Fellow
2000 IEEE Third Millennium Medal
2002 Eduard Rhein Award
2003 Marconi Fellow
2004 Dijkstra Prize, ACM
2008 Robert Yarnall Award, U. Penn.


1953 B.S. in electrical engineering, The University of Pennsylvania
1957 S.M. in electrical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1960 Sc.D. in electrical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


1953 Bell Telephone Laboratories. (-1954)
1954 U.S. Army Signal Corps. (-1956)
1960 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sc.D. Electrical Engineering
1960 Faculty member at MIT
1971 President of the Information Theory Society of the IEEE
1986 Co-Director of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
1988 Fujitsu Professor (2001 Emeritus Professor)
1989 Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the NSF Division on Networking and Communication Research and Infrastructure (-1992)


  • Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


  • R. Gallager, (1963), "Low-density parity-check codes," Monograph, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge MA (63-20864)
  • R. Gallager, (1968), "Information Theory and Reliable Communication", Wiley, ISBN: 0471290483)
  • D. P. Bertsekas and R. G. Gallager, (1987) "Data Networks," Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131968254, Edition 2 (1991) ISBN: 0132009161
  • R. Gallager, (2008), "Principle of Digital Communication," Cambridge Press, ISBN: 9780521879071
  • R. Gallager, (2013), "Stochastic Processes, Theory for Applications," Cambridge Press, ISBN: 9781107039759

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