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- 2024 DoD Commercial Space Integration Strategy DOD 02 Apr 2024
- Army Space Vision Supporting Multidomain Operations US Army 08 Jan 2024
- Congressional Report on a Comprehensive Strategy for the Space Force Department of the Air Force Aug 2023, Released 13 Oct 2023 -- This report contains a description of the strategic objectives for organizing, training, and equipping the Space Force; a detailed plan for achieving those objectives; identification of those units or resources from other Department of Defense organizations that are necessary to achieve the objectives; and identification of the officer and enlisted end-strength requirements.
- Space Policy Review and Strategy on Protection of Satellites DOD 14 Sep 2023
- 2022 National Defense Strategy DoD 27 Oct 2022 -- Including the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review and the 2022 Missile Defense Review
- 2022 Missile Defense Review Fact Sheet DoD 27 Oct 2022
- Chinese Space Activities Will Increasingly Challenge U.S. Interests Through 2030 NIC April 2021, Declassified 17 Sep 2022, and Released 04 Oct 2022
- The Historical Context the Russian (Soviet) Perspective of Them-selves Brought to the Lunar Race By C.P. Vick, Jun 2022
- Challenges to Security in Space - Space Reliance in an Era of Competition and Expansion Defense Intelligence Agency Released 12 Apr 2022 -- Challenges to Security in Space was first published in early 2019 to address the main threats to the array of U.S. space capabilities, and examine space and counterspace strategies and systems pursued primarily by China and Russia and, to a lesser extent, by North Korea and Iran. This second edition builds on that work and provides an updated, unclassi?ed overview of the threats to U.S. space capabilities, particularly from China and Russia, as those threats continue to expand.
- Combined Space Operations Vision 2031 CSpO Participants Released 22 Feb 2022
- Defence Space Strategy: Operationalising the Space Domain UK MOD Feb 2022
- International Space Station Transition Report NASA Jan 2022
- China's Space Program: A 2021 Perspective The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China Released 28 Jan 2022
- A/AC.105/1262 - Information furnished in conformity with the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies United Nations General Assembly - Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 6 Dec 2021
- Executive Order on the National Space Council The White house 01 Dec 2021
- Chinese Spaceplane Programs Prepared by BluePath Labs - Daniel Shats with Peter Wood China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI), Air University Nov 2021
- Decision - Matter of: Blue Origin Federation, LLC; Dynetics, Inc.-A Leidos Company GAO 30 Jul 2021
- Executive Order on Promoting Small Modular Reactors for National Defense and Space Exploration The White house 12 Jan 2021
- Memorandum on the National Strategy for Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion (Space Policy Directive-6) The White House 16 Dec 2020
- National Space Policy of the United States of America 09 Dec 2020 -- "The United States will create an environment that energizes our industry to create innovative commercial approaches that will carry and sustain our next generation of explorers and entrepreneurs on the Moon and then on to Mars and beyond. (...) The United States will lead and strengthen enduring international partnerships to preserve and sustain space for future activity and so that all nations and all people can benefit from space and improve our way of living on Earth and in space. (...) Recognizing the right of nations to explore and use outer space, the United States will continue to use space for the security of the Nation and our allies. Should any adversary threaten to endanger the benefits we all derive from space, the United States will employ all elements of national power to deter and, if necessary, prevail over hostile activities in, from, and through space."
- Space Capstone Publication, Spacepower (SCP) - Doctrine for space Forces US Space Force 10 Aug 2020
- Missile Defense: Assessment of Testing Approach Needed as Delays and Changes Persist, GAO-20-432, July 23, 2020
- Memo: Establishment of the United States Space Force DoD 20 Dec 2019
- Memo: United States Space Force DoD 20 Dec 2019
- Challenges to Security in Space Defense Intelligence Agency Released 11 Feb 2019
- 2019 Missile Defense Review DoD Released 17 Jan 2019
- Competing in Space NASIC Released 16 Jan 2019
- Remarks on Recent Russian Space Activities of Concern US Dept. of State 14 Aug 2018 -- Remarks by Yleem D.S. Poblete, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance
- Final Report on Organizational and Management Structure for the National Security Space Components of the Department of Defense DoD 9 Aug 2018
- Missile Defense: Some Progress Delivering Capabilities, but Challenges with Testing Transparency and Requirements Development Need to Be Addressed, GAO-17-381, May 30, 2017
- National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy The White House - MSTC/OSTP/DAMIEN IWG December 2016, Released 03 Jan 2017
- China's Space Activities in 2016 State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 27 Dec 2016
- Strengthening International Cooperation in Space Situational Awareness DoS 22 Sep 2016 -- Remarks by Frank A. Rose, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance
- Missile Defense: Assessment of DOD's Reports on Status of Efforts and Options for Improving Homeland Missile Defense, GAO-16-254R, February 17 2016
- October 2014 Report on Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan October 2014 -- "This report is the fourteenth in a series of reports required every 180 days through fiscal year 2014 (...) This report is an historical document that covers progress in Afghanistan from April 1 to September 30, 2014, and is divided into seven parts. The executive summary highlights the key developments over the six month reporting period. The next five sections outline the progress of Afghanistan in the following areas: security, Afghan security forces, governance, reconstruction and development, and regional engagement.
- National Space Security Policy United Kingdom Government April 2014 -- The aim of the National Space Security Policy is to set out a coherent approach to the United Kingdom�s space security interests that will underpin our prosperity, well-being and security.
- Government Response to the UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2014 � 2030: Space Growth Action Plan United Kingdom Government April 2014
- National Space Transportation Policy Released 21 Nov 2013 -- "The overarching goal of this policy is for the United States to have assured access to diverse regions of space, from suborbital to Earth�s orbit and deep space, in support of civil and national security missions." [PDF]
- National Space Transportation Policy Fact Sheet 21 Nov 2013 [PDF]
- Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2013 DoD Released 6 May 2013
- Risk Assessment of United States Space Export Control Policy Department of Defense / Department of State April 2012
- Air Force Priorities for a New Strategy with Constrained Budgets 01 February 2012
- AF/ST TR 11-01, Energy Horizons: United States Air Force Energy S&T Vision 2011-2026 31 January 2012
- Unclassified Statement for the Record on the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 31 January 2012
- Defense Budget Priorities and Choices 26 January 2012
- Fact Sheet: The Defense Budget 26 January 2012
- Joint Operational Access Concept (JOAC), Version 1.0 17 Jan 2012
- China's Space Activities in 2011 Information Office of the State Council, The People's Republic of China Dec 2012 -- "In order to help people around the world gain a better understanding of the Chinese space industry, we herewith offer a brief introduction to the major achievements China has made since 2006, its main tasks in the next five years, and its international exchanges and cooperation in this respect."
- Transcript: DOD News Briefing with Deputy Secretary Lynn and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Schulte from the Pentagon on the National Security Space Strategy DoD 04 Feb 2001 -- Presenter: Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy Gregory Schulte
- DOD Announces the National Security Space Strategy DoD 04 Feb 2011
- National Space Security Strategy Unclassified Summary January 2011 -- "Consistent with the guidance provided by the President in the National Space Policy, DoD and the IC will implement the National Security Space Strategy by using it to inform future planning, programming, acquisition, operations, and analysis guidance." [PDF]
- Inhofe: Missile Defense Agency's Latest Failure Office of James M. Inhofe 15 Dec 2010 -- Evidence That New START is Threat to U.S. Security.
- Missile Defense Test Conducted MDA 15 Dec 2010 -- The Missile Defense Agency was unable to achieve a planned intercept of a ballistic missile target during a test over the Pacific Ocean.
- The U.S. - India Partnership: the fact sheets The White House 08 Nov 2010
- National Space Policy of the United States of America 28 Jun 2010 -- "The United States hereby renews its pledge of cooperation in the belief that with strengthened international collaboration and reinvigorated U.S. leadership, all nations and peoples-space-faring and space-benefiting-will find their horizons broadened, their knowledge enhanced, and their lives greatly improved." [PDF]
- Fact Sheet: The National Space Policy, 06/28/10 The White House 28 Jun 2010 -- "The National Space Policy expresses the President’s direction for the Nation’s space activities. The policy articulates the President’s commitment to reinvigorating U.S. leadership in space for the purposes of maintaining space as a stable and productive environment for the peaceful use of all nations."
- Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on the President's National Space Policy Via Teleconference, 06/28/10 US Dept. of State 28 Jun 2010
- Statement by the President on the New National Space Policy, 06/28/10 The White House 28 Jun 2010
- Presidential Memoranda -- Task Force on Space Industry WorkForce and Economic Development The White House 04 May 2010
- Remarks by the President on Space Exploration in the 21st Century The White House 15 Apr 2010
- DOD News Briefing with David Altwegg on Fiscal Year 2011 Budget for Missile Defense Agency DOD 01 Feb 2010 -- Presenter: Executive Director, Missile Defense Agency David Altwegg
- Seeking A Human Spaceflight Program Worthy Of A Great Nation - Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee aka Augustine Committee 22 Oct 2009
- Transcript: DoD News Briefing with Secrretary Gates and Gen. Cartwright from the Pentagon DoD 17 Sep 2009 -- Presenter: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. James Cartwright
- Fact Sheet on U.S. Missile Defense Policy The White House 17 Sep 2009
- Remarks by the President on Strengthening Missile Defense in Europe The White House 17 Sep 2009
- MEMORANDUM FOR THE FILES - Re: Status of Certain OLC Opinions Issued in the Aftermath of the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 15 Jan 2009 -- The purpose of this memorandum is to confirm that certain propositions stated in several opinions issued by the Office of Legal Counsel in 2001-2003 respecting the allocation of authorities between the President and Congress in matters of war and national security do not reflect the current views of this Office. We have previously withdrawn or superseded a number of opinions that depended upon one or more of these propositions. For reasons discussed herein, today we explain why these propositions are not consistent with the current views of OLC, and we advise that caution should be exercised before relying in other respects on the remaining opinions identified below [PDF Version]
- MEMORANDUM FOR JOHN BELLINGER, III, SENIOR ASSOCIATE COUNSEL TO THE PRESIDENT AND LEGAL ADVISER TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL - RE: Authority of the President to Suspend Certain Provisions of the ABM Treaty November 15, 2001, Released March 2, 2009 [PDF Version 6.67MB]
- ICAO Official Advised of DPRK Plans for Rocket Launch ICAO 12 Mar 2009
- Information on the Launch of an Experimental Communications Satellite 'Kwangmyongsong No.2' IMO 12 Mar 2009
- FY10 Budget Request: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Summary Office of Management and Budget Documentation 26 Jan 2009
- Remarks by Senator Kyl at The Heritage Foundation: China's ASAT Test and American National Security Senator Kyl 29 Jan 2007
- U.S. National Space Policy Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President, The White House 31 Aug. 2006, released 06 Oct 2006 -- "The President authorized a new national space policy on August 31, 2006 that establishes overarching national policy that governs the conduct of U.S. space activities. This policy supersedes Presidential Decision Directive/NSC-49/NSTC-8, National Space Policy, dated September 14, 1996." [PDF Version]
- Final Report of the Return to Flight Task Group: Annex A.2 Return to Flight Task Group July 2005 - Observations by Dr. Dan L. Crippen, Dr. Charles C. Daniel, Dr. Amy K. Donahue, Col. Susan J. Helms, Ms. Susan Morrisey Livingstone, Dr. Rosemary O'Leary, and Mr. William Wegner -- "We agree that the improvements to the Space Shuttle and its organization are real, and often significant. (...) At the same time, we believe that the leadership and management climate that governed NASA’s return-to-flight effort was weak in some important ways that bear discussion. While we explicitly address the Space Shuttle return-to-flight effort, we believe these organizational and behavioral concerns are still pervasive throughout the human spaceflight programs."
- Final Report of the Return to Flight Task Group - Executive Summary June 28, 2005 Return to Flight Task Group - Of the 29 recommendations issued by the CAIB, 15 were deemed critical enough that the accident board believed they should be implemented prior to returning the Space Shuttle fleet to flight. Some of these recommendations were relatively easy, most were straightforward, a few bordered on the impossible, and others have been largely overcome by events, especially with the decision by the President to retire the Space Shuttle by 2010. NASA has fully met the intent of the CAIB for 12 of these recommendations. The remaining three recommendations were so challenging that NASA could not completely comply with the intent of the CAIB.
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Consolidation of Nuclear Operations Related to Production of Radioisotope Power Systems, DOE/EIS-0373D, 27 June 2005
- Defense Acquisitions: Incentives and Pressures That Drive Problems Affecting Satellite and Related Acquisitions June 23, 2005
- A Journey to Inspire, Innovate, and Discover The President's Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy Jun 2004 -- "On January 14, 2004, President George W. Bush announced a new vision for America's civil space program that calls for human and robotic missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. This vision set forth goals of: returning the Space Shuttle safely to flight; completing the International Space Station (ISS); phasing out the Space Shuttle when the ISS is complete (about 2010); sending a robotic orbiter and lander to the Moon; sending a human expedition to the Moon as early as 2015, but no later than 2020; conducting robotic missions to Mars in preparation for a future human expedition; and conducting robotic exploration across the solar system." [PDF 2.17 Mb]
- Missile Defense: Actions Are Needed to Enhance Testing and Accountability. (GAO-04-409) April 23, 2004 [PDF 6.52Mb]
- An Informed Guess About Why Patriot Fired Upon Friendly Aircraft and Saw Numerous False Missile Targets During Operation Iraqi Freedom + Appendices 1-2 By Theodore A. Postol Professor of Science, Technology, and National Security Policy Security Studies Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 20 Apr 2004 [PDF 3.1 Mb]
- Appendices 3-4 By Theodore A. Postol Professor of Science, Technology, and National Security Policy Security Studies Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 20 Apr 2004 [PDF 2.72 Mb]
- Transcript: President Bush Announces New Vision for Space Exploration Program White House 14 Jan 2004 -- "America is proud of our space program. The risk takers and visionaries of this agency have expanded human knowledge, have revolutionized our understanding of the universe, and produced technological advances that have benefited all of humanity. (...) Today I announce a new plan to explore space and extend a human presence across our solar system. We will begin the effort quickly, using existing programs and personnel. We'll make steady progress -- one mission, one voyage, one landing at a time."
- A Renewed Spirit of Discovery The White House 14 Jan 2004 -- "The fundamental goal of this vision is to advance U.S. scientific, security, and economic interests through a robust space exploration program. In support of this goal, the United States will: Implement a sustained and affordable human and robotic program to explore the solar system and beyond; Extend human presence across the solar system, starting with a human return to the Moon by the year 2020, in preparation for human exploration of Mars and other destinations; Develop the innovative technologies, knowledge, and infrastructures both to explore and to support decisions about the destinations for human exploration; and Promote international and commercial participation in exploration to further U.S. scientific, security, and economic interests."
- President Bush Announces New Vision for Space Exploration Program White House 14 Jan 2004 -- Fact Sheet: A Renewed Spirit of Discovery
- WHITE PAPER: Space: a new European frontier for an expanding Union An action plan for implementing the European Space policy European Commission 11 November 2003 -- "Europe needs an extended space policy, driven by demand, able to exploit the special benefits space technologies can deliver in support of the Union's policies and objectives: faster economic growth, job creation and industrial competitiveness, enlargement and cohesion, sustainable development and security and defence. (...) If Europe does not adopt the proposed approach to space policy, it will decline as a space power because of an inability to develop new technologies and sustain applications with serious consequent damage to its overall competitiveness." [PDF Version 881 Kb]
- White Paper Slide-Presentation European Commission 11 November 2003 [PDF 1.18 Mb]
- The Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report - Volume 2 Columbia Accident Investigation Board October 28, 2003
- NASA's Implementation Plan for Return to Flight and Beyond September 2003 - NASA's blueprint for acting on the recommendations from the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) and safely returning to flight is an initial outline to help guide the Space Shuttle Program. The CAIB issued 29 recommendations; the plan addresses every one of them. In addition, the plan reflects that NASA has been working since March on other Return to Flight issues identified early on by the Shuttle Program. Other portions of the plan represent corrective measures above and beyond any CAIB recommendations.
- Acquisition of National Security Space Programs Report of the Defense Science Board / Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Joint Task Force on Acquisition of National Security Space Programs May 2003 [released 04 September 2003] - Over the course of this study, the members of this team discerned profound insights into systemic problems in space acquisition. Their findings and conclusions succinctly identified requirements definition and control issues; unhealthy cost bias in proposal evaluation; widespread lack of budget reserves required to implement high risk programs on schedule; and an overall underappreciation of the importance of appropriately staffed and trained system engineering staffs to manage the technologically demanding and unique aspects of space programs. This task force unanimously recommends both near term solutions to serious problems on critical space programs as well as long-term recovery from systemic problems. The task force found the FIA program under contract at the time of the review to be significantly underfunded and technically flawed. The task force believes this FIA program is not executable.
- The Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report - Volume 1 Columbia Accident Investigation Board August 26, 2003 -- The Columbia Accident Investigation Board today presented its final report on the causes of the Feb. 1, 2003 Space Shuttle accident to the White House, Congress and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
- FALCON - Force Application and Launch from CONUS Technology Demonstration PHASE I DRAFT SOLICITATION 03-XX Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA/TTO - DRAFT Rev 1, 6/17/2003
- Lockheed Martin Lawsuit Against the Boeing Company June 10, 2003 - Lockheed Martin Corporation filed a lawsuit against The Boeing Company and three of Boeing's former employees. The 23-count complaint alleges that Boeing and its employees committed violations of Federal and Florida law resulting from their solicitation, acquisition, and use of Lockheed Martin proprietary information during the competition for launch contract awards under the US Air Force's Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program.
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