
Charge and criteria

Charge to the Director Search Committee – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

The Fermi Research Alliance, LLC Board of Directors ("Board") and FRA charge the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Director Search Committee ("Committee") with the role of engaging in a comprehensive search for a distinguished scientist and leader to serve as Fermilab's next Director. The Director, in partnership with the Department of Energy, and working closely with FRA and the Board, is responsible for leading and managing the Laboratory's scientific programs and operational support systems, and for fostering and developing relationships with Fermilab's global stakeholders and partners, and in particular, the broader high energy physics community.

The new Director will lead the execution of the programmatic vision for Fermilab, including responsibility for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), an international flagship experiment to unlock the mysteries of neutrinos. Under the direction of the Director, Fermilab will continue to serve as the host laboratory for DUNE, in partnership with funding agencies and more than 1000 scientists from across the world. These stakeholders contribute expertise and components, which provide economic benefits to each of the partner institutions and countries. The Director will also ensure the successful development of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) project, which is connected to the DUNE experiment and is currently under construction at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota.

The Director will build and maintain strong support for all Fermilab's associated projects and programs from the global scientific community and secure the resources to execute this vision from the Department of Energy and other sponsors. Because of the scale and breadth of the Fermilab programs, the Director is expected to cultivate the international participation and resources that will play an increasingly critical role in the future of the Laboratory. The Director will also seek to expand Fermilab's research portfolio into new areas that will build on the Laboratory's scientific and technical capabilities. The Director will be accountable for fostering a positive organizational culture that is conducive to ground-breaking research and development, drives execution, attracts and retains an outstanding and diverse workforce, and delivers results.


The ideal candidate will be exceptional in six primary categories:

  • The candidate must have a record of visionary leadership, strategic thinking and planning, project management and leadership experience and accomplishments, particularly in a DOE National Laboratory or other complex research setting;

  • The candidate must be internationally recognized for scientific excellence through a demonstrated track record of scientific achievement, international collaboration and strong credentials, and must have the skills and attributes to represent and serve as the voice of the global High Energy Physics field;

  • The candidate must have a strong working knowledge of DOE missions, priorities, organizations and programs;

  • The candidate must have significant project management and administrative experience to demonstrate the ability to lead a large, complex organization with multiple stakeholders with the appropriate oversight of operations, leadership of people and management of budgets;

  • The candidate must possess the skills necessary to communicate directly and effectively with multiple constituencies, including the Department of Energy, other appropriate federal, state and global funding agencies, business and industry, university and research groups, the media, elected officials and their staffs in Washington, D.C., the States of Illinois and South Dakota, and the Midwest region. Importantly, the candidate will also have the skills to cultivate vibrant and productive collaborations with Fermilab's multiple international partners.

  • The candidate must also have a strong understanding of the significance of diversity, equity and inclusion and a record of accomplishment in DEI-related activities.

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