**--** Please do not leave--messages for edits on my the page, please use the Suggest a correction/Edit. This will provide an exact link to the memorial in question
*I also do not do links or edits that can be done via the edit function - that are emailed to me.
*If you want to link spouses/parents, or add a DOB or DOD or a maiden name, then submit it as such.
*Please use the Suggest Edit- Other for transfer requests.
* I do not accept subtraction DOB's
**Click on Memorial photo to READ THE CAPTION If I posted a picture for a photo request, Please check the Caption on the photograph for more information. **Don't you ever turn a photo over to see if anything is written on the back?
--DO Please Read the Cemetery Main Page. Maybe they have an online burial search.
*Please do not post Death Cert to memorial that I manage. I will going through and taking down the ones that I have posted.
*****Please do not attached SSDI Info as Photos*****
*I do not mind you posting a picture of an "old" Obituary (anything prior to 1970)
**I do not link to burial unknowns
*I Really try hard not to include the names of the Living in the Bio per the f/g guidelines.
*If you send me an edit to add info to the bio, odds are really good that I will include your name and F/G#, siting my source, let others know where I got the info.
*If you request a Photo- request all in the lot it is SO MUCH easier for the photographer.
I am blunt and to the point. I am apparently not a people person.
I will not add cut and paste Obituary's to anyone's page, see the Find a Graves rules. Be original. But I will posted the Newspaper, Date and page location. Nor will I add surviving family, per FaG guidelines. Especially those that 'new' basically anything in the last 30 years.
I am still new to the whole genealogy thing. I have only been doing for about 20+ years. I am hoping that my children will continue the search.
If you want one of my photos - for Personal use ONLY, that is fine, but I Do Want Credit. - Site the Source.
Thank you.
Just another twig in the tree.
Helpful Missouri Websites:
Somehow all my html links have deleted Again... so if you want them you have to copy and paste them, or you can just google for them.
. . .
That are Free!
Missouri Death Cert Advance search 1910-1974
St. Louis Genealogical Society
St. Louis County Library Genealogy Dept
St. Louis Archdiocese Burial Search
St. Louis Public Library Obit search for Select Years (1880-1930, 1942-1945, 1960-1970, and 1992-8/2020.)
Illinois Death Cert Index 1916-1972
and more Bellefontaine Cemetery
St. Peter's Cemetery Burial Search (not working right now)
St Louis Archdiocese website was "updated" Mar 14, 2022 The search function - The name search is exact spelling Some improvements have been done.
(Try searching just a letter or 2 in Find a grave with a death year- to find the spelling)
A 'new' search will hopefully be coming in 2025
Burial dates of Jan 1, 1700 means they were reinterred at some point or they are not sure of the exact burial date
If your loved ones in not in the database and you are SURE they are buried there, and/or the memorial was created by TVFTH, Sharon, Kathie, Katie, Susan or Momstore--- Call the office, 314-792-7738. There is a good possibility that, they were moved from one lot to another, they have been removed from the online display (computer glitch). They are STILL in the system, just not displayed. They (the office) can easily fix it, just bring it to their attention.
General Calvary Map
St. Louis Archdiocese Burial Search
Myself and several others, including Sharon, do most of the Photo requests for the St. Louis Calvary Cemetery. We share a google document to do this. We will typically look at every request. Which means - we will check to see if is duplicate, see if they are really buried there (see the archdiocese website) and then enter it onto the spreadsheet. Which is sorted usually by sections. It is a Very large cemetery (470 Acres 450,000+ burials, and 27 miles of roads), so we do sometime wait until there are more than one request in that section.
Most, but not all, have already been added into Find a grave by TVFTH, Katie, Sharon, Tom or myself. BTW, they (not us, the ones that created the online database) are terrible spellers/ transcribers, so be creative. For the most part they are/were added originally, according to how the Archdioceses spelled their name. Death dates that are just Month and year are based off of the persons burial date.--
Sections 5 & 16, and all their lots, do not have maps, so those have to be walked, but they were VERY sparsely marked. And none of us like them because so few are marked, so it actually makes it very difficult.
-Section 10 is done, there are only maybe 20 stones. ---Section 37 are re-internments from Washington Park Cemetery, so all there "death" dates are actually there re-interment dates if they are in the 1990s, as we get photo request we adjust their death dates to their true death dates.
Interment numbers don't mean anything. They were added with a computer update, and they are working on another one, which could change those numbers. The original records don't use them, they are in date/alphabetical order.
Then we each have our favorite sections to do. If you have any questions about St Louis Calvary I will be happy to try to answer it. If I don't know, I will try to find the answer for you.
Happy Hunting :)
**--** Please do not leave--messages for edits on my the page, please use the Suggest a correction/Edit. This will provide an exact link to the memorial in question
*I also do not do links or edits that can be done via the edit function - that are emailed to me.
*If you want to link spouses/parents, or add a DOB or DOD or a maiden name, then submit it as such.
*Please use the Suggest Edit- Other for transfer requests.
* I do not accept subtraction DOB's
**Click on Memorial photo to READ THE CAPTION If I posted a picture for a photo request, Please check the Caption on the photograph for more information. **Don't you ever turn a photo over to see if anything is written on the back?
--DO Please Read the Cemetery Main Page. Maybe they have an online burial search.
*Please do not post Death Cert to memorial that I manage. I will going through and taking down the ones that I have posted.
*****Please do not attached SSDI Info as Photos*****
*I do not mind you posting a picture of an "old" Obituary (anything prior to 1970)
**I do not link to burial unknowns
*I Really try hard not to include the names of the Living in the Bio per the f/g guidelines.
*If you send me an edit to add info to the bio, odds are really good that I will include your name and F/G#, siting my source, let others know where I got the info.
*If you request a Photo- request all in the lot it is SO MUCH easier for the photographer.
I am blunt and to the point. I am apparently not a people person.
I will not add cut and paste Obituary's to anyone's page, see the Find a Graves rules. Be original. But I will posted the Newspaper, Date and page location. Nor will I add surviving family, per FaG guidelines. Especially those that 'new' basically anything in the last 30 years.
I am still new to the whole genealogy thing. I have only been doing for about 20+ years. I am hoping that my children will continue the search.
If you want one of my photos - for Personal use ONLY, that is fine, but I Do Want Credit. - Site the Source.
Thank you.
Just another twig in the tree.
Helpful Missouri Websites:
Somehow all my html links have deleted Again... so if you want them you have to copy and paste them, or you can just google for them.
. . .
That are Free!
Missouri Death Cert Advance search 1910-1974
St. Louis Genealogical Society
St. Louis County Library Genealogy Dept
St. Louis Archdiocese Burial Search
St. Louis Public Library Obit search for Select Years (1880-1930, 1942-1945, 1960-1970, and 1992-8/2020.)
Illinois Death Cert Index 1916-1972
and more Bellefontaine Cemetery
St. Peter's Cemetery Burial Search (not working right now)
St Louis Archdiocese website was "updated" Mar 14, 2022 The search function - The name search is exact spelling Some improvements have been done.
(Try searching just a letter or 2 in Find a grave with a death year- to find the spelling)
A 'new' search will hopefully be coming in 2025
Burial dates of Jan 1, 1700 means they were reinterred at some point or they are not sure of the exact burial date
If your loved ones in not in the database and you are SURE they are buried there, and/or the memorial was created by TVFTH, Sharon, Kathie, Katie, Susan or Momstore--- Call the office, 314-792-7738. There is a good possibility that, they were moved from one lot to another, they have been removed from the online display (computer glitch). They are STILL in the system, just not displayed. They (the office) can easily fix it, just bring it to their attention.
General Calvary Map
St. Louis Archdiocese Burial Search
Myself and several others, including Sharon, do most of the Photo requests for the St. Louis Calvary Cemetery. We share a google document to do this. We will typically look at every request. Which means - we will check to see if is duplicate, see if they are really buried there (see the archdiocese website) and then enter it onto the spreadsheet. Which is sorted usually by sections. It is a Very large cemetery (470 Acres 450,000+ burials, and 27 miles of roads), so we do sometime wait until there are more than one request in that section.
Most, but not all, have already been added into Find a grave by TVFTH, Katie, Sharon, Tom or myself. BTW, they (not us, the ones that created the online database) are terrible spellers/ transcribers, so be creative. For the most part they are/were added originally, according to how the Archdioceses spelled their name. Death dates that are just Month and year are based off of the persons burial date.--
Sections 5 & 16, and all their lots, do not have maps, so those have to be walked, but they were VERY sparsely marked. And none of us like them because so few are marked, so it actually makes it very difficult.
-Section 10 is done, there are only maybe 20 stones. ---Section 37 are re-internments from Washington Park Cemetery, so all there "death" dates are actually there re-interment dates if they are in the 1990s, as we get photo request we adjust their death dates to their true death dates.
Interment numbers don't mean anything. They were added with a computer update, and they are working on another one, which could change those numbers. The original records don't use them, they are in date/alphabetical order.
Then we each have our favorite sections to do. If you have any questions about St Louis Calvary I will be happy to try to answer it. If I don't know, I will try to find the answer for you.
Happy Hunting :)
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