
Thomas Dean

Photo added by Duane Edward Cuthrell

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Thomas Dean

6 May 1906 (aged 76)
Rudd, Floyd County, Iowa, USA Add to Map
Memorial ID
7829984 View Source

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Thomas was the son of Ira & Charlotte (Hersey) Dean,

He married Welthy Witter on December 4, 1851 in Boone County, Illinois.

They had 8 Children:

Elvira Codelia Dean 1852-1875
Sara Augusta Dean 1855-1941
Dexter Witter Dean 1856-1943
Mary Etta Dean 1859-1921
Elmer Elsworth Dean 1862-1930
Daniel Thomas Dean 1865-1946
Alta Nora Dean 1873-1952
Bernie Loren Dean 1876-1880

Charles City, IA Paper May 7 or 8th, 1906


Thomas Dean was born in Maine November 9, 1829 and died at his home one mile north of Rudd, Sunday, May 6th, 1906. He moved with his parents to Illinois when twelve years old and in 1851 he was united in marriage to Miss Wealthy Witter. To this union was born eight children, two having passed before. In 1881 Mr. Dean moved from Illinois to Rudd where he has since resided.

He was a kind husband and father and an excellent neighbor and besides the wife, six children, twenty-nine grand-children and eight great grandchilden. He leaves a host of warm friends to mourn his loss. The funeral was held from the M. E. church Tuesday afternoon and interment in Rudd Cemetery.
Thomas was the son of Ira & Charlotte (Hersey) Dean,

He married Welthy Witter on December 4, 1851 in Boone County, Illinois.

They had 8 Children:

Elvira Codelia Dean 1852-1875
Sara Augusta Dean 1855-1941
Dexter Witter Dean 1856-1943
Mary Etta Dean 1859-1921
Elmer Elsworth Dean 1862-1930
Daniel Thomas Dean 1865-1946
Alta Nora Dean 1873-1952
Bernie Loren Dean 1876-1880

Charles City, IA Paper May 7 or 8th, 1906


Thomas Dean was born in Maine November 9, 1829 and died at his home one mile north of Rudd, Sunday, May 6th, 1906. He moved with his parents to Illinois when twelve years old and in 1851 he was united in marriage to Miss Wealthy Witter. To this union was born eight children, two having passed before. In 1881 Mr. Dean moved from Illinois to Rudd where he has since resided.

He was a kind husband and father and an excellent neighbor and besides the wife, six children, twenty-nine grand-children and eight great grandchilden. He leaves a host of warm friends to mourn his loss. The funeral was held from the M. E. church Tuesday afternoon and interment in Rudd Cemetery.

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