
John Moore

Photo added by Chris Tonn

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John Moore Veteran

8 Jan 1928 (aged 89–90)
Chickasaw, Chickasaw County, Iowa, USA
Charles City, Floyd County, Iowa, USA Add to Map
Range 26-S, Row 02, Section 004, Space 6 Interred on 2/10/1928
Memorial ID
70904057 View Source

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**This grave is located in the Ranges 25-33 block (S)**

Moore, John

Mr. John Moore, an old resident of this city, passed away at 7:00 o'clock this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Ryan Lesher in Chickasaw.
Deceased had been in failing health for some time due to the infirmities of his advanced years as he was in the eighties and was a veteran of the Civil War. He had made his home with his daughter for a number of years.
No arrangements have been made for the funeral which will be in charge of Lindaman Brothers.

Newspaper clipping from the Floyd County Museum.

John Moore enlisted as a Private in the Third Independent Battery, Wisconsin Volunteer Light Artillery on September 2, 1861 for three years. This unit served in the Army of the Ohio and the Army of the Cumberland in the Western Theater of the Civil War and saw service in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. The battery was armed with two 12pdr howitzers and four 10pdr Parrott rifled guns. PVT Moore was with his battery in the advance on Shiloh, TN (unit not present at battle); the advance on and "siege" of Corinth, MS; Buell's operations toward Chattanooga, TN; the Kentucky Campaign (present but not engaged in the Battle of Perryville); the Battle of Stones River, TN (heavily engaged); the Tullahoma Campaign, TN; and the Battle of Chickamauga, GA. On September 20, 1863 at Chickamauga, the 3rd Wisconsin Battery was in the path of Longstreet's assault, losing 5 guns and taking 26 casualties. The survivors retired with the rest of the Army of the Cumberland into Chattanooga. Having sustained such damage, the 3rd Wisconsin Battery was never reorganized as a full battery but was subsequently used for garrison duties and detached services, including duties at Fort Negley in Chattanooga and Lunette Palmer of Fortress Rosecrans in Murfreesboro, TN. PVT Moore mustered out of the battery upon completion of his three year enlistment at Chattanooga, TN, on Oct 10, 1864. He was living in Charles City, Iowa before 1889 and, per pension records, died there on Feb 8, 1928. My ancestor, PVT Lewis Massuere, served with PVT Moore in the 3rd Wisconsin Battery.
- Louis Mosier
**This grave is located in the Ranges 25-33 block (S)**

Moore, John

Mr. John Moore, an old resident of this city, passed away at 7:00 o'clock this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Ryan Lesher in Chickasaw.
Deceased had been in failing health for some time due to the infirmities of his advanced years as he was in the eighties and was a veteran of the Civil War. He had made his home with his daughter for a number of years.
No arrangements have been made for the funeral which will be in charge of Lindaman Brothers.

Newspaper clipping from the Floyd County Museum.

John Moore enlisted as a Private in the Third Independent Battery, Wisconsin Volunteer Light Artillery on September 2, 1861 for three years. This unit served in the Army of the Ohio and the Army of the Cumberland in the Western Theater of the Civil War and saw service in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. The battery was armed with two 12pdr howitzers and four 10pdr Parrott rifled guns. PVT Moore was with his battery in the advance on Shiloh, TN (unit not present at battle); the advance on and "siege" of Corinth, MS; Buell's operations toward Chattanooga, TN; the Kentucky Campaign (present but not engaged in the Battle of Perryville); the Battle of Stones River, TN (heavily engaged); the Tullahoma Campaign, TN; and the Battle of Chickamauga, GA. On September 20, 1863 at Chickamauga, the 3rd Wisconsin Battery was in the path of Longstreet's assault, losing 5 guns and taking 26 casualties. The survivors retired with the rest of the Army of the Cumberland into Chattanooga. Having sustained such damage, the 3rd Wisconsin Battery was never reorganized as a full battery but was subsequently used for garrison duties and detached services, including duties at Fort Negley in Chattanooga and Lunette Palmer of Fortress Rosecrans in Murfreesboro, TN. PVT Moore mustered out of the battery upon completion of his three year enlistment at Chattanooga, TN, on Oct 10, 1864. He was living in Charles City, Iowa before 1889 and, per pension records, died there on Feb 8, 1928. My ancestor, PVT Lewis Massuere, served with PVT Moore in the 3rd Wisconsin Battery.
- Louis Mosier

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