Suite à la mise en œuvre du règlement sur la transparence et aux changements qui en découlent dans nos systèmes informatiques, les consultations publiques sont désormais publiées sur notre nouvelle plateforme Connect, qui offre des fonctionnalités plus évoluées.
Want to contribute to European food safety? This toolkit will guide you through EFSA's Public Consultations - open to everyone and designed for your active participation
Download the toolkit (PDF)You can provide input on the following types of public consultations:
Applications related to market authorisations
- on the list of intended studies and their design for application renewal
- on the final non-confidential version of a validated application dossier
- on the draft renewal assessment report (RAR) / draft assessment report (DAR) for pesticide active substances prepared by the Rapporteur Member States, including on the endocrine disruption assessment
Generic risk assessments
- on the draft assessment protocol of a mandate
- on a draft scientific output before adoption
- to collect input on the framing of an assessment question
You can find all our public consultations and submit your input on our Connect.EFSA platform. Once a consultation closes, all the comments are automatically made publicly available on our OpenEFSA platform.