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Bridge Statistics for Dallas, Texas (TX)
Condition, Traffic, Stress, Structural Evaluation, Project Costs

(追記) (追記ここまで)
  • National Bridge Inventory (NBI) Statistics
  • 2,372Number of bridges
  • 74,308ft / 22,649mTotal length
  • 29,083,000ドルTotal costs
  • 93,461,015Total average daily traffic
  • 7,452,860Total average daily truck traffic
  • National Bridge Inventory (NBI) Registered Bridges for Dallas
  • No street view available for this location
(追記) (追記ここまで)

New bridges in Dallas, TX - historical statistics New bridges in Dallas, TX - historical statistics
  • New bridges - historical statistics
  • 11900-1909
  • 51910-1919
  • 61920-1929
  • 491930-1939
  • 341940-1949
  • 2001950-1959
  • 5121960-1969
  • 5121970-1979
  • 2021980-1989
  • 2111990-1999
  • 2062000-2009
  • 3592010-2019
  • 752020-2024
Reconstructed bridges in Dallas, TX - Historical Statistics Reconstructed bridges in Dallas, TX - Historical Statistics
  • Reconstructed bridges - Historical Statistics
  • 21920-1929
  • 01930-1939
  • 11940-1949
  • 131950-1959
  • 331960-1969
  • 481970-1979
  • 341980-1989
  • 221990-1999
  • 182000-2009
  • 112010-2019
Average Bridge Daily Traffic in Dallas, TX Average Bridge Daily Traffic in Dallas, TX
Average Bridge Truck Traffic in Dallas, TX Average Bridge Truck Traffic in Dallas, TX
Bridge Condition - Deck Bridge Condition - Deck
  • Bridge Condition - Deck
  • 3.1%Very good
  • 55.9%Good
  • 31.2%Satisfactory
  • 9.1%Fair
  • 0.7%Poor
Bridge Condition - Superstructure Bridge Condition - Superstructure
  • Bridge Condition - Superstructure
  • 15.0%Excellent
  • 48.0%Very good
  • 31.7%Good
  • 5.0%Satisfactory
  • 0.3%Fair
  • 0.2%Poor
Bridge Condition - Substructure Bridge Condition - Substructure
  • Bridge Condition - Substructure
  • 4.5%Very good
  • 42.0%Good
  • 44.3%Satisfactory
  • 8.5%Fair
  • 0.6%Poor
Bridge Condition - Channel Bridge Condition - Channel
  • Bridge Condition - Channel
  • 4.0%Very good
  • 35.3%Good
  • 43.3%Satisfactory
  • 15.6%Fair
  • 1.8%Poor
Bridge Condition - Culverts Bridge Condition - Culverts
  • Bridge Condition - Culverts
  • 36.5%Very good
  • 56.5%Good
  • 6.4%Satisfactory
  • 0.6%Fair
  • 0.3%Poor

Structure Number: 180430045103019, Location: 2.70 MI S OF SH 78 (Lat: 32.985214, Lng: -96.466794), Route carried "on" structure: State highway 205, Year Built: 1999, Status: Open, Structure Length: 9.14m (29.99ft), Average Daily Traffic: 15,654 (year 2020), Truck Traffic: 3%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 20,837 (year 2040), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: CAMP CREEK
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 4.305, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: State Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 13.4m (44.0ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 5, Length of Maximum Span: 18.3m (60.0ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 16.9m (55.4ft), Out-to-Out Width: 17.7m (58.1ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Superior to present desirable criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Superior to present desirable criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: October 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 18043004510302, Location: 2.90 MI S OF SH 78 (Lat: 32.982589, Lng: -96.466808), Route carried "on" structure: State highway 205, Year Built: 1999, Status: Open, Structure Length: 3.81m (12.50ft), Average Daily Traffic: 15,654 (year 2020), Truck Traffic: 3%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 20,037 (year 2040), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: THOMPSON BRANCH
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 4.596, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: State Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 13.4m (44.0ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 13.7m (44.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 16.9m (55.4ft), Out-to-Out Width: 17.7m (58.1ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Channel: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Superior to present desirable criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Superior to present desirable criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: October 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405026, Location: DNT & SH 190 (Lat: 33.012686, Lng: -96.828250), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 17.74m (58.20ft), Average Daily Traffic: 19,600 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 52,600 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 5.97m (19.59ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.983, Lanes on structure: 4, Lanes under structure: 12, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 20.4m (66.9ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 6, Number Of Approach Spans: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 26.8m (87.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 20.4m (66.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 21.3m (69.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Satisfactory, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Somewhat better than minimum adequacy, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405027, Location: DNT @ SH 190 (Lat: 33.012817, Lng: -96.828244), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 17.74m (58.20ft), Average Daily Traffic: 19,600 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 52,600 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 6.02m (19.75ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.983, Lanes on structure: 4, Lanes under structure: 12, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 20.4m (66.9ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 6, Number Of Approach Spans: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 26.5m (86.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 20.4m (66.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 21.3m (69.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Meets minimum limits, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405028, Location: DNT @ SH 190 (Lat: 33.012011, Lng: -96.827664), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 17.22m (56.50ft), Average Daily Traffic: 15,200 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 21,500 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DALLAS N TOLLWAY NB FR
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.822, Lanes on structure: 1, Lanes under structure: 2, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 8.5m (27.9ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 5, Number Of Approach Spans: 1, Length of Maximum Span: 36.3m (119.1ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 8.5m (27.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Very good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405029, Location: SH 190 @ DNT (Lat: 33.014033, Lng: -96.829522), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 68.64m (225.20ft), Average Daily Traffic: 5,000 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 14,900 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DNT @ SH 190
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.822, Lanes on structure: 1, Lanes under structure: 17, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Material/Design: Steel continuous, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 4, Number Of Approach Spans: 17, Length of Maximum Span: 51.8m (169.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 8.5m (27.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Underclear: Meets minimum limits, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 18043029640503, Location: SH 190 @ DNT (Lat: 33.014344, Lng: -96.829689), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 18.04m (59.19ft), Average Daily Traffic: 500 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 29,500 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DNT SB FR
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.822, Lanes on structure: 1, Lanes under structure: 3, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Material/Design: Steel continuous, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 1, Number Of Approach Spans: 5, Length of Maximum Span: 42.7m (140.1ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 8.5m (27.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Meets minimum limits, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Better than present minimum criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405031, Location: SH 190 @ DNT (Lat: 33.011386, Lng: -96.828825), Route carried "on" structure: Other road , Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 36.97m (121.29ft), Average Daily Traffic: 7,600 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 10,750 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DNT @ SH 190, Facility Carried by Structure: SH 190 CONN D
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 5.94m (19.49ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.822, Lanes on structure: 1, Lanes under structure: 12, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Material/Design: Steel continuous, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 2, Number Of Approach Spans: 9, Length of Maximum Span: 50.0m (164.0ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 8.5m (27.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Underclear: Meets minimum limits, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405032, Location: SH 190 @ DNT (Lat: 33.012122, Lng: -96.831075), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 20.67m (67.81ft), Average Daily Traffic: 500 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 14,900 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DNT SB FR
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.822, Lanes on structure: 1, Lanes under structure: 2, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 6, Number Of Approach Spans: 1, Length of Maximum Span: 36.6m (120.1ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 8.5m (27.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Very good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Meets minimum limits, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405033, Location: SH 190 @ DNT ROAD (Lat: 33.012261, Lng: -96.830983), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 77.69m (254.89ft), Average Daily Traffic: 250 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 14,900 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DALLAS N TOLL PLANO PKY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.822, Lanes on structure: 1, Lanes under structure: 13, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Material/Design: Steel continuous, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 4, Number Of Approach Spans: 20, Length of Maximum Span: 50.6m (166.0ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 8.5m (27.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Somewhat better than minimum adequacy, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405034, Location: SH 190 @ DNT (Lat: 33.013178, Lng: -96.827569), Route carried "on" structure: Other road , Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 61.81m (202.79ft), Average Daily Traffic: 9,100 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 10,900 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DALLAS N TOLL CONN B D, Facility Carried by Structure: SH 190 CONN I
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.822, Lanes on structure: 1, Lanes under structure: 20, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Material/Design: Steel continuous, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 4, Number Of Approach Spans: 15, Length of Maximum Span: 48.5m (159.1ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 8.5m (27.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Satisfactory, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405035, Location: SH 190 @ DNT (Lat: 33.013344, Lng: -96.827514), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 18.47m (60.60ft), Average Daily Traffic: 9,100 (year 2015), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 10,900 (year 2032), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DALLAS N TOLLWAY NB FR
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 3.822, Lanes on structure: 1, Lanes under structure: 3, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Material/Design: Steel continuous, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 1, Number Of Approach Spans: 5, Length of Maximum Span: 42.7m (140.1ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.6m (24.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 8.5m (27.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405048, Location: 0.02 MI E OF OHIO DR (Lat: 33.006497, Lng: -96.783075), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1999, Status: Open, Structure Length: 0.82m (2.69ft), Average Daily Traffic: 136,452 (year 2022), Truck Traffic: 6%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 191,033 (year 2042), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: DRAINAGE DITCH (C2)
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 8.328, Lanes on structure: 4, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 14.6m (47.9ft), Skew: 24 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 2.7m (8.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 83.2m (273.0ft)

Condition: Channel: Satisfactory, Culverts: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Load Factor (LF), Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Load Factor (LF), Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023

Structure Number: 180430296405049, Location: 1.15 MI W OF SH 289 (Lat: 33.012714, Lng: -96.814539), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1999, Status: Open, Structure Length: 35.05m (114.99ft), Average Daily Traffic: 19,600 (year 2010), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 52,600 (year 2030), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: WHITE ROCK CR, Facility Carried by Structure: PGBT WB
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 5.110, Lanes on structure: 4, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 24.1m (79.1ft), Skew: 9 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 11, Length of Maximum Span: 35.1m (115.2ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 24.1m (79.1ft), Out-to-Out Width: 25.0m (82.0ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Superior to present desirable criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Superior to present desirable criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 18043029640505, Location: 1.15 MI W OF SH 289 (Lat: 33.012608, Lng: -96.814561), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1999, Status: Open, Structure Length: 35.05m (114.99ft), Average Daily Traffic: 19,600 (year 2010), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 52,600 (year 2030), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: WHITE ROCK CR, Facility Carried by Structure: PGBT EB
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 5.110, Lanes on structure: 5, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 28.0m (91.9ft), Skew: 9 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 11, Length of Maximum Span: 35.1m (115.2ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 28.0m (91.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 29.4m (96.5ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Superior to present desirable criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Superior to present desirable criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405053, Location: 0.75 MI SE OF SH 289 (Lat: 33.008883, Lng: -96.785203), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1998, Status: Open, Structure Length: 29.60m (97.11ft), Average Daily Traffic: 19,800 (year 2010), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 49,600 (year 2030), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: OHIO DR / MAPLESHADE LN, Facility Carried by Structure: PGBT EB
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 8.328, Lanes on structure: 4, Lanes under structure: 8, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 21.3m (69.9ft), Skew: 9 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 4, Number Of Approach Spans: 6, Length of Maximum Span: 38.1m (125.0ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 24.1m (79.1ft), Out-to-Out Width: 26.5m (86.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Superior to present desirable criteria, Underclear: Somewhat better than minimum adequacy, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: December 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 180430296405549, Location: SH 190 @ Coit Road (Lat: 32.999439, Lng: -96.768253), Route carried "on" structure: Other road 190, Year Built: 1999, Status: Open, Structure Length: 8.32m (27.30ft), Average Daily Traffic: 59,366 (year 2018), Truck Traffic: 5%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 83,223 (year 2038), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: COIT RD, Facility Carried by Structure: PGBT EB
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 10.099, Lanes on structure: 4, Lanes under structure: 9, Base Highway Network: Yes, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 20.4m (66.9ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 1, Number Of Approach Spans: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 35.1m (115.2ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 20.5m (67.3ft), Out-to-Out Width: 21.3m (69.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Equal to present minimum criteria, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: November 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309B6650001, Location: 0.10 MI E OF DALLAS TLWY (Lat: 32.992236, Lng: -96.826906), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1979, Status: Open, Structure Length: 3.14m (10.30ft), Average Daily Traffic: 3,890 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 5,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: WHITE ROCK CREEK TRIB, Facility Carried by Structure: BRIARGROVE LN
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 1.609, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 12.2m (40.0ft), Skew: 1 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 1, Number Of Approach Spans: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 12.5m (41.0ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.5m (4.9ft), Right: 1.5m (4.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 12.2m (40.0ft), Out-to-Out Width: 15.9m (52.2ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Equal to present minimum criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: May 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309C4970001, Location: 0.05 MI S OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 32.997108, Lng: -96.767697), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1973, Year Reconstructed: 2006, Status: Open, Structure Length: 1.62m (5.31ft), Average Daily Traffic: 48,000 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 90,470 (year 2031), Features Intersected: E FORK MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: COIT RD
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 2.437, Lanes on structure: 6, Owner: County Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 20.1m (65.9ft), Skew: 9 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 6, Length of Maximum Span: 2.1m (6.9ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.5m (4.9ft), Right: 1.5m (4.9ft)

Condition: Channel: Fair, Culverts: Fair, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Somewhat better than minimum adequacy, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: May 2023

Structure Number: 1804309D0470001, Location: 0.50 MI S OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 32.990581, Lng: -96.829394), Route carried "on" structure: Other road , Year Built: 1987, Status: Open, Structure Length: 7.56m (24.80ft), Average Daily Traffic: 25,900 (year 2011), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 31,800 (year 2031), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: TRINITY MILLS RD, Facility Carried by Structure: DALLAS N TOLLWAY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.338, Lanes on structure: 8, Lanes under structure: 7, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 29.3m (96.1ft), Skew: 30 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 25.9m (85.0ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 29.2m (95.8ft), Out-to-Out Width: 30.8m (101.0ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Satisfactory, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of corrective action, Underclear: Meets minimum limits, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309D0470002, Location: 0.40 MI S OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 33.094922, Lng: -96.811533), Route carried "on" structure: Other road , Year Built: 1987, Status: Open, Structure Length: 5.03m (16.50ft), Average Daily Traffic: 25,900 (year 2011), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 31,800 (year 2031), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: BRIARGROVE LN, Facility Carried by Structure: DALLAS N TOLLWAY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 1.336, Lanes on structure: 7, Lanes under structure: 4, Base Highway Network: Yes, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 29.0m (95.1ft), Skew: 20 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 18.3m (60.0ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 29.0m (95.1ft), Out-to-Out Width: 30.8m (101.0ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Meets minimum limits, Underclear: High priority of corrective action, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309D0470003, Location: 0.20 MI S OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 32.994175, Lng: -96.828908), Route carried "on" structure: Other road , Year Built: 1987, Status: Open, Structure Length: 1.86m (6.10ft), Average Daily Traffic: 25,900 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 31,800 (year 2031), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: WHITE ROCK CREEK TRIB, Facility Carried by Structure: DALLAS N TOLLWAY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.837, Lanes on structure: 16, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 49.4m (162.1ft), Skew: 34 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 4, Length of Maximum Span: 3.0m (9.8ft)

Condition: Channel: Satisfactory, Culverts: Good, Operating Rating: 39.9 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Load Factor (LF), Inventory Rating: 23.6 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Load Factor (LF), Structural Evaluation: Somewhat better than minimum adequacy, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: May 2023

Structure Number: 1804309D0470004, Location: 0.65 MI N OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 33.007044, Lng: -96.828981), Route carried "on" structure: Other road , Year Built: 1991, Status: Open, Structure Length: 5.27m (17.29ft), Average Daily Traffic: 30,000 (year 2011), Truck Traffic: 10%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 35,000 (year 2031), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: HAVERWOOD LN, Facility Carried by Structure: DALLAS N TOLLWAY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 2.237, Lanes on structure: 8, Lanes under structure: 4, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 35.7m (117.1ft), Skew: 30 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 1, Number Of Approach Spans: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 21.3m (69.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 35.8m (117.5ft), Out-to-Out Width: 37.2m (122.0ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Better than present minimum criteria, Underclear: Meets minimum limits, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: May 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309D0470011, Location: 0.40 MI N OF BRIARGROVE (Lat: 32.997906, Lng: -96.829178), Route carried "on" structure: Other road , Year Built: 1991, Status: Open, Structure Length: 8.20m (26.90ft), Average Daily Traffic: 25,900 (year 2011), Truck Traffic: 10%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 31,800 (year 2031), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: FRANKFORD RD, Facility Carried by Structure: DALLAS N TOLLWAY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 1.175, Lanes on structure: 8, Lanes under structure: 11, Toll: On toll road, Owner: Local Toll Authority, Approaching Roadway Width: 29.3m (96.1ft), Skew: 30 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 1, Number Of Approach Spans: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 34.4m (112.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 29.2m (95.8ft), Out-to-Out Width: 30.7m (100.7ft)

Condition: Deck: Very good, Superstructure: Very good, Substructure: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of corrective action, Underclear: Meets minimum limits, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: May 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309D0778001, Location: 0.10 MI W OF COIT RD (Lat: 32.994508, Lng: -96.769331), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1985, Status: Open, Structure Length: 0.94m (3.08ft), Average Daily Traffic: 1,927 (year 2014), Truck Traffic: 2%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 2,800 (year 2031), Features Intersected: EAST FORK MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: OSAGE PLAZA PKWY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.016, Lanes on structure: 5, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 13.4m (44.0ft), Skew: 20 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 3.0m (9.8ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.2m (3.9ft), Right: 1.2m (3.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 3.2m (10.5ft)

Condition: Channel: Satisfactory, Culverts: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023

Structure Number: 1804309D1680001, Location: 0.20 MI S OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 32.994531, Lng: -96.793611), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1995, Status: Open, Structure Length: 1.62m (5.31ft), Average Daily Traffic: 5,880 (year 2014), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 4,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: DAVENPORT RD
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.885, Lanes on structure: 4, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 14.6m (47.9ft), Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 7.6m (24.9ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 2.0m (6.6ft), Right: 2.0m (6.6ft)

Condition: Channel: Satisfactory, Culverts: Good, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023

Structure Number: 1804309D4280001, Location: 0.40 MI S OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 32.991886, Lng: -96.775214), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 2013, Status: Open, Structure Length: 1.92m (6.30ft), Average Daily Traffic: 1,650 (year 2019), Truck Traffic: 1%, Average Future Daily Traffic: 990 (year 2030), Design Load: HL 93, Features Intersected: EAST FORK MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: DICKERSON ST
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.805, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 10.4m (34.1ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Box Beam or Girders - Multiple, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 1, Length of Maximum Span: 19.2m (63.0ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 2.0m (6.6ft), Right: 2.3m (7.5ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 10.5m (34.4ft), Out-to-Out Width: 15.5m (50.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Very good, Substructure: Good, Channel: Good, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned ratings based on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned ratings based on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Equal to present minimum criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Superior to present desirable criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309F8100001, Location: 0.65 MI E OF PRESTON RD (Lat: 32.997822, Lng: -96.787478), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1986, Status: Open, Structure Length: 3.90m (12.80ft), Average Daily Traffic: 12,000 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 15,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: FRANKFORD RD WB
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 4.896, Lanes on structure: 3, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 10.1m (33.1ft), Skew: 2 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 12.8m (42.0ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.6m (5.2ft), Right: 0.0m, Curb-To-Curb Width: 10.9m (35.8ft), Out-to-Out Width: 13.4m (44.0ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Satisfactory, Substructure: Satisfactory, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Length Of Structure Improvement: 3.90m (12.80ft), Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Bridge Improvement Cost: 9,000ドル, Roadway Improvement Cost: 2,000ドル, Total Project Cost: 11,000ドル, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309F8100002, Location: 0.65 MI E OF PRESTON RD (Lat: 32.997808, Lng: -96.787486), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1986, Status: Open, Structure Length: 3.90m (12.80ft), Average Daily Traffic: 12,000 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 15,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: FRANKFORD RD EB
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 4.896, Lanes on structure: 3, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 10.1m (33.1ft), Skew: 2 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 12.8m (42.0ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 0.0m, Right: 1.6m (5.2ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 10.9m (35.8ft), Out-to-Out Width: 13.4m (44.0ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Satisfactory, Substructure: Satisfactory, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Length Of Structure Improvement: 3.90m (12.80ft), Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Bridge Improvement Cost: 9,000ドル, Roadway Improvement Cost: 2,000ドル, Total Project Cost: 11,000ドル, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309F8100003, Location: 0.95 MI E OF DALLAS TLWY (Lat: 32.998256, Lng: -96.814817), Route carried "on" structure: City street 31, Year Built: 1987, Status: Open, Structure Length: 15.24m (50.00ft), Average Daily Traffic: 28,238 (year 2019), Average Future Daily Traffic: 31,000 (year 2031), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: WHITE ROCK CREEK, Facility Carried by Structure: FRANKFORD RD
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 4.587, Lanes on structure: 6, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 20.1m (65.9ft), Skew: 20 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 6, Length of Maximum Span: 30.5m (100.1ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.6m (5.2ft), Right: 1.6m (5.2ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 20.2m (66.3ft), Out-to-Out Width: 28.6m (93.8ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Superior to present desirable criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Length Of Structure Improvement: 15.24m (50.00ft), Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Bridge Improvement Cost: 66,000ドル, Roadway Improvement Cost: 17,000ドル, Total Project Cost: 83,000ドル, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309F8100008, Location: 0.20 MI W OF DN TOLLWAY (Lat: 32.997508, Lng: -96.832711), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1986, Status: Open, Structure Length: 1.89m (6.20ft), Average Daily Traffic: 20,000 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 23,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: WHITE ROCK CREEK TRIB, Facility Carried by Structure: FRANKFORD RD
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 2.221, Lanes on structure: 6, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 20.1m (65.9ft), Skew: 23 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 5, Length of Maximum Span: 3.0m (9.8ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.5m (4.9ft), Right: 1.5m (4.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 20.1m (65.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 33.0m (108.3ft)

Condition: Channel: Fair, Culverts: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Length Of Structure Improvement: 1.83m (6.00ft), Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: May 2023, Bridge Improvement Cost: 8,000ドル, Roadway Improvement Cost: 2,000ドル, Total Project Cost: 10,000ドル, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place, Wearing Surface/Protective System: Wearing Surface: Monolithic Concrete

Structure Number: 1804309F8100009, Location: 0.10 MI E OF PRESTON RD (Lat: 32.998192, Lng: -96.795622), Route carried "on" structure: City street 31, Year Built: 1986, Status: Open, Structure Length: 1.62m (5.31ft), Average Daily Traffic: 28,374 (year 2018), Average Future Daily Traffic: 31,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: MCKAMY BRANCH TRIBUTARY, Facility Carried by Structure: FRANKFORD RD
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.877, Lanes on structure: 6, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 20.1m (65.9ft), Skew: 29 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 5, Length of Maximum Span: 3.0m (9.8ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.4m (4.6ft), Right: 1.4m (4.6ft)

Condition: Channel: Satisfactory, Culverts: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023

Structure Number: 1804309G1630001, Location: 0.05 MI E OF PRESTON RD (Lat: 33.002589, Lng: -96.794517), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1978, Status: Open, Structure Length: 1.59m (5.22ft), Average Daily Traffic: 2,789 (year 2014), Average Future Daily Traffic: 4,900 (year 2031), Features Intersected: MCKAMY BRANCH TRIBUTARY, Facility Carried by Structure: GENSTAR LN
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.161, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 12.2m (40.0ft), Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 5, Length of Maximum Span: 3.0m (9.8ft), Out-to-Out Width: 24.9m (81.7ft)

Condition: Channel: Satisfactory, Culverts: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023

Structure Number: 1804309G1870001, Location: 0.05 MI S OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 32.996817, Lng: -96.832072), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1985, Status: Open, Structure Length: 3.75m (12.30ft), Average Daily Traffic: 2,000 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 2,600 (year 2031), Features Intersected: WHITE ROCK CREEK TRIB, Facility Carried by Structure: GIBBONS DR
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.080, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 11.0m (36.1ft), Skew: 3 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 12.5m (41.0ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.7m (5.6ft), Right: 1.7m (5.6ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 11.0m (36.1ft), Out-to-Out Width: 15.0m (49.2ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Channel: Good, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Equal to present minimum criteria, Waterway Adequacy: Better than present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: May 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309H1420001, Location: 0.30 MI SE OF HILTON HEAD (Lat: 32.987539, Lng: -96.823056), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1980, Status: Open, Structure Length: 2.80m (9.19ft), Average Daily Traffic: 492 (year 2019), Average Future Daily Traffic: 1,300 (year 2031), Features Intersected: WHITE ROCK CREEK TRIB, Facility Carried by Structure: HARBOR TOWN DR
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.644, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 7.9m (25.9ft), Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 9.1m (29.9ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.3m (4.3ft), Right: 1.3m (4.3ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 7.9m (25.9ft), Out-to-Out Width: 11.6m (38.1ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Channel: Fair, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: Somewhat better than minimum adequacy, Waterway Adequacy: Better than present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309H6090001, Location: 0.10 MI N OF FRANKFORD RD (Lat: 32.999381, Lng: -96.785011), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1987, Status: Open, Structure Length: 6.13m (20.11ft), Average Daily Traffic: 17,058 (year 2019), Average Future Daily Traffic: 11,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: HILLCREST AVE
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.966, Lanes on structure: 4, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 13.4m (44.0ft), Skew: 20 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 3, Length of Maximum Span: 21.3m (69.9ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.7m (5.6ft), Right: 1.7m (5.6ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 13.4m (44.0ft), Out-to-Out Width: 21.9m (71.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Satisfactory, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Satisfactory, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Length Of Structure Improvement: 6.13m (20.11ft), Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Bridge Improvement Cost: 18,000ドル, Roadway Improvement Cost: 5,000ドル, Total Project Cost: 23,000ドル, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309H6090004, Location: 0.10 MI N OF MCCALLUM BLV (Lat: 32.988797, Lng: -96.783961), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1989, Status: Open, Structure Length: 4.27m (14.01ft), Average Daily Traffic: 9,030 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 11,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: EAST FORK MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: HILLCREST AVE
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 2.414, Lanes on structure: 4, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 13.4m (44.0ft), Skew: 21 degrees, Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 1, Number Of Approach Spans: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 18.3m (60.0ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.7m (5.6ft), Right: 1.7m (5.6ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 13.4m (44.0ft), Out-to-Out Width: 21.3m (69.9ft)

Condition: Deck: Fair, Superstructure: Very good, Substructure: Good, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Superior to present desirable criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Length Of Structure Improvement: 4.27m (14.01ft), Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Bridge Improvement Cost: 12,000ドル, Roadway Improvement Cost: 3,000ドル, Total Project Cost: 15,000ドル, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309M2980001, Location: 0.10 MI W OF HILLCREST RD (Lat: 32.987994, Lng: -96.785683), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1989, Status: Open, Structure Length: 2.44m (8.01ft), Average Daily Traffic: 4,000 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 5,100 (year 2031), Design Load: HS 20, Features Intersected: EAST FORK MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: MCCALLUM BLVD WB
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 1.931, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 6.7m (22.0ft), Material/Design: Prestressed concrete, Design/Construction: Box Beam or Girders - Multiple, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 12.2m (40.0ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.8m (5.9ft), Right: 0.0m, Curb-To-Curb Width: 6.7m (22.0ft), Out-to-Out Width: 9.6m (31.5ft)

Condition: Deck: Good, Superstructure: Good, Substructure: Good, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 54.4 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Inventory Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Assigned rating based on Load Factor Design (LFD) reported in metric tons, Structural Evaluation: Better than present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Length Of Structure Improvement: 2.44m (8.01ft), Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Bridge Improvement Cost: 4,000ドル, Roadway Improvement Cost: 1,000ドル, Total Project Cost: 5,000ドル, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309M2980002, Location: 0.10 MI W OF HILLCREST RD (Lat: 32.987878, Lng: -96.785667), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1977, Status: Open, Structure Length: 2.44m (8.01ft), Average Daily Traffic: 7,505 (year 2011), Average Future Daily Traffic: 8,000 (year 2031), Features Intersected: EAST FORK MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: MCCALLUM BLVD EB
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 1.931, Lanes on structure: 2, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 6.7m (22.0ft), Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Stringer/Multi-beam, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 2, Length of Maximum Span: 12.2m (40.0ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 0.0m, Right: 1.3m (4.3ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 6.7m (22.0ft), Out-to-Out Width: 9.6m (31.5ft)

Condition: Deck: Fair, Superstructure: Satisfactory, Substructure: Good, Channel: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Equal to present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Length Of Structure Improvement: 2.44m (8.01ft), Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Bridge Improvement Cost: 4,000ドル, Roadway Improvement Cost: 1,000ドル, Total Project Cost: 5,000ドル, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place

Structure Number: 1804309M4260001, Location: 0.20 MI NW OF MCCALLUM (Lat: 32.990592, Lng: -96.779975), Route carried "on" structure: City street , Year Built: 1979, Status: Open, Structure Length: 1.34m (4.40ft), Average Daily Traffic: 2,531 (year 2014), Average Future Daily Traffic: 3,100 (year 2031), Features Intersected: EAST FORK MCKAMY BRANCH, Facility Carried by Structure: MEANDERING WAY
Minimum Vertical Clearance: 30+ m (98+ ft), Kilometerpoint: 0.805, Lanes on structure: 4, Owner: City or Municipal Highway Agency, Approaching Roadway Width: 12.2m (40.0ft), Skew: 1 degrees, Material/Design: Concrete, Design/Construction: Culvert, Number Of Spans In Main Unit: 4, Length of Maximum Span: 3.0m (9.8ft), Curb or Sidewalk Widths: Left: 1.2m (3.9ft), Right: 1.5m (4.9ft), Curb-To-Curb Width: 12.2m (40.0ft), Out-to-Out Width: 18.7m (61.4ft)

Condition: Channel: Good, Culverts: Satisfactory, Operating Rating: 32.7 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Operating Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Inventory Rating: 24.5 metric tons, Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating: Field evaluation and documented engineering judgment, Structural Evaluation: Equal to present minimum criteria, Deck Geometry: High priority of replacement, Waterway Adequacy: Better than present minimum criteria, Approach Roadway Alignment: Equal to present desirable criteria, Designated Inspection Frequency: Every 24 months, Inspection Date: March 2023, Deck Structure Type: Concrete Cast-file-Place, Wearing Surface/Protective System: Wearing Surface: Monolithic Concrete
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