Event Calendar
Pick a Date"Fieldwork as [a] Subject: Emotions and care in ethnographic research"
[画像:Ana Del Conde headshot with building in background]OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Ana Del Conde is a postdoctoral fellow for the Program for the Study of Women and Gender and the Jandon Center for Community Engagement at Smith College. She is a cultural anthropologist who specializes in feminist theory and engaged ethnographic research.
The Work of Imagination Is a Discipline of Perception
[画像:The Work of Imagination Is a Discipline of Perception]CAMPUS COMMUNITY ONLY | Agnes Borinsky (she/they) is a writer and theater-maker based in Los Angeles.
Sound Recording Faculty Search Candidate Presentation
CAMPUS COMMUNITY ONLY | During Music Workshop, all are welcome to attend this presentation by a candidate for the full-time faculty position in Sound Recording.
Wang Chen
[画像:Abstract Art with faces in nature] Visual Arts Lecture Series (VALS)—Spring 2025OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | WANG Chen is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice integrates digital video, performance, 3D world-building, sculpture, costume fabrication and sound design. Through the layering of these mediums, WANG constructs immersive video installations that navigate transformation, perception, and the boundaries between reality and illusion.
Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Virtual Information Session for Bennington Students
Are you graduating this year and interested in a career in Clinical Mental Health Counseling? Join us for a special information session to learn more about our new MA program!
Zoom Registration: https://bennington.zoom.us/meeting/register/cLnv-pAGSte31OKtViCHIA
Rachel Lyon
[画像:Rachel Lyon] Literature Evenings—Spring 2025OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Rachel Lyon will read from her new novel Fruit of the Dead, an Oprah Magazine best book of 2024 which the New York Times called "superb" and "refreshing."
Alash: Music from Tuva - A Benefit Concert for the Bennington Multicultural Community Center
[画像:Alash members in traditional dress with instruments] Carriage Barn Music Series — Spring 2025ALASH are masters of Tuvan throat singing (xöömei), a remarkable technique for singing multiple pitches at the same time. A Benefit Concert for the Bennington Multicultural Community Center, presented in partnership with Vermont Arts Exchange.
Spring Saturday Visit
Various activities designed for high school students interested in or deciding to enroll at Bennington College.