Gottfried Beck (Bach's Pupil)
Gottfried Beck was born the son of Johann Beck (writer in Braunsdorf). He enrolled at the Thomasschule in Leipzig on May 13, 1749; studied there from 1749 to 1753; and at Universität Leipzig from 1753. Although he attended the Thomasschule during J.S. Bach's tenure, it is not known if he actually studied with him.
References: Richter: 304
Source: Bernd Koska: Dissertation "Bachs Thomaner als Kantoren in Mitteldeutschland" (Beeskow 2018), Anhang VII.1 Die Alumnen der Thomasschule 1710-1760, English translation by Aryeh Oron (April 2020)
Contributed by Aryeh Oron (April 2020)
Links to other Sites
Literature: Richter 1907, Nr. 304
Bach's Pupils:
List of Bach's Pupils
| Actual and Potential Non-Thomaner Singers and Players who participated in Bach痴 Figural Music in Leipzig
| Alumni of the Thomasschule in Leipzig during Bach's Tenure
| List of Bach's Private Pupils
| List of Bach's Copyists
Thomanerchor Leipzig:
Short History
| Members:
| 1730
| 1731
| 1740-1741
| 1744-1745
| Modern Times
Bach痴 Pupils Discussions: Part 1
| Part 2
Organizional Structure of the Thomasschule in Leipzig
| The Rules Established for the Thomasschule by a Noble and Very Wise Leipzig City Council - Printed by Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf Leipzig, 1733
| Homage Works for Thomas School Rectors