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This bibliography contains details of most of Pitt-Rivers' own publications and books, journal articles and webpages by other authors about his collections. It also contains some of the books that the Rethinking Pitt-Rivers team have found useful when compiling the website and other outcomes of the project. Many of the pages on this website also contain specific bibliographies, where appropriate, the vast majority of the books on these bibliographies should appear below as well. Pitt-Rivers' publications are listed under Lane Fox up to 1880 and Pitt-Rivers after 1880.
Alberti, Samuel J.M.M. 2011. Morbid Curiosities: Medical Museums in Nineteenth Century Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Allingham, E.G. 1924. Romance of the Rostrum. London: H.F. & G. Witherby.
Altick, R. 1978. The Shows of London. Cambridge and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University.
Altham, E. 1931. 'The Royal United Services Institution, 1831-1931', Royal United Service Institution, 76, (1931), pp. 235-245.
Anderson, Anne. 2009. ‘'Chinamania’: collecting Old Blue for the House Beautiful, c. 1860-1900' in Potvin, John and Alla Myzelev. 2009 Material Cultures, 1740-1920: The meanings and pleasures of collecting. Burlington, Vermot, USA: Ashgate pp. 109-128.
Anderson, Anne. 2009. ''Fearful consequences of living up to one's teapot': Men, women, and "cultchah" in the English Aesthetic Movement c. 1870-1900', Victorian Literature and Culture, 37, (2009), pp. 219-254.
Anon. 1861. 'Bateman's Museum', Athenaeum, No. 1767 (1861), pp. 321-322.
Anon., 1880. General Pitt Rivers’ (Lane Fox) anthropological collection, Nature, Sept 23, 489–93; Sept 30, 511–14.
Anon. [Art Treasures Exhibition] 1857. Catalogue of the art treasures of the United Kingdom: collected at Manchester in 1857. [Provisional]. London: Bradbury and Evans [and 2nd edition, same year].
Ashmore, Sonia. 2008. 'Owen Jones and the V&A Collections', V&A Online Journal issue no. 1 (Autumn 2008) accessed here.
Arnold, Catharine. 2007. Necropolis: London and its dead London Pocket Books.
Auerbach, J. 1999. The Great Exhibition of 1851: A nation on display. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
BAAS (British Association for the Advancement of Science). 1874. Notes and Queries on Anthropology for the use of travellers and residents in uncivilized lands. London: Edward Stanford.
Babington, C. 1865. An Introductory Lecture on Archaeology delivered before the University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
Baekland, Frederick. 2001. 'Psychological Aspects of Art Collecting', in Pearce, Susan [ed.]. 1994. Interpreting Objects and Collections. London: Routledge pp. 205-219.
Bailkin, Jordanna. 1998. Liberal arts: museums, cultural property and the British Nation 1876-1914 Unpublished PhD thesis, Stanford University.
Bailkin, Jordanna. 2004. The culture of property: the crisis of liberalism in modern Britain. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Baker, M. & B. Richardson, [eds.] 1997. A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum. London: V & A Publications.
Balfour, Henry. 1893. The Evolution of Decorative Art: An essay upon its origin and development as illustrated by the art of modern races of mankind. London: Rivington, Percival and Co.
Balfour, Henry. 1894. ‘Evolution in Decorative Art’, Journal of the Society of Arts, no.2, vol XLII, (1894), p. 162.
Barrett, J.C. et al. 1981. 'The Earlier Prehistoric Settlements of Cranborne Chase - the first results of current fieldwork' Antiquaries Journal, 61, (1981), pp. 203-237.
Barrett, J.C. et al. 1983. 'South Lodge after Pitt Rivers', Antiquity, 57 (1983), pp. 193-204.
Barrett, J.C. et al. 1991. Landscape, monuments and society: The prehistory of Cranborne Chase. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bateman, T. 1855. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities and Miscellaneous Objects presented to the Museum of Thomas Bateman of Lomberdale House. Derbyshire, Bakewell: James Grafton.
van der Beek, Zita & Marcel Vellinga, 2005. ‘Man the collector: salvaging Andamanese and Nicobarese culture through objects’, Journal of the History of Collections, 17 (2005) pp. 135-153.
Belk, Russell W. 2001. 'Collectors and collecting', in Pearce, Susan (ed.) 1994 Interpreting Objects and Collections. London: Routledge pp. 317-326.
Belk, Russell W. & Melanie Wallendorf. 2001. 'Of mice and men: gender identity in collecting', in Pearce, Susan [ed.] 1994 Interpreting Objects and Collections. London: Routledge pp. 240-253.
Bennett, T. 1988. 'The Exhibitionary Complex', New Formations, no.4, spring 1988 available here.
Bennett, T. 1990. 'The Political Rationality of the Museum' The Australian Journal of Media and Culture vol 3 no 1 (1990) available here.
Bennett, T. 1995. The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics. London and New York: Routledge.
Bennett, T. 1998. 'Pedagogic Objects, Clean Eyes and Popular Instruction: On sensory regimes and museum didactics' Configurations 6 (1998) pp. 345-371.
Bennett, T. 2004. Pasts Beyond Memory: Evolution, Museums, Colonialism. London: Routledge.
Birch, S. 1867. 'Inaugural discourse delivered in the section of General Antiquities at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute in London. July 1866', Archaeological Journal, XXIV (1867), pp. 1-12.
Black, B. 2000. On Exhibit: Victorians and Their Museums. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press.
Blackwood, B. 1970. The classification of artefacts in the Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford. Oxford: Occasional Papers on Technology no. 11 Pitt Rivers Museum.
Blanco, Richard L. 1965 [republished 2006]. 'Reform and Wellington's post Waterloo army 1815-1854' in Raugh, Harold E, junior. 2006 [ed.] 'The British Army 1815-1914' International Essays on Military History. Aldershot Hampshire: Ashgate pp. 165-174.
Bloxam, George W. 1893. Index to the Publications of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1843-1891) including the Journal and Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London (1843-1871), the Journal of the Anthropological Society of London (1863-1871), the Anthropological Review; and the Journal of the Anthropological Institute (1871-1891) London: Anthropological Institute pp. 112-125.
Bonython, Elizabeth & Anthony Burton. 2003. The great exhibitor: the life and work of Henry Cole London: V&A.
Woodson-Boulton, Amy. 2003. 'The Art of Compromise: The founding of the National Gallery of British Art, 1890-1892' Museum and Society. Nov. 2003 1 (3) pp. 147-169.
Bowden, M. 1984 [reprinted 1990, 1995]. General Pitt Rivers, the father of scientific archaeology Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum.
Bowden, Mark, Donnie Mackay & Peter Topping. 1989. From Cornwall to Caithness: Some aspects of British field archaeology: Papers presented to Normal V. Quinnell, Oxford: BAR British Series 209.
Bowden, Mark. 1991. Pitt Rivers: The Life and Archaeological Work of Lieutenant-General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bowden, Mark. 2009. 'From Antiquarianism to archaeology: Pitt Rivers and his contemporaries' in Heather Sebire [ed.] Pursuits and Joys: Great Victorian Antiquaries and Intellects, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Brabrook, E.W. 1893. [a] 'On the Organisation of Local Anthropological Research', The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 22 (1893), pp. 262-274.
Brabrook, E.W. 1893. [b] 'Ethnographical Survey of the United Kingdom' Science, Vol. 21, No. 518 (Jan. 6, 1893), p. 5 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Bradley, R. 1973. 'Two Notebooks of General Pitt Rivers', Antiquity, 47 47-50.
Bradley, R. 1983. ‘Archaeology, evolution and the public good: the intellectual development of General Pitt Rivers', Archaeological Journal 140 (1983), pp. 1-9.
Bradley, Richard. 1989. 'Herbert Toms - A pioneer of analytical field survey' in Bowden, Mackay and Topping, From Cornwall to Caithness: Some aspects of British field archaeology: Papers presented to Normal V. Quinnell, Oxford: BAR British Series 209.
Briggs, Asa. 1988. Victorian Things London: Batsford.
British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS). 1874. Notes and Queries on Anthropology. London: Edward Stanford.
British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS): 1892 Notes and Queries on Anthropology. London: Royal Anthropological Institute.
British Broadcasting Corporation, Third Programme. 1949. Ideas and beliefs of the Victorians - an historic re-evaluation of the Victorian Age. London: Sylvan Press.
Brock, M.G. & M.C. Curthoys. 2000. The History of the University of Oxford: Volume VII Nineteenth Century Oxford, Part 2, Oxford:Clarendon Press.
Brown, Alison, Jeremy Coote & Chris Gosden. 2000. 'Tylor's tongue: Material culture, evidence and social networks' Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford vol. XXXI no. 3: 257-276.
Bryant, Julius [ed.]. 2012. Art and Design for All: The Victoria and Albert Museum. London: V&A Publications.
Bürger, W. 1865. Tresors d’Art en Angleterre. 3rd edition. Paris: Vve Jules Renouard.
Burleigh, R. & J. Clutton-Brock. 1982. 'Pitt Rivers and Petrie in Egypt'. Antiquity, 56: 208–9.
Burrow, J.W. 1963. 'Evolution and Anthropology in the 1860s: The Anthropological Society of London 1863-1871' Victorian Studies, vol. 7 No. 2 (Dec. 1963) pp. 137-154.
Burton, Anthony 1999. Vision & Accident: The Story of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London: V & A Publications.
Burton, Anthony. 2000, 2011. 'Putting South Kensington to Work: the Department of Science and Art' in Bosbach, Franz, William Filmer-Sankey, and Hermann Hiery. Prinz Albert und die Entwicklung der Bildung in England und Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, New York (DE GRUYTER SAUR). 2011 accessed here.
Burton, Anthony. 2002. 'The uses of the South Kensington art collections' Journal of the History of Collections 14 no. 1 (2002) pp. 79-95.
Dudley-Buxton, L.H. 1929. The Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham: General Handbook, Farnham: Farnham Museum.
Calloway, Stephen & Lynn Federle Orr. [eds.]. 2011. The Cult of Beauty: The Aesthetic Movement 1860-1900 London: V&A Publishing.
Cardinal, Roger. 2001. 'The Eloquence of Objects' in Shelton, Anthony [ed.] op. cit.
Caverhill, Austin. [undated, 1988]. Rushmore Then and Now: A short history of Rushmore House and Park, at one time residence of Lieut-General A.H. Pitt-Rivers and now the home of Sandroyd School No publisher [published on the occasion of Sandroyd's hundredth anniversary].
Caygill, M. & J. Cherry. (eds). 1997. A.W. Franks: Nineteenth Century collecting and the British Museum, London: British Museum Press.
1871. Catalogue of a very interesting collection of early Greek antiquities, formed by General de Cesnola, American Consul at Cyprus. [Catalogue of a very interesting collection of early Greek antiquities : consisting of archaic Greek pottery of the fifth century B.C., antique glass, bronzes, and a great variety of gold personal ornaments, gold mortuary diadems, &c. discovered in the island of Cyprus, on the sites of the ancient cities of Paphos, Idalium, Golgos, &c. during the last four years, by General de Cesnola ... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge ...] London: J. Davy and Sons.
Cesnola, Alexandro Palmi di. 1881. Cyprus antiquities excavated by Major Alexander Palma di Cesnola ... 1876-1879. London: H. Holmes.
Chapman, William Ryan. 1981. ‘Ethnology in the Museum: A.H.L.F. Pitt Rivers (1827–1900) and the Institutional Foundations of British Anthropology’, University of Oxford: D.Phil. thesis. [see here].
Chapman, W.R. 1984. 'Pitt Rivers and his collection, 1874-1883: The chronicle of a gift horse' in Cranstone and Seidenberg, 1984.
Chapman, W.R. 1985. 'Arranging Ethnology' in Objects and Others, History of Anthropology Series G. Stocking [ed.] Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Chapman, W.R. 1989. [a]. 'The organisational context in the history of archaeology--Pitt Rivers and other British archaeologists in the 1860s', Antiquaries Journal, 69 (1989) pp. 23-42.
Chapman, W.R. 1989. [b].'Towards an institutional history of archaeology: British archaeologists and allied interests in the 1860s' in Christenson, A.L. [ed.] Tracing Archaeology's Past: the historiography of archaeology Carbondale Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press.
Chapman, W.R. 1991. 'Like a Game of Dominoes: Augustus Pitt Rivers and the Typological Museum Idea’, in S. Pearce [ed.] Museum Economics and the Community vol. 2 New Research in Museum Studies London: Athlone.
Chapman, W.R. 2000. 'The Pitt Rivers Collection' in Brock and Curthoys [op. cit.]
Cheang, Sarah. 2001. 'The Dogs of Fo: Gender, identity and collecting' in Shelton, Anthony op. cit.
Clifford, James. 2001. 'Collecting Ourselves', in Pearce, Susan [ed.] 1994 Interpreting Objects and Collections London: Routledge, pp. 258-268.
Cocks, Anna Somers. 1980. The Victoria and Albert Museum, the making of the collection. Leicester: Windward.
Cocks A.H. 1891. Catalogue of the Scandinavian Exhibition of Antiquities and Other Objects Collected by Alfred Heneage Cocks, on view at the Royal Archaeological Institute, June 1891, 2nd ed. London.
Cohen, Deborah. 2006. Household Gods: The British and their Possessions. New Haven, London: Yale University Press.
Collier, John Males. 1882. A Primer of Art. London: Macmillan. See here.
Conway, Moncure Daniel. 1882. Travels in South Kensington with notes on decorative art and architecture in England New York: Harper Brothers.
Conway, Moncure Daniel. 1904. Autobiography, memories and experiences (volume 2) London: Cassell.
Coombes, A.E. 1994. Reinventing Africa: Museums, Material Culture and Popular Imagination in Late Victorian and Edwardian England. London: Yale University Press.
Cooper, A.T.P. 1977. 'Cranborne Chase and General Pitt Rivers', in Dorset Year Book 1977 Weymouth.
Cooper, Suzanne Fagence & Paul Atterbury. 2001. 'Religion and Doubt' in Mackenzie, John M. [ed.] The Victorian Vision London V&A Press.
Coote, J., C. Knowles, N. Meister & A. Petch. 1999. ‘Computerizing the Forster ("Cook"), Arawe, and Founding Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum’, Pacific Arts, nos. 19/20 (1999), pp. 48–80.
Coote, Jeremy. 1987.'Notes and Queries and Social Interrelations: An Aspect of the History of Social Anthropology.'Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 18 (3):255–272.
Coote, J. 2008. ‘Joseph Banks’s Forty Brass Patus’, Journal of Museum Ethnography, 20 (2008), pp. 49–68.
Coote, Jeremy. 2012. 'Objects and Words: Writing on, around, and about things--An introduction', Journal of Museum Ethnography, 25 pp. 3-18.
Coote, Jeremy and Alison Petch (guest editors). 2014. 'Special Issue: Rethinking Pitt-Rivers and his Legacy' Museum History Journal vol. 7 no. 2 July 2014
Coote, Jeremy. 2014. 'Archaeology, Anthropology, and Museums, 1851-2014: Rethinking Pitt-Rivers and his Legacy--An introduction' in Coote and Petch [eds] 'Special Issue: Rethinking Pitt-Rivers and his Legacy' Museum History Journal vol. 7 no. 2 July 2014 pp. 126-134.
Cooper, A.T.P. 1977. ‘Cranborne Chase and General Pitt Rivers’ in The Dorset Year Book 1977. N. Byles [ed.] Weymouth: Society of Dorset Men.
Cranstone, B.A.L. & S. Seidenberg. 1984. [ed.] The General’s Gift - A celebration of the Pitt Rivers Museum Centenary 1884-1984. Oxford: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Occasional Paper.
Daniel, Glyn. 1949. 'Archaeology links Geology to History' in British Broadcasting Corporation op. cit.
Daniel, Glyn. 1975. One Hundred and Fifty Years of Archaeology. London: Methuen.
Davies, Helen. 1998. 'John Charles Robinson's work at the South Kensington Museum Part 1' Journal of the History of Collections, 10 no. 2 (1998) pp. 169-188.
Dellamora, Richard. 2011. Radclyffe Hall: A life in the writing. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Denis, R.C. 1997. ‘Teaching by Example: Education and the Formation of South Kensington’s Museums’ in M. Baker and B. Richardson [eds.] (1997) A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum. London: V & A Publications.
Dobat,A.S., 2008. ‘Danevirke Revisited: An Investigation into Military and Socio-political Organisation in South Scandinavia (c. AD 700 to 1100)’, Medieval Archaeology, 52, pp. 27–67.
Drower, Margaret. 1994. 'A visit to General Pitt-Rivers', Antiquity, 68 (1994): pp. 627-630.
Dudley, S. 2003. 'The Relational Museum', paper given to the Association of Social Anthropologists conference July 2003.
Duffin, Christopher J. 2011. 'Herbert Toms (1874-1940), Witch Stones, and Porosphaera Beads', Folklore, 122, April 2011, pp. 84-101.
Eatwell, Anne. 1994. 'The Collectors or Fine Arts Club 1857-1874. The First Society for Collectors of the Decorative Arts' Decorative Arts Society Journal (1994) no. 18, pp. 25-30.
Eatwell, Anne. 2000. 'Borrowing from Collectors: The role of the Loan in the Formation of the Victoria and Albert Museum and its Collection (1852-1932)'. Decorative Arts Society Journal 24 (2000): pp. 21-29.
Edwards. Elizabeth. 2008. 'Straightforward and Ordered: Amateur Photographic Surveys and Scientific Aspiration, 1885-1914', Photography and Culture (vol. 1, issue 2) November 2008 pp. 185-210 Berg.
Elsner, John & Roger Cardinal [eds.]. 1994. The Cultures of Collecting. London: Reaktion.
Engel, Carl. 1873. Catalogue of the special exhibition of ancient musical instruments, MDCCCLXXII. London: Science and Art Department: South Kensington Museum. Printed by J. Strangeways.
English, J. 2011. 'Excavation of two Bronze Age barrows on Whitmoor Common, Worplesdon by General A H Lane Fox (Pitt Rivers)'. Surrey Archaeological Collections 96.
Erickson, Arvel B. 1959 [republished 2006]. 'Abolition of Purchase in the British Army', in Raugh, Harold E, junior. 2006 [ed.] 'The British Army 1815-1914', International Essays on Military History. Aldershot Hampshire: Ashgate pp. 253-264.
Evans, Christopher. 2006. 'Engineering the past: Pitt Rivers, Nemo and the Needle' Antiquity, vol. 80, 310 (2006) pp. 960-969.
Evans, Christopher. 2007. 'Delineating Objects: Nineteenth Century antiquarian culture and the project of archaeology', in Pearce, Susan 2007 op. cit.
Evans, Christopher. 2014. 'Soldiering Archaeology: Pitt Rivers and ‘Militarism’. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology, 24: 4, pp. 1–20, DOI: http://
Evans, Helen C., Melanie Holcomb, and Robert Hallman. 2001. "The Arts of Byzantium." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, vol. 58, no. 4 (Spring, 2001).
Evans, Joan. 1949. 'The Royal Archaeological Institute: a retrospect', Archaeological Journal, 106 (1949) pp. 1-11.
Evans, Joan. 1956. The History of the Society of Antiquaries. London: Society of Antiquaries of London.
Evans, John. 1850. 'On the date of British coins', Numismatic Chronicle, xii (1850), pp. 127-137.
Evans, John. 1872. The Ancient Stone Implements, weapons and ornaments of Great Britain. London: Longman Green & Co.
Evans J. 1875. "The Coinage of the Ancient Britons and Natural Selection", Notices of the Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 7, pp. 476-478.
Evans, John. 1881. Ancient Bronze Implements, Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Longmans and Co.
Fagg, Bernard. 1976. 'Introduction', in Augustus Pitt-Rivers, 'Antique Works of Art from Benin' New York: Dover Publications.
Flood, Catherine. 2007. 'And Wot does the Catlog tell me?': Some social meanings of 19th century catalogues and gallery guides' Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 5 (2007).
1893. 'Folk-Lore Society. Fifteenth Annual Report of the Council' Folklore, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Mar., 1893), pp. 112-118.
1895. 'Seventeenth Annual Report of the Council' Folklore, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Mar., 1895), pp. 109-116.
1896. 'Eighteenth Annual Report of the Council' Folklore, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Mar., 1896), pp. 28-34.
1897. 'Nineteenth Annual Report of the Council [of the Folklore Society]' Folklore, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Mar., 1897), pp. 20-28.
Foster, Sally M. 2001. Place, Space and Odyssey: Exploring the future of early medieval sculpture. Rosemarkie: Groam House Museum Academic Lecture Series.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1854. Treatise on Instruction of Musketry. Hythe: Hythe School of Musketry.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1858. ‘The Improvement of the Rifle as a Weapon for General Use’, Journal of the United Services Institution 2 (1858) pp. 453-488.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1861. 'On a Model illustrating the parabolic theory of projection for ranges in vacuo', Journal of the United Services Institution 5 (1861) pp. 497-501.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1866. [a]. 'On Objects of the Roman period found at great depth in the vicinity of the old London Wall’, Archaeological Journal 24 (1866) pp. 61-64.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1866. [b]. 'Account of a human heart in a case found in Christ’s Church, Cork’, Archaeological Journal 24 (1866) pp. 71-72.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1866. [c]. 'On an ivory peg-top shaped object from Ireland’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 2dS 3 (1866), pp. 395-396.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1866. [d]. 'Discussion of F.W. Farrar's attitude to races', Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London5, (1867), pp. 123-126.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1867. [a]. 'Roovesmore Fort, and stones inscribed with oghams, in the parish of Aglish, County Cork’, Archaeological Journal, 24 (1867), pp. 123-139.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1867. [b]. 'A description of certain piles found near London Wall and Southwark, possibly the remains of Pile Buildings', Journal of the Anthropological Society of London, vol. 5 (1867), pp. lxxi-lxxxiii.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1867. [c]. 'Primitive Warfare. Parts I - III’. Journal of the Royal United Services Institution 11 (1867), pp. 612-643, and Journal of the Royal United Services Institution 12 (1868), pp. 399-439, and Journal of the Royal United Services Institution 13 (1868), pp. 509-539. [Transcriptions to be found here]
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1868. [a]. 'An examination into the character and probable origin of the Hill Forts of Sussex', Archaeologia,42 (1868), pp. 27-52.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1868. [b]. 'Further Remarks on the Hill Forts of Sussex: Being an account of the excavations in the Forts of Cissbury and Highdown’, Archaeologia, 42 (1868), pp. 53-76.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1868. [c]. 'On a Ring brooch from Lough Neagh, Ireland’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 4 (1868), pp. 61-62.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1868. [d]. 'On a silver penannular brooch known as the Galway brooch’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 4 (1868), pp. 141-143.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1868. [e]. 'On an Anglo-Saxon Sword from Battersea’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London,4 (1868), p. 143.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1868. [f]. 'Memoir on the hill forts of Sussex', Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 2nd series 4, (1868), p. 71.
Fox, A.H. Lane & A.C. Tupper. 1868. ‘On Two Rush-sticks from the Counties of Surrey and Sussex’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 4 (1868), pp. 158-159.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1869. [a]. 'Flint Implements, found associated with Roman remains in Oxfordshire and the Isle of Thanet’, Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, NS1 (1869), pp. 1-12.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1869. [b]. 'Note on a Gold Lunette, found near Middleton County Cork’ 1867', Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 4 (1869), p. 195.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1869. [c]. 'Note on a Marble Armlet, Lukoja West Africa’, Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. NS1 (1869), pp. 35-36.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1869. [d]. 'On a Bronze Spear with a gold ferrule and a shaft of bog oak, from Lough Gur, County Limerick’, Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, NS1 (1869), pp. 36-38 also Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 4 (1869), pp. 195-196.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1869. [e]. 'On the Discovery of Flint Implements of Palaeolithic type in the gravel of the Thames Valley at Acton and Ealing’, Report: British Association for the Advancement of Science (1869), pp. 130-132.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1869. [f]. 'On the Distribution of Cromlechs and Megalithic Monuments being remarks on Mr Hodder Westropp’s paper on the subject’, Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, ns vol I (1869), pp. 56-67.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1869. [g]. 'On the proposed exploration of Stonehenge by a committee of the British Association', Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, new series 2, (1869), pp. 1-5.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1869. [h] Examination of the Hill Forts of Sussex, with an account of Excavations of Cissbury and Highdown. Reprinted from The Archaeologia, vol. XLII. London: JB Nichols & Sons.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1870. [a]. ‘Note on the use of the New Zealand mere’, Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, NS2 (1870) pp. 106-109.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1870. [b]. 'On the Opening of Two Cairns near Bangor, North Wales', Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, NS2 (1870), 206-224.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1870. [c]. 'On a supposed Ogham Inscription from Rus-Glass, County Cork', Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, NS2 (1870), 400-402.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1870. [d]. 'On the Threatened Destruction of the British Earthworks near Dorchester, Oxfordshire', The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, (1869-1870) 2, No. 4 (1870), pp. 412-416.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1870. [e]. 'Remarks on a XVII century Matchlock from Inverness’, Archaeological Journal, 27 (1870) pp. 134-135.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1870. [f]. 'Rough Stone Implement from Borneo 8th November, 1870 (Woodcut)', Journal of Anthropological Institute,... 1 (1870), Proceedings of the Ethnological Society, p. xxxix
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1871. [a]. ‘On a flint implement from Honduras’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 5 (1871), pp. 93-95.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1871. [b]. 'On a flint implement from the Isle of Wight', Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 5 (1871), pp. 113-114.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1871. [c]. 'On a wooden instrument from Skull, near Skibbereen’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 5 (1871), pp. 222-223.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1872. [a]. 'Address on the "Neolithic Exhibition"’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 5 (1872), pp. 233-235.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1872. [b]. 'Address to the Department of Anthropology of the British Association at Brighton’, Report: British Association for the Advancement of Science (1872), pp. 157-174. [Transcription found here]
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1872. [c]. 'On the discovery of Palaeolithic Implements, in connection with Elephas primigenius in the gravels of the Thames Valley at Acton’, Journal of the Geological Society of London, 28 (1872), pp. 449-466.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1872. [d]. 'On Stone Celts from the grove and hill-top Temples of the Malayalis of the Shevaroy Hills India’, Journal of Anthropological Institute ... , 2 (1872), pp. 348-349.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1872. [e]. 'Report on the collection of implements etc., from Saint-Brieuc, Normandy’, Journal of Anthropological Institute ..., 2 (1872), pp. 68-69.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1873. [a]. 'Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of preparing and publishing brief forms of instructions for Travellers, Ethnologists and other Anthropological Observers’, Report: British Association for the Advancement of Science, (1873), pp. 482-488.
Fox, A.H. Lane. 1873. [b]. 'Remarks on the "Bronze Exhibition"', Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in London, 5 (1873), pp. 412-413.
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On-line resources,-Acland,-Anthropology-and-Ethnology.html
Alison Petch, first compiled September 2009, regularly updated, last update February 2013.