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All Praise and Glory Be Theirs!
This user has been promoted to the rank of Queen's Reader.
Due to their site-topping talents in reading, all other chores formerly assigned to them have been rescinded.
Unlike other ranks, this one is for life, and they will not be returning to their former tasks anytime soon.
If you were hoping they would reply to a message, sorry to disappoint,
but such a menial task is currently outside their job description.

"It was kinda like a young mother who could not support her child so she gave it up for adoption. A couple came in to adopt and said to the child: "Don't worry, we will look after you, nothing bad will happen and things will be better with us". Then, after the child has been living with their new parents for a while the parents say "You don't make us any money and we can't afford to feed you so you must go out onto the streets and become a prostitute for us.""

~ Captian Obvious on Wikia buying and then changing it so that they could deceive their potential advertisers.

Useless Gobshite of the Year Award Useless Gobshite of the Year 2008

Useless Gobshite of the Month Award Useless Gobshite of the Month July 2006

Useless Gobshite of the Month Award Useless Gobshite of the Month August 2009

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This is a disambiguation page, a supposedly helpful navigational aid which nevertheless links to needlessly irrelevant but strangely similarly titled pages.
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