Articles you can blame me for:
HowTo:Quit Smoking Through Hypnosis
UnNews that's my fault
UnNews:Ahmadinejad: Holocaust Was Really Big Gay Jew Sex Party
UnNews:Anglican church does split on gays
UnNews:Bush: God Must Lay Down Weapons of Mass Destruction
UnNews:Cat acts as prophylactic Huffed! This NRV musta been a POS
UnNews:Cheney destroys satellite in space
UnNews:EA introduces NBA Fight Night '07
UnNews:Halliburton: "Psst! Wanna buy a kidney?"
UnNews:Jack Black Vs. Jack White: The Jack-Off
UnNews:Kris Kringle convicted on identity theft charges
UnNews:Report: More Americans getting high from pot than from corn or soybeans
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UnNews:Revealed:"I’m Anna Nicole’s Baby’s Daddy"
UnNews:Study:Castration 'sharply cuts' HIV infection
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UnNews:UN supports Darfur 'No-Fly" zone
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Stuff that other people wrote but I, alas, am partly responsible for
and I helped a little on UnBooks:Pulp Novel, the case of the dashing dame but it was mostly M.O.
UnNews:Bill Gates blows fortune on bubble gum