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Potatochopper of the Month Award Potatochopper of the Month June 2007

BFyoungfacedboobs.png Featured Image: BFyoungfacedboobs.png
This person created an image which became one of the

Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

What you don't know can hurt you, only you won't know it.

Featpspp.png Featured Potato Skin Puzzle Piece
This user is featured on the Uncyclopedia logo. — you cannot vote for or nominate your favourite potato skin puzzle piece as the logo has already spoken.

About me

I was pulling faces in front of a mirror when suddenly the wind changed direction. Now it’s permanent.

My Contributions


Not proud of any of my contributions article-wise.

So yeah... Basicly... All crap. Except maybe the dog one... I dunno... Hell, I don't even know why the hell I joined Uncyclopedia! Meh... Beats masturbating all day. Or does it?


That's what my gallery is for.

Thanks to

Thanks to Chris the chav for starting this page with an insightful d (← the actual d he typed).


Chris the chav has now done a Jesus on us, and has come back from the dead as Chris The Chav!! All bow to his wonder! Or not... Whichever...

My awardingses

MSPaint Ninjastar
I award MoneySign this Ninjastar for his
fantastic series of Dog Hazzard labels. –Gwax

MSPaint Ninjastar
For the excellent diagram of wrist cutting. –Lugiatm

Original Ninjastar
In appreciation for joining, and your contributions to Folding@home Todd Lyons

Carlos.png Carlos' UncyclopedicNess Trophy
This person has done something typically Uncyclopedic, and it probably would've made Carlos say something like
"Oh. Mygod. That is so Uncyclopedia!", were he a little more camp. --Carlos the Mean

- with a message: Thanks for the Dog Hazzard Picatures, they are marvellous. Use the sig tag if you DARE!!!!!1 --Sir Carlos the Mean CUN VFP CS CM CUNT (talk) 04:58, 1 Jan 2006 (UTC)

Newcookie.gif Todd Lyons has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

~ For 1000+ points contributed to Uncyclopedia:Folding@home. -- T. (talk) 14:37, 10 Jan 2006 (UTC)

DogLabels.png Featured Image: DogLabels.png
This person created an image which became one of the

Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

MSPaint Ninjastar
I award MoneySign this Ninjastar for the
fantastic image he made for {{NRV}}. –Gwax

The Uncyc Nail Bat
For helping me twice in one day!Acid
Ditto from me for helping n00bs that don't even know where to type their articles. Just watch out for the redirects that get left behind when you move stuff (i.e. moving a talk page to the mainspace :) Be sure to notify your local admin if necessary. --T. (talk) 01:12, 19 January 2006 (UTC)
Stop crap.png I was banned from Uncyclopedia, and all I got was this lousy template! :(
You have been banned from Uncyclopedia for misconduct. May your sad fate serve as a warning to others.
Make Uncyclopedia better, not worse. Stop the cycle of violins.

Noob of the Moment Award Noob of the Moment January 2006

IndyWrappedmm.jpg Featured Image: IndyWrappedmm.jpg
This person created an image which became one of the

Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

Newcookie.gif Rcmurphy has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif Tayor has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Awardpms.png PMSing Admin Award

MoneySign the epitome of ultimate admin villany. An aura of injustice and malice follows him whereever you go. Furry creatures, vandals, and innocent children alike cringe before this admin. Even plants tend to grow in a direction opposite to him. Therefore, I salute him and his bitchyness.

-- Village Idiot KUN Free Speech 00:10, 31 March 2006 (UTC)

Protein.GIF This user joined the Folding@home Team , because he/she has nothing better to do with his/her computer.

10,000 This user has contributed 10,000 (削除) pints (削除ここまで) points to the Uncyclopedia Folding@home Team.

Original Ninjastar
I award this page a Ninjastar because I think you are cool. –Wootking

Newcookie.gif Flame and the Vipers has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

"I noticed that you blocked Tompkins with the reason "DELETE THIS, YOU ORANGE TURTLE!!" :D (for that sole reason I award you a cookie.)"

~ User:Flameviper on why he gave MoneySign a cookie

User:So So awards you with a letter p


Depleted uranium penetrator.jpg Bloopy would like to award this depleted uranium penetrator to MoneySign for for creating this image . Don't use it all at once.
Kitten in glass.jpg Tayor has decided to grace you with her presence.
She likes kittens, and apparently you too.


Now hear these words of wisdom, and good bye.

Mega Deletion Award!

This Admin has successfully beaten the crap out of many,
many articles in rapid succession. Fear them greatly.

Somebody told me to, I don't know why. —rc (t) 02:56, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

I'm awarding MoneySign this Ninjewstar for his Concentrated Orange Jews. –Dawg

Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month July 2006


Jesus2andahalf.jpg You have been awarded the Jesus Award by Lovebones
for being the holiest of the holies

I don't know you, but I think you're cool. --{Talk to me} Lovebones {Contributions}
Newcookie.gif Niermak has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

~ For 1000+ points contributed to Uncyclopedia:Folding@home. -- User:Niermak/sig 14:37, 10 Jan 2006 (UTC)

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