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"Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?"

~ Man in the Ceiling

Welcome, floor dwellers, to my illustrious ceiling. I, Man in the Ceiling, plan to consume your soul, which has already been sold to Satan, to whom I b(削除) L (削除ここまで)ow before. I like killing babies, punching old ladies and belly dancing.

user:ManintheCeiling, in his/her/it's other form
Man in the Ceiling, in your house!!1!
Hammer and sickle.svg This user is a

& is working on their
Lenin mustache! ☭
3dspork.png This user is a conspirator in the Grand Conspiracy .
Happysatan.jpg This user is a sinner, and bows before Satan.

TheJeeMan.jpg Jesus loves this user, and has blessed this page.
Myfisto.gif This user has attained a plane of asshattery previously thought unreachable and needs to be cockpunched immediately.

This user is unsure of his or her gender and doesn't want to know.

My (削除) Contributions (削除ここまで) defamations

The bland is reeling.


the Man in the Ceiling

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