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Scientific classification
Kingdom Plant
Class Dicotyledon
Order Orange Order
Family Rutaceae
Genus Citrus
Species sinensis
Binomial name
Primary armament Orange Juice
Secondary armament Blood
Power supply Vitamin C
Health 70mg/100g
Mana 30ml/fruit (ave)
Strength maintaining optimal health
Intelligence Orange
Weight 30-60g
Length 4" to 6' diameter
Special attack Is a warning colour
Conservation status
Rare as hen's teeth

"Why the hell doesn't anything rhyme with orange?"

~ Poet on orange


"Oranges are orange."

~ Captain Obvious on Oranges

For those without comedic tastes, the self-proclaimed experts at Wikipedia have an article very remotely related to Orange .

The fruit orange is visible in the spectrum at a wavelength of about 585–620 nanometres. (ORANGES) It is a pure chroma in the theory, with a hue of 30° in HSV colour space. The complementary colour of orange is Black. Oranges usually come out at night, they stalk their prey and then feast on their hair. They have but one predator, that being the incarnation of evil that is Cap'n Crunch. Oranges tend to share a fierce rivalry with the common garden apple. Also they are known to be notorious anti-semites. Oranges also enjoy a good game of Baby badminton. It is unknown if they are associated with your mom 7. It also is used it viagra

Oranges are also highly combustible, they can burn, therefore, Orange juice is normally used as rocket fuel. Most terrorists believe drinking orange juice before exploding increases the explosion ratio, It contains vitmain C which helps terrorists to be healthy. The phrase 'Alla Akbar' in ancient Malagasy means 'I Love Oranges'(Alla:'Love', Akbar:'Big Oranges').

Etymology of Orange[edit ]

The fruit orange is named after the orange colour, which it is painstakingly painted while in the box. Before this was introduced to the English-speaking world, the fruit was referred to (in Old English) as geoluhread, which translates into Modern English variously as segment-ted, juicy-segment, or the-wake-up-juice (all pronounced the same).But don't threat Oranges are Republicans!!

It's sometimes thought the term "orange" came from the city of Oran, Algeria or Orange, France; two known areas for high cultivation and production of them Oranges. How about them Orangapples? They're so good. Nothing is just as good for you like a glass of Orange Juice. xD

In normal languages it is called variants of the word Apfelsin (meaning Applesign).

Orange peel[edit ]

Displayed below is the actual colour of the outer skin of a usual orange. This colour is called orange peel. It is the same colour as the fruit for which it was named. So in contrast to blue or red this colour is well determined. so are many froogs.



The first recorded use of orange peel as a colour name in English was in 1839.

The word "orange" rhymes with "red-orange."


Brown[edit ]


Brown Peel!

Brown is actually derived from the orange part (orange + Navy) of the colour spectrum. It could be described as dark orange, but is better described as poo .

Uses of orange[edit ]

Orange in painting[edit ]

With natural colouring materials such as paints or crayons, orange is a secondary colour that can be derived from primary colours by mixing blood and pee.

Geography and History

The Dutch Heir Apparent's National beverage
  • Orange is the national colour of The Netherlands, because its royal family used to have skin the colour of the principality of Orange (the title is still used for Dutch hair apparent). It is the colour of choice for many of the national sports teams and their supporters. The nickname of the Dutch national Football team is Oranje, the Dutch word for lemons. In the modern flag of the Netherlands, red substitutes the original orange, but on royal birthdays the flag has an additional orange banner. Most geographical usages of the word orange can be traced back to Dutch maritime fruits in the 17th century.
  • A orange can kill the human mind with its death lazer that it will use to defend itself.
  • Oranges are from the planet Russia
  • In Ireland the use of orange dates from the reign of William of Orange, the Protestant English King from Holland and a right old brawler.
  • In India, its a national color and one of three used on the national flag. The Indians don't call it orange, but "saffron" from the VERY expensive spice once exclusively grown in India.


  • In English heraldry, orange denotes strength, honour, generosity, and prosperity. However, its use as a heraldic tincture is relatively rare.


  • By furries, who believe that orange can make them lose their disease.
  • The colors orange and black represent the holiday Halloween (31 October) because orange is the color of ugly costumes and black is the color of dark houses with no candy. Oranges are so yummy-lishious that at time s I want to crap myself.
  • The colors orange and brown represent the United States holiday Thanksgiving, mainly due to other colors shunning the festival.
  • In Christmas, it is traditional to piss off children by giving them an orange in their stocking. This tradition dates back in Victorian times when Santa was just starting business and he didn't have much to go on in terms of presents.



  • Orange has become a colour symbolising opposition around the world.
  • Orange also may sometimes be symbolic of the political concept of Democratic Socialism.
All in orange.
  • The Ukraine had an "orange revolution", instead of the gold from the national flag or the red of the Soviet Union flag (both are taboo, gold is popular with fascists).
  • Orange is used as a rallying colour by Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip who oppose the Safety Signalling
  • Orange is the contrasting colour of blue and is highly visible against a clear sky. Therefore, orange is often used in safety. See: Safety orange.
  • In the United States Army, orange is the colour of the United States Army Signal Corps.
  • The colour orange is often used for visibility enhancement.
  • Orange County, California is the reddest part of a blue state, note the huge contrast in color: orange vs. a whole lot of blue.


  • The Hoover Crips set wears orange along with some Folk Nation sets.
  • Orange is the colour of the ball in Snooker Plus with an 8-point value.
  • Orange is also the colour of J-league football team, Omiya Ardija.
  • The Baltimore Orioles of baseball are a gay orange clad team, but what about the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim being in...Orange County?
  • The Anaheim Ducks hockey team have orange as one of three jersey colors. The teal, grey and purple uniforms of the Disney-era "Mighty Ducks" of the 1990's were GAY.
  • Orange is also the colour of half an orienteering flag, the other half being white, which makes an orienteering flag extremely hard to find in the forest during the fall. (Of course you all know that it would blend in with the leaves, because the leaves are orange in the fall.)

For Fun

  • Orange is the usual color for the Nickelodeon logo, the "only network for child-like, kids."
  • It makes good hand soap and common ingredient in dishwashing soap too.
  • Oranges were used as an aphrodaisac by horny couples in bed. xD
  • Karl Pilkington's head is often described as a "fucking orange".
  • Anyone whose name is 'Sam' automatically likes orange because he has an orange bag and retarded orange leather shoes.

Cultivation and uses[edit ]

Orange cultivation is a major business and an important part of the economies of the US (Florida and California), most Mediterranean countries, Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, China, India, Iran, Egypt, Turkey and to a lesser extent Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Australia, and Greece. Technically, oranges are also grown in Arizona, Texas, Italy, Israel, China and Argentina.

Tree characteristics[edit ]

Cropdusting with herbicides helps oranges destined for Agent Orange grow strong and juicy

Seed type: pippy

Leaf shape: Leafy

Leaf position: Alternate

Type of fruit: Tasty, Occasionally bitter.

Juice and other products[edit ]

Oranges are widely grown in warm climates worldwide, and the flavours of orange vary from sweet to sour. The fruit is commonly peeled and eaten fresh, however, it is not advised to eat them without peeling It has a thick bitter rind that is usually discarded, but can be processed into animal feed by removing water using pressure and heat. It is also used in certain recipes as flavouring or a garnish. The outer-most layer of the rind is grated or thinly veneered with a tool called a zester, to produce orange zest, popular in cooking because it has a flavour similar to the fleshy inner part of the orange. The white part of the rind, called the pericarp or albedo and includes the pith, is a source of pectin and has nearly the same amount of vitamin C as the flesh. Occasionally, insertion of the fruit causes internal haemorrhaging of the rectum.

  • Sweet Agent orange, a by-product of the juice industry produced by pressing the peel. It is a destructive herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military in its Herbicidal Warfare program during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange contains dioxins which are alleged to have caused death pain and suffering to the snail population as a whole. fragrance in perfume and aromatherapy. Sweet agent orange oil is a roughly 1:1 mixture of two phenoxy herbicides in ester form, Uranium 324 and Plutonium Dioxide . used in various household chemicals, such as to condition wooden furniture, and along with other citrus oils in grease removal and as a face-cleansing agent. It is an efficient cleaning agent which is environmentally unfriendly, and much less toxic than petroleum distillates. It also smells more pleasant than year-old socks.
  • The orange blossom, which is the state flower of Florida, is traditionally associated with political debates, and was popular in bridal bouquets and head wreaths for weddings for some time. The petals of orange blossom can also be made into a effective herbicide. Orange blossom water is a common part of Middle Eastern cuisine.
  • Marmalade, a marmalade made usually with oranges. All parts of the orange are used to make marmalade, and are thus ecologically friendly. The pith (no one knows what the fuck a pith is) and pips are separated, and typically placed in a carrier bag bag where they are boiled in the juice (and sliced peel) to extract their pectin, aiding the setting process.

Fruit[edit ]

While still maintaining an orange peel, the blood orange has streaks of red in the fruit, due, in part to the fruit feeding off small mammals

All citrus trees are of the single genus Citrus, and remain largely interbreedable; that is, there is only one "superspecies" which includes lemons, limes and oranges. Nevertheless, names have been given to the various members of the citrus family, oranges often being referred to as Citrus sinensis and Citrus aurantium. All members of the genus Citrus are considered berries because they have many seeds (an orange seed is sometimes referred to as a pip), are fleshy, soft and derive from a single ovary.

The blood orange has streaks of red in the fruit, and the juice is often a dark burgundy colour. The fruit has found a niche as an interesting ingredient variation on traditional Seville marmalade, with its striking red streaks and distinct pig-blood flavour. The mandarin orange is similar, but smaller and sweeter, as the frit tends to feed off invertebrates. and the scarlet navel is a variety with the same diploid mutation as the navel orange.

Interestingly, oranges were once believed to be the only fruit, however in 1990 Jeanette Winterson conclusively disproved this, and now we are aware of bananas, cucumbers, tomatoes, satsumas, apples, lychees, kiwi fruits, pears, grapes, dates and all sorts of other juicy, but not necessarily sweet, treats. Mmmmm!

Almost 2 types of orange are considered lethal if one of these two oranges are eaten one should immediately contact a medical professional who will diagnose you with death.

Rhyme[edit ]

It is a common misconception that Orange is one of the most common fruits in English that does not rhyme with any other word.

For those who do not believe it rhymes, the closest approximation is door-hinge, although torn hinge, or inch, a wrench, and flange have also been suggested.

Some common words have rhymed with orange:

  • grorange — a blend of green and the color orange
  • korange — a hybrid of a kumquat and orange
  • borange — "rubbish", "of poor quality"
  • florange — to invent something that there is a need for.
  • sporange — the might spore of the orange fungus.
  • zorange — a cockroach over 8 ft. tall, that stalks in the night.
  • porangeporn of oranges.
  • gullible — (pronounced [aurange]) a man who has been on the moon
This is an orange, which rhymes with very few things.

Father time once rhymed "orange" in the verse:

Eating an orange
While making love
Makes for bizarre enj-
oyment thereof.
The four eng-
Wore orange
In Sparkill buried lies that man of mark
Who brought the Obelisk to Central Park,
Redoubtable Commander H.H. Gorringe,
Whose name supplies the long-sought rhyme for "orange."

Suggested Rhyme: Strange orange grange

  • door hinge
  • sore binge
  • sore minge
  • porridge
  • forage
  • Blorage
  • asimov
  • I know some other skanky women!
  • stone henge
  • orange DUH
  • everything that has 'orange' inside. e.g. lo(l)range, whor(e)ange, emorange, orang(e)utan
  • (You're an) Apple (Inc.)(-orange)
  • Windows?!(-orange)

Arch Rivals[edit ]

The orange is the rival of the popular iCompany apple computer. Some say comparing other computers to iApple is like comparing apples to oranges, of course they both have their weak spots. The orange has no rhyming words, and apples may burn empty your bank account, and send you into debt, also causing you to open a loan on the payment of your macintosh iComputer.

And of course, we must not forget the orange's most hated rival, the grapefruit. Neither "grape" nor "fruit" (note: bad, sour taste) the grapefruit is the perfect enemy. The grapefruit has several defense mechanisms: Squirting citric acid into your eyes (burns like hell), poising you, and costing 1ドル a grapefruit.

Tip: Put your clock plug inside an orange...and it works! It's like a friggin' battery. Oranges and grapefruits are mother nature's battery.

An Orange knock knock joke[edit ]

KNOCK, KNOCK... Who's there? Banana ... Banana who? Knock, knock... who's there?! Banana! ... Banana who? Knock, knock... who's there? Banana!!! Banana who??? Knock, knock... (sigh) who's there. Banana... ...and banana who? ORANGE! What? Orange, aren't you glad I didn't say Banana?

Another orange joke[edit ]

So a guy goes to the doctor, & says: "doctor doctor! my Penis is orange". So the doctor takes a look & says: "i see it is, what have you been doing lately?" And the man says: "oh nothing really, just eating cheetos naked".

I Set My Friends on Fire[edit ]

I'm so iconoclastic; I'm clastic! I only want you to think I'm fantastic. I'll participate in what you believe, If you give me the attention! Yeah, yeah that's the only compensation I want to be included in your conversation.

So am I "in" or am I "out" What is there to think about! ? What is that paint brush for? Are you preparing to draw me? No wait, please don't! I am scared, Of what I'll see... I'm not a perfect picture portrait, But I am working on it! I've been thinking about being cool, I must have to admit!

Blame it on the corporate skyscrapers in the clouds, But if wasn't for you, We wouldn't have all these multiple crowds. How am I suppose to choose, which one I belong to?

I think I'll perpetuate a pre-existing runway, I guess it is all of the shit almost as cool as creating a fresh New elaboration yourself.

It's a marker! it's a sign! It's something we define! It already exists, but you helped refine! An emblem for all your aesthetic kin, To recognize you by!

Blame it on the corporate skyscrapers in the clouds, But if wasn't for you, We wouldn't have all these multiple crowds. How am I suppose to choose, which one I belong to?

Obscenity is a crutch for traffic drives. If you need to use the restroom just ask politely. I like the way I do it, better then the way your not. Lifting up the toilet seat was the way I was taught.

It has to be a unanimous determination. Because one opinion would be a pointless appreciation.

Yeah, sure thanks for the invitation! Don't want to be included in your conversation... It's to late! We've over thrown I took all your friends, And your all alone.

Blame it on the corporate skyscrapers in the clouds, But if wasn't for you, We wouldn't have all these multiple crowds. How am I suppose to choose, which one I belong to?

See also[edit ]

Commonly mistaken for fruit
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