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The integers (from the Latin integer, literally "unclean", hence "whole": the word entire comes from the same origin, but via French[See what I did there?]) are whole numbers and their opposites.

All integers are rational numbers. Although, some integers have been known to be negative. Nonetheless, all integers are integral to the state of the world as we know it.

History of Integers[edit ]

Integers were invented in 1563 when a guy by the name of Arbermouth Holst was doing his famous experiments on fluffy bunnies. After caging a number of bunnies in a hutch together he discovered that there were more bunnies after 6 months. Then he thought: 'Hey, why not invent a number system which is totally unclosed under addition and multiplication?' He then spent 15 years living as a hermit in the Scottish Alps eating bad cheese and rancid meat working on his new set of number theorems. Eventually, he decided that a number set which was not closed under addition or multiplication was actually impossible and went back home.

When he got home, however, he discovered that the bunnies had multiplied or added (he wasn't sure) and the whole number system had got out of control so he called in Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris made sure the bunnies obeyed the new laws of interger numbers. Ever since integers have been a well-behaved number set.

Numbers that are not integers[edit ]

  • Pi - Most commonly counted in fingers near the end of meal times but is still not an integer.
  • log in(100) - Found in the toilet, but never on fingers or toes, therefore not an integer.
  • Cube root - Well, it's just not an integer.
  • e - because it might say it's a number, but it's really a letter.
  • - Because it RULES YOU ALL!

References[edit ]

by Field:
Veggie maths
Number Theory
Geometry & Topology
Probability & Statistics
Logic & Computer Science
Physics & Mathy Sciences
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