because Charles Darwin would have wanted it that way.
"Watch out for that helicopter!"
~ Oscar Wilde on warning animals of Sarah Palin
Animals (from the Latin Animalia - pre-processed meat) are classified by scientists as anything that you can skin and wear. According to ancient legend, most animals came from space and are atheists (they believe He is existent). Thereafter, people (elephants, gorillas and humans) kept them in rounded metallic spheres and summoned them forth to use special powers in order to battle with each other. When they wanted the animals to come out of their spheres, they would say "[Aadvark, Llama, etc], I choose you!" and throw the sphere to the ground. Eventually, after fighting a lot these animals would evolve, which became the basis for Darwin's theory of evolution that all animals are a type of pipe bomb.
Animals may also be used for eating.
Categorisation of animals[edit ]
- The first thing to be discerned by scientists among animals is the fact that animals have the same number of limbs as eyes; as in the case of spiders (scuttlearoundia), who have 8 legs, and 8 eyes. Also in the case of cats, who have 4 legs, and thus 4 eyes.
- Secondly they are rated on levels of Furriness, Generality, Scuttlearoundability, and Edibility.
- thirdly some animals can not be put into a category like some kind of dogs(Webster).Dogs like Webster are a mix of black lab,stuby,fat,and part ferrel pig this is Webster.
Animalia (furry animals)[edit ]
Class Fidolia (fetch!)[edit ]
- Stupid Small Brown Dogs
- Big Dogs with Long Tongues
- Old Dogs that Drool
- Fat Farting Dogs
- Dogs That "Yap Yap Yap" All Night Long
- The Dog With Two Backs
- Dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you
- Dogs that look like they ran into a wall
- Dogs that constantly chase their own tail
Class Miaowmiaowia (miaow)[edit ]
- Hidden Ninja Cats
- Evil Cats
- Cats that ignore you
- Cats that like you (endangered)
- Dead Cats
- Cats With Lasers
- Stupid cats
Class Mammalia (yo mamma lookslikia)[edit ]
- Pigs (Three Different Ones)
- Pugs
- Camels
- Sperm
- Whales
- Bulldogs chewing wasps
- Wasps chewing bulldogs
Class Shootitia (things to kill and eat)[edit ]
- Wabbits
- Wascally Wabbits
- Wicked Wascally Wabbits
- Happy Tree Friends
- Humans (they're animals too)
Class Yumyumia (things ready to eat)[edit ]
- Ham and Cheese Sandwiches
- Breadsticks
- Pizza
- Burritos with beans
- Flying cucumbers
- Tom the Tomato
- People
Class Tomandjerryia (cartoon animals)[edit ]
- Tomandjerry
- Itchyandscratchy
- Daffyandbugs
- Donaldious
- Mickeyus
- Pinkyandthebrain
- That weird one that looks like a horseios
Class Spookilicuddlia (furry furry animals)[edit ]
- Furrialia Mushtoomucia (virtual furries)
- Furrialia Conventia (actual furries)
- Furrialia Easterbunnisuitia (scary furries)
- Furrialia Pornographicia (make-you-consider-changing-Classes furries)
Class Eaterus (Things that eat stuff and Stuff that eat things)[edit ]
- Anteater
- Anteater-eater
- Anteater-eater-eater
- Pantseater
- <insert name here>eater
- Flying Purple People Eater
- Stuffeater
- Thingeater
- Ostrich-ninjapirateeater
- Maneater
- Shiteater
- Youeater
Class Partyius (Party animals)[edit ]
Coolkangaroo.jpg Dogdrinkingfromtoilet.jpg Dancingdog.jpg
Flyawaylia (things in the air)[edit ]
Class Aves (birds)[edit ]
- Small Brown Birds
- Ex-Parrots
- Birds Flying in the Distance
- Dead Parrot
- Kookaburras
- Those big birds that grab small furry things off the ground and rip them apart with their talons
- Chicken
- Roast Chicken
- Chicken Drumsticks
- Chicken McSandwich
- Chicken McNuggets
- Chicken McChicken, on bread
- Chicken wings
- do'h do'h birds
- Bhurd, bhurd, bhurd! Bhurd is the whurd!
- Emus, who constantly try futile attempts to fly
Class Whizzaroundia (flying buzzing crapping on your food)[edit ]
- Bluebottles, Greenbottles, Redbottles
- Horseflies
- Iaintneverseenanelephantflies
- Kamikazi Watermelons
- George; The mysterious flying monkey (with a knife)
- Flying cucumbers (with George the mysterious flying monkey with a knife riding it)
Class Galeaei (hats)[edit ]
- Big floppy hats with Ostrich feathers
- Pith Helmets with Chicken feathers
- Daft little box hats with a bit of gauze and a small blue feather
- Hats made of nothing but feathers
- Viking Helmets with gigantic horns that can impale you just by looking at them.\
- Abraham Lincoln's hat
Peopleia (people generally)[edit ]
The race of generally stupid hairless apes that whenever something intelligent is found it is seen as heresy.
Class Spontania (women)[edit ]
- Good looking girls (endangered)
- Ugly women
- Girls who shouldn't be there when your wife gets home
- Sports Illustrated Girls
- Your Mom (hunting season)
Subclass Irritatia (wimmin)[edit ]
- Feminists
- Peace campaigners
- Women in dungarees
- Hairy women (of all kinds)
- Vicky T
- Popushi mi kurac majmune! Razumijes li me razumijes!
Class Allthesameia (men)[edit ]
- Blokes, guys, chaps, geezers, men, all your mates
- Pizza delivery boys
- Barmen
- Indians
- Mick Jagger
- Michael Caine
- Douchebags
Genitalia (Gentlemen)[edit ]
Class Kingii (kings)[edit ]
- King Edward
- King Henry VIII
- Stephen King
- King-Size Matress
- King Kong
- Burger King
- Larry King
- King of Kensington
- King Harkinian
- King Cobra
- Jerry Lawler
- King of the Hill
Wailywailia (things that make you go 'ooo' or 'eek')[edit ]
Class Amphibia (slimy pond life)[edit ]
- Salamanders
- Frogs and Toads
- Newt Gingrich
- also Vicky T
Class Scuttlearoundia (anything with too many legs)[edit ]
- Spiders
- Spiders in the bath
- Spiders that hide in your bed sheets
- Spiders on the stairs at night
- Spiders in the garage or shed
- Big furry spiders
- Small running-around-fast spiders
- Evil jumping spiders
- Zombie venom spiders
- Spider monkies
- Spiders that are dead but like to make you think they're still alive
- Spiders with really small bodies, and really long legs
- Creepy things under stones
- Slipper Scorpions
- Millipedes
- flying millipedes
- flying millipedes that have laser blasters as eyes
- Centipedes
- Googlepedes
- Wikipedes
- Quintatripazillaomgthatsalotoflegsipedes
- Infinitypedes
- Infinity+1pedes
- You
- Jo Momma
- Eight-leggeed chickens
- Your dinner. (Mmm, taste like kangaroo! )
- Spiders named Curt not Kurt
Class Slitheria (things with no legs at all that don't look right)[edit ]
- Motherfuggin' Snakes on motherfuggin' plane!
- Bed Snakes
- Trouser Snakes
- Snakes that come up from the toilet and bite your ass
- Sea cucumbers
- Apple Slugs
- Invisible jellyfish floating behind you in the sea with long tentacles around your legs
- A monkey with its arms and legs chopped off
- A monkey with its arms and legs chopped off in a clown suit
- A Stonefish (with explosive spine attachment)
Class Jacksonii (bony white things)[edit ]
- Skeletons
- Closet skeletons
- Skeleton warrior
- Michael Jackson
- Michael Jackson's skeleton
Slipguncia (Blobs of squishy stuff)[edit ]
Class Atkinsia (White squishy stuff)[edit ]
Class Snottia (Scum)[edit ]
- Pond scum
- Mildew
- Algae
- Riff-raff
- You
Class Plasticia (Man-made)[edit ]
- Silly Putty
- Peanut butter
- Melted Snickers
- Michael Jackson
- Paris Hilton (endangered and captured)
- You guess. It's what you've wanted to hear all throughout this phylum. Squishy...
- Jello
Animals that don't exist (yet)[edit ]
Unicorns definitely exist. This is a list of animals who don't exist because they currently don't have pages on Uncyclopedia, or their pages were huffed into extinction. Fortunately, you can help by creating/recreating pages for them so they can exist here.
- Starfish
- Cockatoo
- Hellephant
- Blue Jay Simpson
- Flying Squirrel
- Woodchuck Norris
- You in 20 years
- Your mom
See also[edit ]
- (species)
- Exploding Animal
- Animals of The Farting Wood
- Constructa
- Funny Overload
- List of animals that don't exist, but should
- UnBooks:Professional wrestling slang
- Common Household Pests
- Suicidal Moose
- Furries
- Tail