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WikiJournal/Back end development

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WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated

WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" WJM, WikiJMed, Wiki.J.Med., WikiJMed, Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal WikiMed, Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>

These are short user stories based on the Agile software development format to accompany the WikiJournal technical wishlist. Many pertain to manual processes described in the current editorial guidelines. Additional stretch goals also included that would be valuable.

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Author writes and submits draft

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OJS process | WikiJournal Preprints

If author edits draft in wikimedia, they can easily find corresponding OJS page by single click and vice versa.
Stretch: can use Wikimedia OAuth login on OJS
Author given option to upload article as docx/gdoc/latex or as Wikimedia page.
Existing contributor information pulled from and deposited into wikidata.

As an author, I want to be able to submit an article that I wrote in wikimarkup to a WikiJournal and have its peer review organised.

  1. The author knows the journal they want to submit to, and goes to its submission page (in Wikimedia) and starts drafting article on wikimedia page
  2. Author sees "add/edit author data" link on wikimedia page
    • The author is asked to log in or create a profile in OJS, so they fill out the form to create a new user account.
      • Stretch: can use Wikimedia OAuth login on OJS
      • Stretch: existing author profile information pulled from wikidata into new OJS profile
      • New OJS author profile information deposited from OJS to wikidata (with informed consent)
    • OJS creates new item for draft and associates it with the corresponding mediawiki page and wikidata item
    • Author can enter metadata about the article in OJS (authors, affiliations, contact, keywords), without yet submitting for review
    • Stretch: When the author is adding contributors:
      • Existing contributor information pulled from wikidata into OJS
      • New contributor information deposited from OJS to wikidata (with informed consent)
  3. There, the author is asked to log in or create a profile in OJS, so they fill out the form to create a new user account.
  4. Wikidata item for draft created and populated with metadata from OJS
    • If meta data in OJS updated, corresponding Wikidata item is updated
  5. Author is not yet ready to submit draft so saves author info at OJS and clicks link to be taken back to draft on mediawiki
  6. If author edits draft in wikimedia, they can easily find corresponding OJS page by single click and vice versa
  7. Later, the author considers draft ready for submission and sees a "Submit" link on mediawiki, clicks it, and is taken to the draft's OJS page.
  8. Author submits the article (having already filled in author metadata etc previously)

Stretch goal: As an author, I want to be able to submit an article that I wrote as a docx/gdoc/latex to a WikiJournal, so that it will be converted into wikimarkup and have its peer review organised.

  1. The author knows the journal they want to submit to, and goes to its submission page (in Wikimedia) (example)
  2. The author sees a "Submit" link, clicks it, and is taken to the journal's OJS submissions page.
  3. Author given option to upload article as docx/gdoc/latex. Document is converted to wikimarkup and saved to wikimedia page (pandoc?)
  4. Author given option to check and copyedit draft article on Wikimedia page
  5. Steps then proceed as above

Initial checks

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OJS process | WikiJournal process

The editor sees a new submission in OJS and sees buttons to perform plagiarism checks and post results to wikimedia
Open discussion comments posted to wikimedia

As a technical editor, I want to be able to perform all the necessary initial checks from one place

  1. The editor sees a new submission in OJS and sees buttons to:
    • Perform plagiarism checks and post results to wikimedia
    • Add discussions and comments (confidentially to author or openly copied to wikimedia page)

As an author, I want to know where to reply, or be able to equivalently reply from different locations

  1. Author sees comment on OJS and wants to reply there
    • Author sees editor comment on OJS and knows whether it is a public or confidential comment thread
    • Author replies to comment on OJS and, if an public thread, comment is copied to wikimedia page
  2. Author sees comment on wikimedia and wants to reply there
    • Author replies to comment on wikimedia and comment is copied to OJS
  3. Author sees comment by email and wants to reply there
    • Author sees editor comment via email and knows whether it is a public or confidential comment thread
    • Author replies to comment via email and, if an open thread, comment is copied to OJS and wikimedia
  4. If above not possible, author clearly knows where each which discussion threads are located where (past and current ; public and confidential)

Assign editor

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OJS process | WikiJournal process (currently entirely though internal emails)

List of newly submitted articles includes links to those on wikimedia. Assigned editor is copied to Wikidata.
Editor list includes expertise from wikidata

As an editor, I see new submissions come in and can volunteer myself as peer review coordinator

  1. Editor sees list of newly submitted articles and sees links to those on wikimedia
  2. Editor assigns self to article
  3. Editor given info on next steps to perform
  4. The assigned editor is copied from OJS to Wikidata item
  5. The author is notified of this

As an EiC or editorial board member, I can see possible appropriate editors and ask them to assign themselves as peer review coordinator, or directly assign them

  1. Editorial board member sees new submission in OJS (and notified by email)
  2. Editorial board member sees list of potential editors to act as review coordinator and their expertise in OJS
  3. Editorial board member can ask editor if they would be willing to be assigned
  4. If the editor agrees to be assigned, the info is copied from OJS to Wikidata item
  5. The author is notified of this

Send to reviewers

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OJS process, 2 | WikiJournal process

Reviewer list includes expertise
nominate backup peer reviewers to be contacted if initial ones decline / timeout

As the handling editor / peer review coordinator, I can contact potential peer reviewers, remind them, and line up backups for if they do not respond

  1. Handling editor goes to article's wikimedia page and can easily find corresponding OJS page by single click and vice versa
  2. Handling editor sees an article in OJS and knows how many reviewers have been contacted, agreed/declined to review, have submitted review
  3. Handling editor can search in OJS for potential peer reviewers based on expertise and recent publication topics (expertise data could be pulled from wikidata or link out to relevant Publons/Gscholar/JANE/Scholia search locations)
  4. Handling editor can nominate potential peer reviewers in OJS to be contacted immediately
  5. Handling editor can nominate backup potential peer reviewers in OJS to be contacted if initial ones decline / don't respond after certain time
  6. When emails sent out to potential reviewers, the wikimedia page is converted to a PDF and attached

Receive reviews

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OJS process | WikiJournal process

As a reviewer, I want to have the option to submit comments as a pdf and/or freetext, make my identity public or private.

  1. Reviewer received invitation email and clicks link agreeing to review
  2. Reviewer creates OJS user account
  3. Reviewer submits freetext comments in OJS (ideally in wikimarkup formatting) and optionally, attaches pdf
  4. Wikidata item for draft updated with metadata about peer reviews from OJS
  5. Mediawiki page updated with text and uploaded files of peer reviews from OJS

As handling editor, I want to know when peer reviews are submitted and whether the reviewer has made their identity public

  1. Handling editor notified when new review received and when any remaining are expected (if relevant).
  2. Handling editor goes to OJS and sees reviewer identities even if not public
  3. Handling editor and authors go to wikimedia and see:
    • Freetext comments on wikimedia discussion page
    • Any attached PDF on wikimedia discussion page (via wikimedia commons)
    • Relevant information on Wikidata (full reviewer info if open identity; areas of expertise of hidden identity)
  4. Handling editor and author sees freetext comments both in OJS

Anyone can see the freetext comments, attached pdfs and open identities on wikimedia discussion page

Track status

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OJS process | WikiJournal process

As handling editor, I want to be able to see at a glance submissions that I and others are handling

  1. Handling editor goes to OJS site and can see the full information of the in-progress articles
  2. Anyone goes to wikimedia site and sees public information of the in-progress articles (excluding confidential reviewer info, or reviews yet to be received)
    • Relevant processing dates and events copied from OJS to Wikidata

Receive revisions

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OJS process | WikiJournal process

As an author, I want to be able to submit revisions as a docx/gdoc/latex, so that it will be converted into wikimarkup

  1. The author is notified that all review comments are in and goes to the OJS page
  2. The author sees "Edit and revise article" and "Submit responses" links
    • When clicking the "Edit and revise article" link in OJS, they are offered options to
      • edit on the mediawiki page and submit that link
      • or submit docx/gdoc/latex document that is converted to wikimarkup and saved to wikimedia page
    • When clicking the "Submit responses" link in OJS, they are taken to the OJS discussion page to reply to the comments
    • Discussion comments are synchronised between OJS and wikimedia pages

As an author, I want to be able to submit revisions by editing the wikimarkup article

  1. The author is notified that all review comments are in and goes to the wikimedia page
  2. The author sees "Edit and revise article" and "Submit responses" links
    • When clicking the "Edit and revise article" link in mediawiki, they simply edit the mediawiki page
    • When clicking the "Submit responses" link in mediawiki, they are taken to the mediawiki discussion page to reply to the comments (ideally able to reply inline)
  3. Discussion comments are synchronised between OJS and wikimedia pages

Decision & publication

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OJS process | WikiJournal process

  1. Editor goes to OJS and sees button to publish
  2. Clicking that button completes:
    • DOI assigned according to algorithm (10.15347/WJX/YYYY.XXX where WJX is the journal's three letter code, YYYY is the year, and XXX is the chronological order of the work for this year)
    • Final metadata (publication date, volume, issue, page, doi, etc) copied to wikidata
    • Mediawiki page moved from WikiJournal_Preprints/Title to WikiJournal_of_XYZ/Title
    • Author is notified
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Misc additional points

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As an author of a previously published WikiJournal article, I want to be able to edit a copy of that article and re-submit it, so that the updated version will have its peer review organised.

As an author, if my article had to be converted into wikimarkup, I want to be able to add links to wikipedia for key concepts, to make it easier for readers to get more information.

During/After review

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As an author, I want to specify whether I am informed when each peer review is submitted, or when all reviews have been submitted, so that I can respond to those comments.

As an author, I want to be able to reply to peer reviewer comments point-by-point so that I can rebut them or indicated how I have address them.

As an author, I want to be able to directly edit my article-on wiki, so that my changes are clear and transparent.

As an author, I want to indicate when I have finished responding to peer reviewers, so that those who have requested to see it again can review the changes.

As an author, I want to be able to monitor what step of the process my article is at, so that I know what to expect next.

Accepted articles

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As an author, I want metadata for my article to be added to Wikidata, so that its information is easily find-able via open platforms.

As an author, I want my article to have JATS-compliant XML, so that it can be text mined.


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Applying to join a journal

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As an aspiring editor, I want to be able to specify my experience (professional, editorial, open-knowledge), area of interest (e.g. biochemistry) and tasks of interest (eg. organise peer review, decide journal strategy, assist soc.media), so that I can to apply to join the editorial team of a journal.

Before submission

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As an editor, want to be able invite a potential author to submit an article by specifying the minimum amount of information (e.g. name, email, topic) so that I can efficiently contact contributors.

As an editor, I want to be able to know which potential authors have already been contacted or are intending to be contacted to submit an article, so that I can avoid duplicating emails and see the invite ideas of others.

As an editor, I want to be informed when new articles are submitted, so that I can volunteer to coordinate review of ones in my interest area.

Initiating review

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As a handling editor, I want a list of researchers who have recently published on related topics to the submitted article, so that I can easily find suitable peer reviewers.

As a handling editor, I want to be able to invite a reviewer to comment on an article by specifying the minimum amount of information (e.g. name, email, article) so that I can efficiently contact reviewers.

As a handling editor, I want to be notified when a peer review has been submitted for any articles I'm coordinating, so that I can check if further reviewers are necessary.

As a handling editor, I want to be able to indicate to the editorial board that peer reviewers have signed off on an article, so that the editorial board can come to consensus on whether it is ready for publication.

During review

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As a handling editor, I want to be able to monitor what step of the process the article is at, so that I know what to expect next.

As a handling editor, for articles intended for Wikipedia integration, I want the relevant Wikipedia talkpages notified, so that wikipedians are aware of what's being done and where they can comment

As a handling editor, I want automated plagiarism reports at submission and after responses to reviewers, so that I can check that copyright violations have been avoided.

As a casual editor, I want to be informed of which articles are in need of copyediting, so that I can do small amounts of work on them.

Accepted articles

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As a handling editor, I want to publish an article with one click (assign doi, add to current issue etc.), so that all final publication steps are efficient.

As a handling editor, I want to produce a formatted PDF of an article automatically, so that there is a well-formatted version of record for people to download.

As a handling editor, I want to be able to copy over a published article to Wikipedia (if an encyclopedic review), so that it improves the encyclopedia.


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As an editor, I want to be kept informed of monthly relevant conference calls & discussions (on-wiki, mailing lists, other) & articles I'm handling, by email or a dashboard.

Peer reviewers

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As a casual peer reviewer, I want to be automatically notified of any article s submitted within my area of interest, so that I can read and comment on preprints in review.

As an invited peer reviewer, I want to be able to submit my comments and have them posted with the article on the wiki, so that they are presented together.

As an invited peer reviewer, I want my credentials to be indicated with the review comments, so that it is clear that my background is relevant.

As an invited peer reviewer, I want to be able to optionally reveal my identity, so that my contribution is maximally transparent.

As an invited peer reviewer, I want to be able to see what changes have been made by an author to an article, so that I can see if they have addressed my comments.

All contributors

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As an author / reviewer / new editor, I want my information to be added/updated to Wikidata, so that my online identity is kept up to date.

As an author / reviewer / editor, I want a single unified log-in for all necessary platforms, so that I only have to manage a single account.


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As a reader, I want to be able to see who has been involved in an article (author, editors, peer reviewers), so that I can assess the process that an article has undergone.

As a reader, I want to be able to easily see which version of an article are being referred to at each step, so that I tell what is being referred to in reviewer/author comments.

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