I am Taigiholic (Hokkien: Tâi-gí -giàn , literally Taiwanese Hokkien Addictor), a Mandarin and Hokkien native speaker from Taiwan (Formosa). I try my best to write articles on Hokkien Wikipedia to save my native tongue from disappearing, please join our work if you feel the same with the future of Hokkien language. I have two bot accounts named Taigiholic.bot and Taigiholic.adminbot, mainly active on Min Nan Wikipedia (nanwiki) and also Wikidata. Also, two other accounts named Taigiholic.transliterator and Taigiholic.translator are still under planning, hoping to deal with the transliterations and translations of articles from Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki).
My old account name is S205643 (I change my name due to some reasons) and Lamchuhan. Recently, by some chance, I found out that somebody's pretending me on Wikimedia Projects; thus, I would like to make some CLARIFICATIONS here.
- I am not User:S205644! This account is active on Hakka Wikipedia. That is just somebody who create a username similar to mine.
- I am not User:S205645! This account is active on Min Dong Wikipedia (Foochow). That is ALSO somebody who create a username similar to mine.
So, don't be confused! You can't connect me through these accounts. (If I misunderstand you guys, I think I know you, please let me know, thanks.) With the help of dictionaries, I may be able to write some stub articles in Foochow and Hakka; however, due to these counterfeits on these versions, I will not join these versions anymore.