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Dicologos, a "by-product" of translation
[edit ]- Author(s): Rodrigo Vergara
- License: ?
- Language: English
- Slides: {{{slides}}}
- Video: {{{video}}}
- Note: 30 minute presentation
About the author(s): Rodrigo Vergara is the founder of Gruppo Logos, now one of the largest human translation groups in Europe. He came to Italy from Chile, and soon had founded not only the Logos company, but a number of projects to develop free content -- dictionaries, books, audio books -- in many languages. These projects first went online in 1995 when the web was young in Italy, and have since been developed by Logos programmers and translators.
Abstract: {{{abstract}}}
[edit ]Logos Group, a world leader in language solutions, offers Dicologos, a unique on-line resource of indigenous languages and dialects. It is the largest public dictionary in the world and gives the meaning of millions of words in up to 200 languages.
Consider a utopia based on the assumption that if we were all able to create a language - or better still many languages - why couldn’t we all produce a dictionary, or rather The dictionary, to include them all? The unique features of this ever-growing, "living" dictionary would mean that it could never be compiled by a conventional editor, but only by a community of translators.
Dicologos is the result of an attempt to realize such a dictionary - freely available, the fruit of a collaboration among over 6,000 volunteers with hundreds of mother tongues, each enthusiastic about his native language. This talk describes the history and present scope of the project.