Wikimedia Conference 2018/Dokumentacja/Dyskusje strategiczne/Podsumowanie
Reports, Reviews
of the Movement Strategy track,
» flow of activities (and this report) Summary
» You don't have time to read everything? Check the summary of it! Day 1
» The Big Picture,
» The Possibilities,
» The Challenges Day 2
» The Way Forward,
» Preparing to work,
» Thematic Inputs & Conversations Day 3
» Working groups,
» Wrapping up Annexes
» Input documents for the working groups,
» Micro-inputs on possibilities
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Raport podsumowujący dyskusje strategiczne
Wikimedia Conference 2018, a dokładniej część poświęcona strategii, rozpoczęła Fazę 2 procesu strategicznego ruchu Wikimedia.
Zeszłoroczna faza 1 była poświęcona zdefiniowaniu Kierunku strategicznego. W tym roku w ramach fazy 2 (2018-2019) będziemy się skupiali na tym, co chcemy i powinniśmy zmienić, aby zacząć wdrażanie zmian w fazie 3 (2019-2020). Proces zmian, które zaprowadzą nas do Kierunku strategicznego, odbywa się na różnych poziomach: koncepcyjnym, strukturowym, programowym i taktycznym. Dyskusje strategiczne na Konferencji Wikimedia były skupione głównie na poziomie strukturowym. Poniżej znajduje się streszczenie, które opisuje jak kwestie strukturowe zostały omówione na ośmiu sesjach w trakcie trzech dni konferencji. Głównym rezultatem dyskusji strategicznych na konferencji miało być ustalenie gruntu pod pracę grup roboczych, które będą stanowiły zasadnicze struktury w fazie 2, oraz zidentyfikowanie głównych obszarów tematycznych, nad którymi te grupy będą pracowały. Tematyczne grupy robocze będą miały wypracować rekomendacje dla ruchu Wikimedia, oparte na Kierunku strategicznym. W drugiej połowie maja 2018 ukaże się odezwa zachęcająca do dołączenia do grup.
Na pierwszej sesji zaprezentowano dotychczasowe prace i przyszłe wyzwania. Jednym z ćwiczeń w małych grupach było zadanie wymiany zdań na temat: co "wiedza jako usługa" i "wyrównywanie szans dostępu do wiedzy" znaczą dla poszczególnych organizacji, grup lub społeczności i jak te hasła wpłyną na przyszłe działania. Po tej sesji uczestnicy poszli na panele, którymi byli zainteresowani. Około 50-60 osób uczestniczyło w panelu strategicznym.
Within the frame of the Strategic Direction, participants were asked to imagine the possibilities that will help us move forward, by considering questions like: Imagine how the strategic direction could change your work in the next 3 years? What could you be doing more of, less of, new? – Small groups produced a series of possibilities that then got clustered in larger themes.
Having identified future possibilities, participants identified the challenges that the movement needs to overcome to make use of those possibilities. We worked in three larger groups with questions like: What are the concrete areas where change is needed? What are the challenges we need to resolve around roles, resources and responsibilities in order to move forward?
The results of the group work were collected on a big wall, to be clustered again according to commonality. Each participant marked the challenges they believe deserve particular attention. These are the final challenge clusters.
At the beginning of the second day, participants shared insights or concerns about their experience in the Strategy Track so far. After this, within smaller groups, participants discussed practical actions or solutions to address the challenges from session 3. The Strategy Core Team introduced 11 key thematic areas that were distilled from previous movement conversations and combined with the outcomes of the first sessions at the WMCON. The thematic areas can be seen as enablers (or disablers) for moving forward. The practical actions were sorted under the key thematic areas (with the possibility of removing or adding themes).
This session presented the model of the Phase 2 Working Groups. Participants divided themselves according to a key thematic area: these temporary working groups at the conference worked on clarifying what the critical questions within each thematic area are, following a number of guiding questions. The participants chose to discuss these 8 key thematic areas: Roles & Responsibilities, Resource Allocation, Diversity, Partnerships, Capacity Building, Community, Technology, and Advocacy.
The session started with a Questions and Answers session with the Board of Trustees. Representatives from different initiatives and work streams within the Wikimedia Movement then presented some of their current thoughts and ideas regarding their work and ongoing discussions, and some of the key questions they would like to share with participants for further reflection (Partnerships statement; Community Resources Funding strategy; Global Event Strategy; Future of the Wikimedia Conference; Technology directions for supporting our strategy; Statement of the Wikimedia Diversity Conference; Wikidata: What it means for knowledge as a service and knowledge equity; Tough Questions from the Chapters Dialogue (2014); Development of organisations of the Wikiverse – what do we need to evolve?). The purpose was to include more people into these discussions (whether presented by the affiliates, movement volunteers, or WMF). Everyone was invited to afterwards join the presenters and engage in a conversation around the questions they had shared.
This session carried on from Session 5: the conference working groups worked on questions related to the internal structure of each Working Group: Who should be in a Working Group and how should they work on the recommendations?. You can find the final output of each working group here. – This data is the first basis for the actual Working Groups; in terms of defining the scope of the key thematic areas and how to organise their work, as well as who should be in the respective Working Groups. The Core Strategy Team are working on analyzing and structuring this data, and the request for comments and the open call for participation in the Working Groups will be sent out in the second half of May.
In this plenary session all participants were presented to the next milestones in the Strategy Process, and two participants in the strategy track shared their impression of the experience, one of them was Pru Mitchell (Wikimedia Australia) who said: "We have produced working groups orientation for others to take on. Being involved in the strategic conversations: either you are involved, or you trust others in doing it"