WMCON 2018
Core Conference Program
Fringe Events
Registration & Participants
Reports, Reviews
These are the input documents created by the working groups that were formed during the Wikimedia Conference. For future working groups, these documents may serve as information material.
These micro-inputs from participants were further clustered into higher level statements, as outlined in Session 2 - The Possibilities, "Emerging Possibilities".
Possibility elements
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A. Economical resources are accessible within the movement
- No funding problems ever!
- Resources meeting our ambitions
- Resources meeting our ambitions
- Economical resources are accessible to everyone
- 10-20% of project funding to Africa (in proportion to the population)
- At least 10-20% of project funding to Africa
- Effective support in Wikimedia Movement
- Wikimedia organisation (increasing each other’s building) capacity with mentoring programs and knowledge sharing - Developing centre for expertise and excellence
- Funding that allows affiliates to plan strategically
- Effective support for chapter and use groups
B. More diverse and global content
- Closing the content gap
- Simple language not only in English
- We should be on good way to closing the content gap
- Historical record is preserved but while preserving privacy. figure out balance.
- More content in marginalised languages
- More volume of knowledge
- No content gaps in projects + high quality (gender perspective)
- A new and evolved understanding of what a reliable source is, taking into accounts: people who have been left out; the threat of misinformation and manipulation
- Incourage new languages (better incubator interface)
- High quality articles on the 500 most requested topics in every important language
- Readers find and can access information that they care about
- More focus on the needs of consumer of our contents
- A Mobile-first wikipedia
- Free knowledge is accessible, interconnected and easy to reuse
- Wikipedia landing pages feature locally relevant content - based on their location
- Eliminate geographical gaps
- In 5 years we have increased access to free knowledge in Africa & communities which are remote by 20%
- No Geo gap
- Wider geographical coverage
- Bridge the knowledge gaps
- Intangible knowledge should be as available and correctly communicated as classical encyclopedic knowledge
- Better balance in gender related articles
- Possibility to find content in your own language
- In 5 years I would like to see more intralingual projects working on content in all languages
- Translation is the future of wikipedia
- People will search in their local language, and find relevant content in their language (on wiki).
- New forms of understanding information
- We are accessible in new and different ways - actively disseminating free knowledge
- Significant growth in audio and video
- Knowledge equity includes ORAL knowledge
- Platform for oral heritage
- Room for ideas to GROW
- We provide free knowledge in new formats and new dimensions
- Integrated oral and local knowledge (on current major projects)
- In 5 years I want 10 more projects launched to integrate oral knowledge in a contents
- Engage with indigenous communities in order to further our mission
- Notability and reliability account for locally relevant content
- Standards such as notability and reliable sources are flexible to accommodate creation of locally relevant content.
- Reliable + reusable content
- Every consumer will find quality information
- All languages (>I m:ll users) should have a quality Wikipedia
- Quality is consistent across topics and there is good coverage of all topics
C. Accessibility and case of use (technology)
- Better infrastructure to access Wikimedia
- Better infrastructure for access to information
- Experiments with new formats of existing knowledge (complexity, visual VS audio/textual)
- Future vision [2-3 yy]: have versions of article on a topic: -> by audience + structuring of knowledge, secondary by language [pure translation]. Rather than by language [not even rough translation]; ->we now have new tool to maintain translations -> make this central
- Knowledge is accessible to people who do not read or write
- Our project have multimedia content for people who learn in different ways
- Have space to experiment with different models of knowledge
- Use of up-to-date technology
- Ready for all new technology, media when it appears in editing interfaces + reading
- Usage of Virtual Reality for search contents
- Different media in our projects
- A technology platform to support more forms of knowledge, in more formats
- Open to new forms of knowledge, rsp oral tradition
- Tech development (AI, videos, etc)
- For people who read: where knowledge exists "elsewhere" it can travel to others who need it
- New WikiM project
- Wikimedia is providing better technological solutions for access to knowledge
- Broad, reliable offline access
- Intuitive presentation + compartmentalized knowledge
- Knowledge is compartmentalised so that you can get the relevant habit of information you need. Wikipedia becomes a service that provides info you need.
- To have a more intuitive way to find help and information
D. Movement decisions are widely respected
- Movement decisions made transparently, on evidence, by a diverse constituency.
- There should be true diversity in who has power and positions in the movement
- more transparency
- Research evidence drive our activity + priorities for improved results
- Decision making process for movement
- Local groups and chapters have a say in a global decisions
- Clear communication within the Wikimedia Movement
- Improved communication between communities
- Clear communication between affiliates/chapter + Wikimedia Foundation
- Decentralised finance, decision-making, and organisational infrastructure
- Our movement is well-structured and accessible
- Breaking down organisational structures, thinking about new ones -> org.equity (governance) - Level the playing field
- Larger chapters with more resources to take on global responsibilities
- Decision-making and structures should be more decentralised (not everything coming from San Francisco).
- Focus on topics, not languages and countries, decentralise.
- New languages used across the movement
- In 5 years we have decentralised decision making and finance in transversal user group offering counter power to national based initiatives.
E. Truly user-friendly
- Ease of use in every way, shape, and form
- Lively wiki data Ecosystem that equally enables data contribution, editing and usage.
- Movement + partners make knowledge and education easier and more accessible to people to whom knowledge is not accessible now (use our platform to do this)
- Every person will easily be able to read and write in any language (w/o having to learn difficult technology)
- Our platform should be easier to use (as easy as Instagram)
- It is super easy to contribute to wikimedia projects for individuals and organisations
- New people want to contribute to Wikipedia because it’s fun, easy and rewarding
- Engage more young people
- The value of contributing to wikimedia projects is clearly expressed to multiple audience
- Contributing to wikimedia (and other projects) is a delightful experience, that you want to do again and again
- To be opened to someone coming from outside so that they feel welcomed
- The Wikimedia Movement is open to more diverse ways to contribute
- Diverse ways to contribute (e.g. oral tradition)
- Friendly environment in projects (retention)
- More "marketing" how to contribute and knowledge (i.e. marketing for health)
- Bigger diversity in local community
- A Movement that trains and inspires the next generation of Wikimedians
- Collaborative writing and knowledge sharing is a natural part for all education
- A new generation of wikimedians is moving the movement forward
- Wikiprojects user-friendly for non-programmers
- Ways of being able to contribute without programming knowledge
- Visuality of Wikimedia in 2030?
- Wikipedia AI free access for all users
- "Other forms of knowledge are integrated"
- "Other forms of knowledge": we will know what these are and what to do with them
- As easy to use as Instagram or Twitter
- A renewed Wikimedia infrastructure providing a state of the art user interface [voice, video, social media]
F. No censorship
- Wikipedia cannot be stopped (no censorship)
- Wikimedia can’t be stopped by borders (building tech resilience that will mean it can’t be blocked)
- Wikimedia projects are immune to censorship
- Wikimedia projects are immune to access censorship
A movement that trains and inspires the next generation of Wikimedians
G. Wikimedia as a Network
- Participation, cooperation, inclusion are common and rewarded
- Participation, cooperation, inclusion are common and rewarded
- Participation in the various wiki projects is growing because the environment is supportive, nurturing and inclusive, so people love participating!
- Partnerships re default
- Wikimedia working as a network
- Flat hierarchies (inside the movement)
- No differentiation between chapters and use groups (one flexible model)
- A decentralised global community that is more connected and democratic
- Increase feeling of community, we/us versus me/they
- More formats for affiliate cooperation and partnerships
- Move away from country focus to connect resources, plans, strategies.
- Clarity + transparency in decision making process
H. Wikimedia movement is a model for "The Big Open"
- The Wikimedia movement is a part of the "Big Open"
- Strengthen our ties and relationships with other organisations to be an essential participant in creating the Big Open (e.g. become something akting to the environmental)
- Wikimedia is ally to other social movements
- Feminist groups should feel that the wikimedia movement is on their side.
- Open environment for information
- Open licences are used in public education
- Technology platforms in 2030 are NOT privatised
- The movement is a model of collaboration between distributed multi-lingual organisations
- Continue to be an example of cooperation for other movements
- We are truly multilingual movement
- Cooperation and collaboration between chapters and use groups
I. Nurture the Wiki culture
- Wikimedia - the kindest and most respectful place on the internet
- Active sharing of successful Wiki models + culture W/the world
- Governments understand the value of open licences
- Increase awareness of wikimedia movement
- The models of cooperation that make wikimedia successful are clearly articulated and replicable [we share our culture as well as technology]
- A more welcoming and encouraging Wiki culture
- In 5 years we have found an effective way to address online and offline harassment to protect volunteers
- In 5 years anybody attending a Wikipedia event has access to translation/interpretation in their own languages.
- Appreciation and recognition of contributors [for technical developers]
- A more inclusive, diverse, welcoming Wikipedia
- Welcoming WP culture (to a newcomers)
- More people come to local organisations (chapters and groups) and take over responsibility
- We know how to adapt our support system for communities with diverse background to provide support that makes sense in their context.
- The equity we want to see is mirrored in our own org. structures
- Better trust and communication in the movement
- We have more and better ways to meet and communicate with each other
- Better trust between movement stakeholders
- Shared identity as Wikimedians
- Collaboration in a community
- Thinking more as Wikimedians instead of wikipedians
- Share the same values (among volunteers, across language, geography, etc)
- Have an accountable roadmap that connects aspiration to recognizable actions for the next ten years
J. Wikimedia movement leads global change
- The movement has captured the public imagination and is influencing global politics
- Awareness about WM projects
- Reach to all the people. But really.
- A global campaign so that everybody knows how to contribute to our projects
- High awareness about Wprojects
K. Diversity and Inclusion
- Diversity: new and missing communities in the movement
- New & missing communities joining the movement
- World peace and intercommunication via Wikimedia
- A diverse movement: gender, geography, etc.
- More big and small projects outside Wikimedia reuse our content
- Wikis are connected to maximize reuse/enrichment of content + effort
- Wikipedia literacy assumed role in education sector globally - all schools teach about WP
- Double the number of Wikimedians from Africa coming to the Wikimedia conference in Berlin
- No gender gap
- In 5 years women represent 30% of editors and an active group in the movement
- No gender gap
- Attracting talent + Increasing under-represented groups
- Double percentage of women participation
- double number of volunteers everywhere
- attract talented art, music, literature, economics & other contributors at par with our technologist, scientists, mathematicians,
- Active Editors increases 50% more young people
- Increase Active Editors by 50%
- Maintain or increase the number of young people who use wikimedia
L. The Rest:
- Larger and more accessible international developer community
- Connected network of technology hubs
- Global Volunteer Developer Community
- Become a leader in technology
- Become a leader in technology [e.g. limited structured data]
(Input that did not get selected to be included in the clusters)
- Accessible, user-friendly tool for communities
- More user-friendly tools for users and contributors
- Better access to tools for the communities
- Focus and resources for shaping legal and social policy
- Recognised as resistance movement in terms of big data, privacy. Wikimedia will always respect personal choice
- POLICY (we are a social and political movement)
- Lawyers are successful at being really pragmatic problem-solvers with the community
- we are effectively fighting censorship and other ways of denying people access to knowledge
- The movement has captures the public imagination and is influencing global politics
- awareness of our projects (and advocacy)
- general knowledge about Wikimedia like a brand
- Have three tangible things come about as a result of this process (operations lens)
- Wikimedia Movement unites and leads access and equity policy globally
- More content in marginalized languages
- more content in marginalized languages
- lots of Sri Lankan content will be digitalized and available on various wiki projects. (commons, wikipedia)
- Wikipedia - the kindest and most respectful place on the internet
- Wikipedia becomes known as the most kind, and respectful place on the internet
- A more friendly environment to newcomers
- Wikimedia initiatives are trustfully and well-documented so they are providing good learning foundation that also increases literary
- Wikimedia Movement helped combat anti-knowledge sentiments
- In 5 years the youngsters reader-consumers group in the fastest growing of the movement
- Provenance and traceability of information on the internet
- Broad, reliable offline access
- Free knowledge is accessible both online and offline
- Functional and transparent decision making process
- Functioning and transparent decision making processes
- Better translation tools
- Better translation tools
- Organize by topic & knowledge not by country. Wikimedia Butterflies (all gender, all languages, all regions)
- Broader copyright laws worldwide
- ASAP: Freedom of Panorama worldwide
- 100 $ million in endowment funds
- For people into make content... Unlock more content to make it freely available
- Lower barriers to increase participation
- Intervention that would know a more diverse set of editors to step up
- Low barrier to new contributors (best practice in learning/teaching)
- More people have the ability to contribute their knowledge
- Everybody knows how to participate in Wikimedia project
- More/better knowledge about the technical structure, projects and programs in the different region in the world
- Huge step towards our goal of everybody having access to our projects.
- Economic resources are accessible to everyone
- Solid financial support in Indonesia
- make grants easier to get
- Wikimedia is providing better access to knowledge
- Wikimedia voice assistant
- Friendly & attractive interface
- WP talkpages are really usable
- Collaboration between wikimedia projects
- [Machine learning] Harness capabilities of research team (in content gen. M.L. behaviour experiments) to help scale the product/drive product decision in 3 year time frame