Wiki Loves Women: Focus Group
The Wiki Oto campaign is organized by the members of the Wiki Loves Women Focus Group. The members have decided to divide themselves into working teams:
A few members have decided to participate exclusively in the training sessions, opting not to join the organizing team at this time.
To read more about the members' bios, please visit this page.
Management & Leadership Team
- Develop the project proposal layout, detailing the campaign's goals, timeline, and expected outcomes.
- Define and allocate resources required for campaign execution.
- Establish and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess campaign progress and effectiveness
Trainings Team
- Select qualified trainers who can effectively deliver campaign objectives.
- Develop and organize training sessions, including materials and resources needed for successful delivery.
- Schedule training sessions and oversee the training process to ensure participants receive comprehensive guidance.
Communications Team
- Facilitate ongoing communication with all teams to ensure alignment and clear coordination.
- Connect with trainers to confirm schedules, expectations, and resources.
- Promote and advertise the campaign, utilizing various channels to maximize reach and engagement.
- Provide regular updates to all stakeholders on campaign status and progress.
Translations Team
- Provide translation services to bridge language gaps between teams and participants, ensuring seamless communication.
- Translate all relevant materials, such as training content, updates, and guidelines, for accessibility.
- Assist during live sessions, meetings, and any events requiring real-time translation between speakers of different languages.
Logistics Team
- Coordinate the logistical aspects of campaign activities, including arranging virtual venues, distributing links to sessions, and scheduling events.
- Provide logistical support for participants, ensuring all technical requirements are met during sessions and preparing any campaign-related materials.
- Manage invitations, agendas, and provide ongoing support to ensure participants are well-prepared for each session.