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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

BOT generated Meta report. The bot reports here when:

  • More than 66% of the placing and addition of this link has been performed by one editor.
  • The user is adding more than 2 domains, but they all reside on the same server.
  • The links are exclusively added by IPs.
  • Several IPs are adding the link, but the IPs are in a close (/24) range.
[edit ]


    (LinkSearch: meta | en | es | de | fr | ru | zh | simple | c | d | Wikipedias: top 25 · 50 · major wikis · sc · gs)(Search: Google | en (G) | fr (G) | de (G) | meta (G) | backlinks | → links ←)bicicleta.googlepages.com
    (Reports: Report ← track | XWiki | Local | en | find entry)(DomainTools: whois | AboutUs | Malware?)

    (LinkSearch: meta | en | es | de | fr | ru | zh | simple | c | d | Wikipedias: top 25 · 50 · major wikis · sc · gs)(Search: Google | en (G) | fr (G) | de (G) | meta (G) | backlinks | → links ←)
    (Reports: Report ← track | XWiki | Local | en | find entry)(DomainTools: whois | AboutUs | Malware?)


    [edit ]


      (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Adriaesc ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
      (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
      (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Adriaesc ← logs || search)


        (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Peterparker ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
        (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
        (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Peterparker ← logs || search)

        Selected additions

        [edit ]
        1. 2020年05月05日 10:44:29 w:ca:User:Adriaesc (talk, contribs, 525) to w:ca:Bicicleta (diff, top edit, still there), link www.bicicleta.googlepages.com (R X L,Search)
          Other links: www.bikewebsite.com/bikeop.htm (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) sheldonbrown.com/flats.html#patching (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) bicycling.about.com/library/weekly/aa041098.htm (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) bicycleuniverse.info/eqp/accessories.html#safety (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.sheldonbrown.com/fixed.html (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.recumbent-bikes-truth-for-you.com/history.html (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) books.google.es/books?id=MGGPZh2O5YgC&pg=PA400&dq=enduro+ciclismo&hl=ca&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWu-PozpTKAhXKPRoKHS7ZD5YQ6AEIYDAG#v=onepage&q=enduro%20ciclismo&f=false (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) mibicicletaholandesa.com/tres-usos-diferentes-de-las-bicicletas/ (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.terra.org/categorias/articulos/bicicletas-para-todos-los-usos (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.buhobike.com/blog/diferentes-usos-habituales-de-la-bicicleta/ (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.enciclopedia.cat/ec-gec-0099855.xml (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.enciclopedia.cat/ec-gec-0084325.xml (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/f/F013902.php (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.enciclopedia.cat/EC-GEC-0084325.xml (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00574882 (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85013911 (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) d-nb.info/gnd/4016297-7 (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb13162854m (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.jimlangley.net/ride/bicyclehistorywh.html (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca/english/collection/cycles.cfm (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) gotoes.org/bikestuff/index.htm (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.pedalinghistory.com (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.shop-bicycle.com/Partes-Bicicleta-Componentes.aspx (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.latinpedia.net/Artes/bicicletas-antiguas/Las-precursoras-del-caballito-de-acero-ad5.htm (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/bibliotheque/dictionnaires/panlatin_velo2012.pdf (525,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.bicicleta.googlepages.com (525,4,>>,>>,,R X L) www.valenciaenbici.net (525,,>>,>>,,R X L)


        [edit ]

        Log entry for the Spam blacklist:

        \bbicicleta\.googlepages\.com\b# ADMINNAME # {{sbl-diff|#}}; see [[User:COIBot/XWiki/bicicleta.googlepages.com]]


        [edit ]

        Request Status - Closed

        See COIBot report for more details.

        New data reported. --COIBot (talk) 11:34, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

        AutoClosed: Single wiki problem. --COIBot (talk) 12:02, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

        New data reported. No links left in here mentioned edits. Marked stale. --COIBot (talk) 17:50, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

        New data reported. --COIBot (talk) 16:13, 21 December 2016 (UTC)

        AutoClosed: Single wiki problem. --COIBot (talk) 17:47, 21 December 2016 (UTC)

        New data reported. This site appears to be a redirect site. --COIBot (talk) 10:58, 5 May 2020 (UTC)

        Closed  Closed  — billinghurst sDrewth 22:32, 6 May 2020 (UTC)

        AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /