Translation requests/WMF/Our projects
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This is a closed translation request.
- We got it. Thank you!
- If you would like, you are invited to help other translation requests.
Need help? See the Translation FAQ or Meta:Babylon. All translators should also subscribe to translators-l to be kept up-to-date (and to ask questions).
Translations of foundation:Our projects: ±
- ar/العربية (published)
- bn/বাংলা (in progress)
- de/Deutsch (published)
- el /Ελληνικά (proofreading)
- en/English (published)
- es/español (published)
- fr/français (published)
- hr/hrvatski (published)
- hu/magyar (published)
- id /Bahasa Indonesia (updating)
- it/italiano (published)
- ja/日本語 (ready)
- ko/한국어 (in progress)
- ml/മലയാളം (published)
- nl/Nederlands (published)
- pl/polski (published)
- pt/português (published)
- ro/română (in progress)
- ru/русский (published)
- th/ไทย (in progress)
- tr /Türkçe (proofreading)
- uk/українська (missing)
- zh-hans /中文(简体) (needs updating)
- zh-hant/中文(繁體) (published)
For this translation we are using the new translation system. Help on this system is provided when viewing the template in edit-mode (hitting the +/- in the corner).
While this request is now closed temporally, the French and Turkish versions, which are to be proofread, are requested to be finished as soon as possible. Other language translators are welcome to have patience on waiting for the soon-coming update.