Iedomājies pasauli, kur katrs bibliotekārs Vikipēdijai pievienotu vienu atsauci.
Vikipēdija ir viens no pirmajiem soļiem lasītājiem un pētniekiem. Padarīsim to labāku! Tavs šodienas mērķis ir Vikipēdijai pievienot vienu atsauci! Jebkura atsauce uz uzticamu avotu ir ieguvums Vikipēdijas lasītājiem visā pasaulē. Pievienojot rakstam atsauci, neaizmirsti kopsavilkumā iekļaut tēmturi $hashtag, lai mēs varētu apkopot dalībniekus.
Wikipedia is one of the first stops for readers and researchers. It’s an especially important resource now, during COVID-19, when people are increasingly turning to the platform for trustworthy, unbiased, and up-to-date information. Join us to help improve the quality of content on Wikipedia for the billions of people staying at home during this public health crisis.
Your goal is to add at least one reference to Wikipedia! Any citation to a reliable source is a benefit to Wikipedia readers worldwide. When you edit, make sure to include the hashtag #1Lib1Ref in the edit summary.
Šo #1Lib1Ref kampaņu atbalsta Vikipēdijas bibliotēka, dedzīgu brīvprātīgo grupa un Wikimedia filiāles visā pasaulē. Kampaņas popularizēšanai mēs cieši sadarbojamies arī ar vietējiem bibliotēku tīkliem. Kampaņa notiek vairākas reizes gadā (janvārī un maijā) un jūs varat organizēt pasākumus jebkurā jums derīgā laikā!
Amid COVID-19, #1Lib1Ref has transitioned to a fully virtual campaign. Please follow WHO guidelines to protect the safety of yourself and others, and do not hold in-person events. See our resources page for guidance on hosting virtual events, and learn more about Wikimedia’s COVID-19 response here
Kā tu vēlies piedalīties #1Lib1Ref?
Šī sadaļa ir pielāgota, lai atbilstu tavam līdzdalības līmenim vai interesei kampaņā. Klikšķini uz jebkuras no šīm pogām, lai atklātu jaunus dalības veidus.
Would you like to experiment with some new activities?
For the 2023 1lib1ref, we are giving you more options to participate in the campaign. Do you already know how to edit Wikipedia and other projects? Click on any of the three buttons below to discover the new participation methods.
Does the time not work for you? Not to worry – we've got you covered!
1Lib1Ref campaigns or events currently receive year-round support, so don't hesitate to get in touch with the team if you are organising an event out of the regular campaign schedule!
Track your impact and connect with others around the campaign
We are excited to officially map the campaign and track the overall impact of your efforts. With so much excitement around adding citations, some institutions have even used the campaign to start a healthy competition between organisations. Use the dashboard (click the button below) to register, track and showcase your event!
We encourage all 1Lib1Ref enthusiasts (or critics) to fill out our new feedback form to help us gather stories of your achievements and pain points about the campaign. (Šī anketa izmanto Google Forms.)