Talk:Wikimedia Türkiye
Add topic- yapılacaklar arasında şu madde ilk sıralarda olsa derim: o kadar büyük bir telif yükünden kurtulmuş oluruz ki: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti resmî kurumlarınca üretilen eserlerin kamu malı olabilmesi için gereken temasların yapılması, milletvekilleri, siyasi partiler ve sivil toplum kuruluşları ile irtibat kurulması, uygun materyaller ile taleplerin desteklenmesi.. --kibele 11:52, 8 January 2010 (UTC) Reply
Hello, Wikimedia Türkiye.
The page states an English version is forthcoming, and I just wanted to assure you that some of us are eagerly waiting for such a version. We are very interested in cooperation and collaboration with Wikimedia Türkiye, and hope to see your representatives in Berlin or in Gdansk soon. Ijon 01:40, 25 March 2010 (UTC) (from Wikimedia Israel)Reply
Hello! I wanted to point you out to the opening call for sponsorhip applications for Wikimania 2010 in Gdansk, Poland. You can find it here: and the application form is here: It would be great if some of the people involved in the process of thinking about a Turkish Chapter can make it to Wikimania! Looking forward to meeting you there, I also want to point out thatn anyone member of the Chapters Committee is here to help if you need help with anything. Best regards, notafish }<';> 14:24, 25 March 2010 (UTC) Reply
Oluşumun şu andaki statüsü ve üyelik için daha ayrıntılı bilgi almak mümkün mü? --Mtaylan 13:47, 22 April 2010 (UTC) Reply
Hi - I'm attaching the text of an invitation to a film screening and discussion in Istanbul next week: do please pass on if you know someone who might be interested.
"People are Knowledge" Wikipedia and Oral Citations: A Film Screening and Discussion with Murat Güvenç and Jon Soske
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Graduate Student Lounge Istanbul Bilgi University Santral Campus
"People are Knowledge," a film by Achal Prabhala, Priya Sen and Zen Marie, explores how oral citations could be incorporated into Wikipedia and asks how a system of oral citations would challenge different forms of historical knowledge based on written documents in European languages. The screening will be followed by a discussion on the Internet and historical practice with Murat Güvenç, a professor in the Department of Sociology and the director of Urban Studies Research Centre (USRC) at Istanbul Sehir University, and Jon Soske, an assistant professor in the Department of History and Classical Studies at McGill University.
All are welcome.
For information please contact Kate Elizabeth Creasey at
Best wishes, aprabhala 13:33, 16 December 2011 (UTC) Reply
--Another Believer (talk) 17:48, 1 November 2013 (UTC) Reply