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Movement Strategy/Interim Global Council

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This page is a translated version of the page Movement Strategy/Interim Global Council and the translation is 8% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Dočasná globálna rada (IGC) je iniciatívou Odporúčaná stratégie hnutia 4 a je popísaný ako dočasný výbor, ktorý dohliada na vývoj Charty hnutia a zriadenie Globálnej rady, a zohrávať hlavnú úlohu pri podpore implementácie stratégie hnutia. IGC by mala reprezentovať rozmanitosť hnutia a mala by otvorene a transparentne spolupracovať s komunitami. IGC sa rozpustí, akonáhle bude Globálna rada zriadená podľa Charty hnutia.

Konkrétnejšia a úzko špecifikovaná navrhovaná implementácia tohto konceptu je na Movement Charter/Committee.


The IGC is a temporary committee and will dissolve after the Movement Charter is finalized and the Global Council is established. The IGC will not automatically become the Global Council.

Pri navrhovaní odporúčaní, komunity identifikovala za naliehavú potrebu hnutia mať reprezentujúcu Globálnu radu. Globálnu radu by zriadila Charta hnutia. Kedže napísanie samotnej charty hnutia môže nejaký čas trvať, IGC bola považovaná za dočasné riešenie na postupnú realizáciu zavádzania a zapojenia komunít priamo do riadenia.

23. a 24. januára 2021 sa diskutovalo na rôznych podujatiach Wikimédia o implementácii dočasnej globálnej rady, vrátane špeciálnej živej Globálnej konverzácie.

Develop the Movement Charter

Hlavní článek: Movement Charter

The IGC was previously assumed to oversee the development of the Movement Charter in consultation with communities, organizations, and subject matter experts. The Movement Charter would lay values, principles, and policies for new and existing movement structures, such as the Global Council. This responsibility will be now handled by the Movement Charter Drafting Committee.

Transfer of responsibilities

The IGC would design an independent and transparent process, along with an independent legal assessment, to transfer certain responsibilities and authorities to the appropriate movement-led bodies. In this process, the IGC would engage with the Board of Trustees to identify areas of its current responsibilities that must be transferred to achieve the goals of the recommendations. The eventual Global Council's responsibilities would include any responsibilities identified by the Interim Global Council as needing to be delegated by the Board.

Oversee the Implementation of Movement Strategy

The IGC would play a leadership role in supporting the implementation of the Movement Strategy.

Tentative timeline

  • November 2020: Start of conversations on establishing an Interim Global Council
  • December 2020: Global framing and scoping
  • January - February 2021: Continued scoping, focused planning
  • March 2021: Setup


Composition that balances representation and functionality

Actively support engagement of underrepresented groups and emerging Wikimedia communities

  • Fair estimation of the required time commitment
  • Compensation for participation (e.g. data / internet, childcare)
  • Translation support
  • Balancing existing privileges in the movement and overrepresentation

Resources and support for the IGC to function well

  • Supporting staff, access to expertise
  • Time for team building / onboarding
  • Assigning internal roles

Discussion for the Global Conversations and follow-ups

One-pager summary of the Global Conversations.

(1) Composition

  • Define the needed skills to deliver the tasks
  • Define clearly the groups and voices that need to be represented
  • Define the size to ensure the functionality of a temporary structure
  • Define the process - selection / election / appointment / combination

(2) Operation and Tasks

  • Scoping to set success criteria - what should, could, and must the IGC accomplish?
  • Decide what is the most urgent to start, e.g. drafting the Movement Charter or leading the implementation of Movement Strategy
  • One single IGC delivering all of the functions, or
  • Three internal working groups to focus on specific tasks, such as (1) the Movement Charter, (2) set up of the Global Council, and (3) oversight of the Movement Strategy implementation
  • Define criteria and process for ratification of the Movement Charter

(3) Relationship

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