Mac user Wikimedians
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This is a list of Wikimedians who use Macs. Any self-aware Macintosh computers who edit any Wikimedia project are also invited to list themselves here.
- Apple Expert iMac G5 and MacBook Limited Edition Aluminum (Not the Pro)
- Locutus Borg since 1986 (Mac ED), today Mac Cube and PowerMac G5 (spanish)
- Adam Bishop
- Adrian (fr, ru) — from 1986
- Agendum - PowerMac 7100 from 1994 > iMac 2005
- Garrett Albright — 12" PowerBook, 1.25GHz. My fourth Mac. Windows sucks!
- alerante — a shiny 1.8 GHz iMac G5 running 10.4
- Alibaba
- Alphax — only at Uni ('cause iBooks are cool)
- .anaconda – iMac G5, MacBook Pro
- Anthere — at home, what about setting a foundation to help me buy a brand new one on which I could upgrade my browser so I would stop breaking the main page?
- Archeos
- Arwcheek — PowerMac G5
- Asahiko (朝彦)
- Avriette — Linux at work, Solaris in the enterprise, MacOS on the desktop. Coffee and Tequila for everything else.
- Batshua
- Bbtommy
- Bcoconni
- bdesham
- Beavis
- Brion — thanks to those who gave me money to buy a PowerBook :)
- Carla Pettigrew Hufstedler: 12-inch iBook
- Cat — 12" PowerBook, 867 MHz G4, Mac OS X "Panther" 10.3.4
- CAPS LOCK - Macintosh IIsi, 16Mb memory expansion, A/UX 3.0.1 (not my primary machine though). Also Powerbook 180, but that is currently out of service. :(
- Cdang — iBook Graphite G3 (2000) with MacOS X
- C’est Logique — PowerBook G4 Panther
- Chairman S. - 17" Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz
- Charele La Wantzenau, France— iMac OS 10.3.9
- Chaoborus — iBook G3 700 MHz with logic board update, MacOS X.3.5
- Crazou - iBook G4
- DF08 — newest of 8 Macs is an iBook G4 800 MHz, 10.3.3
- Doktor boris kater - depuis avant le début (Apple IIe) à iMac G3 500 MHz OSX.3.9 DIY & think different
- Dominique grassigli — Lyon, France— 700MHzPowerPCG4 OSX.3.9, I think different mais plutôt francophone
- Dreamyshade
- David dePaoli
- David Yenoki
- Dnj - PowerBook G4 15, Mac OS X 10.4.8
- ElAmericano
- elec
- elian
- Elf
- Emc2 - MacBook running Mac OS X 10.4.7
- Enric –from Barcelona, Catalonia
- EVula - currently, a 20" 2.1 Ghz G5 iMac. I've also had a 266 Mhz iMac (Rev. C, lime green), a 466 Mhz PowerMac G4, and a 667 Mhz PowerBook G4
- FCYTravis - Aluminum PowerBook G4 1.67Ghz Rev. C
- Fmv, Grenoble, France.
- Franci9, Québec, Canada
- Fransvannes
- Gentgeen — Primary MacBook Air running OS X 10.5.3. Backup Mac mini G4.
- Gerhard — PBs G4 667 et 1000, iMac G4, Tiger.
- Golmore
- Grstain
- Grunt - although I don't have it yet, I'll be buying either an iBook or a PowerBook very very soon.
- Haniff - Malaysia. eMac.
- Heidimo — powerbook g4
- Henri de Marsay - since 1991
- Hephaestos
- Hołek - I have Macs in school (Mac OS X)
- hoshie — my Mac is an iBook running OS X 10.2.8.
- hydnjo - and I still can't seem to iChat/Webcam with my Windowcentric kids.
- iKato - mainly use a 1 GHz iBook G4 running OS X 10.3.4.
- IAlex (fr) - iBook G4 1.2 GHz from 2005
- ip19216811 - Versailles, Île-de-France (FRANCE) Macuser since 1996.
- Ivanohé — Lyon, France— PowerPCG4, I think different mais plutôt en Français et en Italien
- Jackjeff — with 1.25ghz powerbook g4
- JarnaQuais Mac Mini 1 Go/Tiger 10.4.9 and a Powerbook 2 GP/Tiger 10.4.9
- Jean-no — a powerbook G4 and a PowerMac G4, but also (for the kids) a 4400 and a 8600. But I also use a Wintel and a Linux.x86... I don't belong to any cult, I am a proud atheist !
- James F.
- jona with a Powerbook
- jonathaneo with an green apple working on OS 9,2
- Jeff Anonymous - iBook G3/800, iMac G5/1.6. I have a Windows/Linux multiboot box but don't use it much anymore, mostly all Mac now.
- Kalki
- KalmerE. with a MacBook, 1.8 GHz with 2GB RAM, Mac OS X (english/finnish)
- Kerberos
- Kropotkine — in love with his 800 Mhz iBook running under Panther and soon under Tiger ! Also waiting for Tiger and "Tablet Mac".
- Lcgarcia
- Le Che 71 - Imac G5/1,6 et Panther
- Locutus Borg since 1986 (Mac ED), today Mac Cube and PowerMac G5 (spanish)
- louis-garden - Apple since 1978, Amiga, then reborn Mac since 1998 : 2xImac G5 + PwrBk 12"
- lysdexia 1.25 GHz 15.2" AlPowerbook
- MarcFerrand since 1984 (Lisa) - eMac 10.2.8 ; G3 Blue&White, PMAc 7200/90 OS 9.1 ; LC475 OS 7.6 ; SE-30 OS 7.1 ; Mac IIcx,ci - Love to have a miniMac.
- Meidosemme — happy Powerbook G4 12" user
- MrH
- Musashi PowerMac G4 800Mhz (extended to 1Ghz and running Mac OS X 10.4, of course =D)
- Mutichou iMac G4 1Ghz (although I also use Windows — should I be ashamed?)
- Nanobug
- Néfermaât, Issy les Moulineaux, France
- Neolux — and a Sony Clié for when I'm on the road! I realise it's not a Mac, but until Apple make a proper PDA again...
- Olof
- onze french living in the atopiasphere
- Ortolan88
- Overmac
- Pandora
- Perl — my wikipedia laptop fund will reach 2100 dollars for a powerbook by summer (already at 1350)
- Pel-Lux, a authentic MacManiak, for otner Frenchs, see [1], it's a really young WikiWiki, but it' growing up !!!
- Pilou63100, something really disturbing is that there is more macs than M$ register on Wikipédia ! MacBook 1.83 GHZ 2GoDDRAM iSight and the most advanced system in the world entire : Tiger
- Alexandre Poinas
- Olivier Robert — MacBook 2,4 GHz since june 2008
- Ryan Norton - iBook G3 with the bigger screen (circa 2006), and a MacBook Pro; also, an old pre-powerpc performa for the oldschool games. I use PCs mostly now (2010) though.
- Saoullabit - Imac Intel 2.16Ghz 20' + World_of_Warcraft
- saXon - Imac G4 + openoffice
- sheridan - use my girlfriend's iMac at weekends, W98se and Linux other times.
- Sonusfaber - Mac IIfx, PowerMac 9600, PowerMac G4 AGP, OSX 10.4.6 (boulot et travail et wikipédia)
- Stardust, Gironde, France. — à la maison : iMac 500 DV Edition Spéciale OSX 10.3.9 Ram 640Mo ; au travail : windows NT
- Stéphane Thibault ; G3 Blue & White upgraded to G4 400 + iBook G3 900 because one Mac simply isn't enough...
- stefp
- Suisui — G4 Cube & PB800DVI
- Sunwoo Lim - uses Parallels Desktop if needed.
- Swatjester - 15 inch MacBook Pro, and 15 inch Powerbook G4 (titanium).
- Sylvain05 - eMac G4, OS X.4, join me to BOINC
- ✏ Sverdrup
- Taku
- Teddyyy 15 inch MacBook pro
- Thomas Deniau G5 2003 2*2 ghz ; PowerBook 1.67 Ghz 15' (october 2005)
- tibosine
- Tintamarre aka martin erpicum
- tmorrisey iBook G4!
- Tofkaër - Power Mac G4
- Tony Kao
- Toto Azéro
- Tristan5 15" Macbook Pro
- UkPaolo - PowerBook G4 :o)
- Varnent
- Ventnocturne - mac mini 1.42 :p apres un G4 pci et un P6200
- Vlad40 — PowerBook G4 1.33 Ghz + Imac G4 800 mhz at home - windowsXP at work...
- David Latapie — PowerBeurk 800. All of my PC together didn't had half of the problems I experienced with this... thing. OS X is cool, still.
- WikiFan04 — 15" iBook, 1.2 GHz, 768 MB RAM. Running 10.4.2.
- Wolfram
- Wimpire9 - Depuis le SE/30 §emac g4 1.25Ghz§.
- Xinoph — since the very beginning. Shouldn't we start a WikiMUG?
- Zanimum - At school, at least.
- Zejames — A la maison, ibook G4 avec le Tigre
- vertigociel - 17 inch iMac G5, 1.8 GHZ
- foux - Black MacBook, 2.0 GHz with 1GB RAM
- Me ... also running media wiki on 10.4 you can see it here.
- lewis82 A big ol' iMac DV 400mHz 640 mo RAM 10Go HD running 10.2.8 (It's now an obsolete machine)
- Twilightsentry Macbook, the last revision with a GMA950. Leopard mostly, Linux when I feel like it.
- TrisT7 iMac 27" fusion 3TB+SSD + 32GB of ram
See also: Wikipedians categorized by sub-cultural affiliation