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Grants talk:Project/Makumbusho: Apps4Museums

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Latest comment: 3 years ago by Mjohnson (WMF) in topic Updated round 2 2021 eligibility decision

Reminder: Change status to proposed to submit

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

IMPORTANT: Please note that you must change your proposal status from "draft" to "proposed" by the submission deadline in order for your proposal to be reviewed in the current round. When your proposal has been successfully submitted, it will show up in the "Open proposals" list (it may take several minutes for the list to update after you submit it). Applications that are not completely filled out and correctly submitted by the deadline will not be reviewed. To submit your proposal, you must complete all fields of the application and then:

1. Click on "edit source"
2. Change "|status=DRAFT" to "|status=PROPOSED"
3. Click the "Publish changes" button.

Thank you,

--Marti (WMF) (talk) 19:34, 16 March 2021 (UTC) Reply

Technical questions

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 6 comments4 people in discussion

I just came across this proposal by chance and I have actively contributed to the Kiwix project for many years (In the beginning with some development and lately in Cuba but mainly in Venezuela making content available by making the list of articles to create the specific zim for this country), and as a software engineer I’m interested in this project from the technical point of view and also to be used in institutions, however, I have some questions that I post below:

  1. Is there any partnership with a specific museum or institution with which an agreement has been made for this project so that new articles can be guaranteed in editatons?
  2. Which local communities have been contacted to establish the difficulty they have in establishing a partnership with GLAM institutions like museums?
  3. Is there any model or documentation of this software? or minimally some screen or model of its operation?
  4. All museums would have a similar application with a similar interface due to self-generation? It is not clear to me if what is autogenerated is the ZIM or it is Kiwix (Both tools already exist).
  5. The information will be taken from Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons, this will create a ZIM file that will be read by Kiwix (desktop and mobile versions respectively), both things have already been developed. Any additional development prior to any other application, will it be used?
  6. What similar background exists on this application?
  7. The creation of the thousands of photos, articles and Wikipedia entries, I really don't know if it is a creation of these things or it is a simple creation of a ZIM file based on a list of items (as is done today for other zim using a predefined list)?

Thanks in advance for the answers --Wilfredor (talk) 17:33, 17 March 2021 (UTC) Reply

I'm going to ping @Kelson: and I think he could answer it. --Wilfredor (talk) 01:07, 18 March 2021 (UTC) Reply
Hi Wilfredor and thank you vey much for your questions. I will try to answer them here but let me know if you need more detais.
  1. Is there any partnership with a specific museum or institution with which an agreement has been made for this project so that new articles can be guaranteed in editatons? >>> Currently we ave been in touch with the french museum Musée Saint-Raymond where there is an active wikimdian working there and they welcomed the idea of having a mobile application. We have been in touch also with the director of the museums in Tunisia from the National Heritage Institute (where there are more than 15 archaeological museums) and we will try to used this project as a motivation to have a partnership with the institute and build a mobile applications for all the museums although the fact that currently there is only one museum with enough content on Wikipedia to have a mobile application which is the Bardo National Museum.
  2. Which local communities have been contacted to establish the difficulty they have in establishing a partnership with GLAM institutions like museums? >>> For instance before announcing this project, the local community in Tunisia was not able to establishing a partnership with any museum in Tunisia but so far this project has been used to be a good motivation to start discussing a collaboration with the director of museums from the National Heritage Institute. Also although local communities in Arabic countries have not contacted specifically for this project, we know that there are no partnerships with museums in these countries and this project can be used by them to initiate a GLAM collaboration.
  3. All museums would have a similar application with a similar interface due to self-generation? It is not clear to me if what is auto-generated is the ZIM or it is Kiwix (Both tools already exist). >>> Yes all museums will have an application with a similar graphical interface since it will be generated automatically using the new platform that will be built. To simplify the processː imagine you have a platform accessible via a browserː you input a name of a museum in a dedicated form and click on next, if there is enough content on the wiki projects, the platform will generate automatically (based on a automated back office process) a mobile application APK that can be uploaded on the google play. It's based on the Kiwix technology but it's not a Kiwix application like you know now. for instance one major difference is that for the current Kiwix application you have to download content in each different language but with the new museum apk application, it will embed several languages from different Wikis (many zims).
  4. The information will be taken from Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons, this will create a ZIM file that will be read by Kiwix (desktop and mobile versions respectively), both things have already been developed. Any additional development prior to any other application, will it be used? >>> It's true that the information will be taken from Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons but it will create a new multilingual APK application composed of several Zims and not one ZIM that will be read by Kiwix. The interface also will be different from the current Kiwix mobile application as it will be adapted to navigate through the museum collection and to manage different languages.
  5. The creation of the thousands of photos, articles and Wikipedia entries, I really don't know if it is a creation of these things or it is a simple creation of a ZIM file based on a list of items (as is done today for other zim using a predefined list)? >>> This is not related to the ZIM file but the purpose is to increase the content related to Museums and collections so they can covered by the project. For exampleː the National Bardo Museum in Tunisia has 43 articles in 14 languages but most of these articles are in french (23 articles) and English (5 articles) so in order to build the mobile application we will need to increase the content in other languagesː instead of having only 2 articles in Arabic we will increase this number to match for example the number of articles in french. For other museums we have only one main article for the museum but not for the collection of the museum so we will work to create new articles about the collection so we can generate the mobile application. Basically if we are able to document all the museums and their collections around the world we can have thousand of mobile application generated by this project.

--Yamen (talk) 05:29, 26 March 2021 (UTC) Reply

Hi @Wilfredor:, I can address a couple of your questions:
3. App-wise, it will be a modified/improved version of Kiwix-android-custom. There will be significant changes to the frontend (particularly content navigation), but you get the idea of generating a zim and creating a custom app from it. In order to make the generation of custom apps as easy and straightforward as possible, we will further improve a recent update we made on Kiwix-build that simplifies the work of building a custom app by making it "non-techy"-friendly.
4. We plan on building a web UI where contributors will input the GLAM's name/Wikidata item number. The service will check whether there are enough articles to build a zim from, and if yes will generate the corresponding zim file which will then be appended to the Kiwix-android app. The idea is to have the whole process (from Q input to app on the playstore) as frictionless as possible.
5. As you can see from the table, most of the work will pertain to the zim generation funnel and the app's UI. I am not sure at this stage that we will release the zim files to the main Kiwix library, so even though it technically could work on the generic Kiwix-desktop and Kiwix-android, these are not the target platforms here.
6. Not sure I understand what you mean by "background" but I would say Wikimed is an early precursor. It certainly did lay a lot of groundwork in terms of thinking and learnings.
7. I think the content creation is more of an outcome of the app's creation. If we produce an app that is interesting and slick enough, then there will be every incentive for the partner GLAMs to further open up their collections and encourage the creation of articles as they will ultimately end up in the app at the next update and increase its value to museum visitors. At least that's how I understand it. The other Kiwix guy (talk) 16:11, 26 March 2021 (UTC) Reply
Sorry for being late, I've been busy with personal matters and Thanks for the answers. Yamen, I sincerely feel that my questions are not being answered correctly and I recommend that someone with technical knowledge take a deeper look at what is being done here with this Grant with the aim of clarifying what I consider basic technical errors in the conception of this project that I have cited previously, such as the lack of any documentation of what is going to be done. Also I will try to be as specific and short as possible in my questions.
Hi @The other Kiwix guy:
1 - Is there a functional document of what is going to be done or is this grant based on something hypothetical?
2 - What concrete changes will there be in the graphic interface of each museum?
3 - Why is it necessary to develop a complete Continuous Development flow and how was the conclusion of using this methodology reached?
4 - It is not clear what will be developed by each person, is there any planning of activities?
5 - I understand that the self-generation of ZIM is something that already exists, why has this been included in the process again?
7 - When you tell "they will ultimately end up in the app at the next update and increase its value to museum visitors". Please, could you explan what do you mean about "increase its value to museum visitors" and how could this be measurable?
8 - The deployment of this application will be used only in this project or is something that will be used in future projects.?

Thank you once again for the time spent answering my questions. Wilfredor (talk) 23:00, 3 May 2021 (UTC) Reply

Hi Wilfredo, not sure what is exaclty meant with "Functional analysis", so I would tend to answer "no", but we have been talking about such a project for years already, involved people know how Kiwix works, so I guess we are on the secure side about the common understanding of what should be delivered. Concerning the UI, it will be the same for each museum (beside the UI language, the app title and a few other details), only the content will change. Concerning the CD, this is how we work at Kiwix and we do so to have a full control (code based of the infrastructure) and because we are convinced this is the best way of doing. It is not clear at Kiwix either who will do what exactly so far, but all the tech work (beside the end-user web front-end) will be done by Kiwix. Regarding the Zimfarm, yes it exists already and is up & running, but a few things need to be implemented, secured, deployed (this is already explained what). "they will ultimately end up...", just means that there is a valuable loopback for museums: they update wikidata/wikipedia, they get an app with better content for their visitors. This project includes the deployement of a first set of apps already, but this approach open doors for other kind of similar projects and obviously other museums. Kelson (talk) 14:38, 8 May 2021 (UTC) Reply

Possibility to make synergies with other projects

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 6 comments5 people in discussion


Thanks for your proposal. I wonder if it couldn't be coupled/joined with an other project which is about to be planned in a partnership between WMFR and some company to better highlight the use of Wikimedia information in GLAM and tourism activities. @Xavier Cailleau WMFr might better assess than me the possibility of conjointly provide mutual outcomes on such a project and avoid dupplication of efforts. Cheers. Psychoslave (talk) 19:32, 23 March 2021 (UTC) Reply

Hi Psychoslave and thank you very much for your feedback. Yes WMFR are working activley on increasing the content of french museums on Wiki projects like the project Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings or the project initiated last year to increase the coverage of European museums (link). A collaboration with them will certainly create a synergy as the more content is available the more possible mobile applications we can generate. Btw the first museum that we will generate a mobile application for it, if this project is accepted, is the french museum Musée Saint-Raymond as there is an active french wikimedian working there and made available many information on Wikipedia/Wikidata/Commons. Another french museum that we will try to work on it is the french Museum of Grenoble. We will try to contact WMFR in order to fix a list of museums that we can work together in order to build a mobile application for them. --Yamen (talk) 05:50, 26 March 2021 (UTC) Reply

ːːː Hi @Yamen: thank you for your answer, you can contact me directly on my mail in my user page ǃ I'll be glad to speak about this great project ǃ --Xavier Cailleau WMFr (talk) 22:45, 29 March 2021 (UTC) Reply

Thank you Xavier. I have sent you an email and will happy if you have questions to schedule a call with you and Wikimedia France to talk about the project. --Yamen (talk) 19:27, 2 April 2021 (UTC) Reply

== Endorsement

Eligibility provisionally confirmed, Round 2 2021 - Research and Software proposal

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion
This Project Grants proposal is under review!

We've provisionally confirmed your proposal is eligible for review in Round 2 2021 for Research and Software projects, contingent upon:

  • confirmation that the project will not depend on staff from the Wikimedia Foundation for code review, integration or other technical support during or after the project, unless those staff are part of the Project Team.
  • compliance with our COVID-19 guidelines.

Schedule delay

Please note that due to unexpected delays in the review process, committee scoring will take place from April 17 through May 2, instead of April 9-24, as originally planned.

  • Please watch your talkpage, which will be the primary method of communication about your proposal. We appreciate your timely response to questions and comments posted there.
  • Please refrain from making changes to your proposal during the scoring period, so that all committee members score the same version of your proposal.
  • After the scoring period ends, you are welcome to make further changes to your proposal in response to committee comments.

COVID-19 planning for travel and/or offline events

Proposals that include travel and/or offline events must ensure that all of the following are true:

  • You must review and can comply with the guidelines linked above.
  • If necessary because of COVID-19 safety risks, you must be able to complete the core components of your proposed work plan _without_ offline events or travel.
  • You must be able to postpone any planned offline events or travel until the Wikimedia Foundation’s guidelines allow for them, without significant harm to the goals of your project.
  • You must include a COVID-19 planning section in your activities plan. In this section, you should provide a brief summary of how your project plan will meet COVID-19 guidelines, and how it would impact your project if travel and offline events prove unfeasible throughout the entire life of your project.

Community engagement

We encourage you to make sure that stakeholders, volunteers, and/or communities impacted by your proposed project are aware of your proposal and invite them to give feedback on your talkpage. This is a great way to make sure that you are meeting the needs of the people you plan to work with and it can help you improve your project.

  • If you are applying for funds in a region where there is a Wikimedia Affiliate working, we encourage you to let them know about your project, too.
  • If you are a Wikimedia Affiliate applying for a Project Grant: A special reminder that our guidelines and criteria require you to announce your Project Grant requests on your official user group page on Meta and a local language forum that is recognized by your group, to allow adequate space for objections and support to be voiced).

We look forward to engaging with you in this Round!

Questions? Contact us at projectgrants (_AT_) wikimedia  · org.

Marti (WMF) (talk) 06:39, 17 April 2021 (UTC) Reply

Questions about your proposal

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 3 comments3 people in discussion

Hello Yamen,

Thank you for submitting this proposal! I am writing with a couple of questions for you:

  • How is follow-up hosting and maintenance secured?
  • In the long run, how much maintenance do you foresee that this tool will need? How would it be maintained over time?

Warm regards,

--Marti (WMF) (talk) 06:52, 17 April 2021 (UTC) Reply

Hi Marti and thank you very much for these important questions. Please find below our answersː
  • How is follow-up hosting and maintenance secured? ==> the hosting will be assured by the Kiwix team as it will be easy for them to support the platform.
  • In the long run, how much maintenance do you foresee that this tool will need? How would it be maintained over time? ==> According to Kiwix team, the tool will be hosted and maitained by them as part of the many Kiwix projects they are delivering. They don't see any additional maintenance fees for that as they have already a hosting plan and an account on the playstore..

Thanks Kind Regards

Yamen (talk) 22:52, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Reply

Hi Marti, I can add a bit more info there:
  • Follow-up hosting and maintenance: as indicated by Yamen, the app's hosting will be on our playstore account (where we have the other apps like Kiwix or the 11 different Wikimeds), and the zim files with content will be hosted and updated on the zimfarm. So basically this is already covered by our generic costs. These and the Kiwix-Android maintenance will be contigent on our continued broader collaboration with the Foundation, but as long as we're alive any work done on the generic Kiwix android app's backend is systematically ported on the custom apps.
  • Long run: in terms of tech, Makumbusho will be added to our portfolio and maintained in any case. The other Kiwix guy (talk) 12:51, 28 April 2021 (UTC) Reply

Aggregated feedback from the committee for Makumbusho: Apps4Museums

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 2 comments1 person in discussion
(追記) (追記ここまで)(A) Impact potential
  • Does it have the potential to increase gender diversity in Wikimedia projects, either in terms of content, contributors, or both?
  • Does it have the potential for online impact?
  • Can it be sustained, scaled, or adapted elsewhere after the grant ends?
(追記) (追記ここまで)(B) Community engagement
  • Does it have a specific target community and plan to engage it often?
  • Does it have community support?
(追記) (追記ここまで)(C) Ability to execute
  • Can the scope be accomplished in the proposed timeframe?
  • Is the budget realistic/efficient ?
  • Do the participants have the necessary skills/experience?
(追記) (追記ここまで)(D) Measures of success
  • Are there both quantitative and qualitative measures of success?
  • Are they realistic?
  • Can they be measured?
Additional comments from the Committee:
  • I am not sure that the project fits with Wikimedia's strategic priorities as it is mainly aimed at supporting museums. Its long-term sustainability is also questionable as museums will need to constantly update their apps. I am not sure that they will do this.
  • It seems that it is more a help to museums' priorities than those of Wikimedia. Though Kiwik developers in the list of the project members suggest that the project will continue when the grant ends (as they are familiar with not-for-profit products' maintenance), not sure that it will happen. Here it is more a question of promotion than just maintenance of the infrastructure
  • This is VERY exciting! It is a user-oriented infra-structure to improve global access to cultural knowledge.
  • 1. Yes, the project fits Wikipedia strategic priorities.
  • 2. Yes, it can be sustainable and used by any community at the end of the project.
  • This project meets Wikimedia's strategic priorities and has the potential to help a lot of GLAM institutions. It is sustainable and will contribute greatly to Wikimedia projects. The end product can be used by institutions outside Wikimedia.
  • The ṕath to solve the problem is adequate. I don't feel confident about edits and other metrics to be measured about contents, but it doesn't seem hard to be achieved in the estimated time.
  • The project proposes to use the existing Kiwix infrastructure in an innovative way. However, its potential is limited in my opinion while the risks are high. The main risk is that few museums will actually utilize the generator and that the generated apps may have significant problems, which will make their practical use impossible.
  • Interesting idea of building on something that is interesting to museums - generating easy apps. But don't get the idea how it would convert to articles/images, etc. We are just solving marketing/promotion tasks for museums while we need to promote not museums themselves but what they keep inside
  • This is a low-risk proposal compared to a large potential for impact, which can lead to replication.
  • 1. The aim is to use an innovative approach to solving a key problem.
  • 2. Yes, the potential impact is greater than the risk.
  • 3. Yes, the project has an evaluation plan that would measure the impact of the project.
  • This is a great idea to contribute to the GLAM sector and add more data to Wikimedia projects. It has a very high potential to succeed, and the outcome would be beneficial to the movement. The project outline is realistic and measurable. It will also provide offline access to users who may not have reliable access to the internet.
  • The project can probably be accomplished in 12 months and the budget is ok. The participants appear to have the necessary skills.
  • The budget is excessive
  • This is a low-risk proposal compared to a large potential for impact, which can lead to replication.
  • 1. Yes, the scope of the project can be completed in 12 months.
  • 2. The project budget is realistic but I don’t really understand the technicalities of the budget displayed.
  • 3. Yes, the participant has a team with the skill set that would be used in the project.
  • The project can be completed in 12 months, and the participants seem to know what the project entails. They have the necessary skills and experience to execute this project.
  • I think the budget is realistic enough except for the social media promotion cost, which should be reduced to USD 700.
  • I am worried about the lack of existing engagements with museums. It is not clear how they will learn about the app generator and will be taught how to use it. It seems too general, it is hard to see a detailed plan.
  • 1. Yes, it has a specific target community which is GLAM.
  • 2. Yes, the project has the support of the community.
  • 3. Yes, the project aims to support diversity and inclusion.
  • The main target for this project is the GLAM sector and all the Wikimedia projects. There is diversity in the project outline, and the team itself is diverse. There is also a good number of people from the community and outside of the wiki movement who are ready to support the project, as the team from Kiwix.
  • Seems a great way to enter medium-small museums, and the capacity to bring new content to Wikidata seems ok.
  • I am having trouble finding clear benefits for the Wikimedia communities coming from this project. The beneficiaries will be museums. However, even the use of those automatically generated apps for them is questionable. I am not sure for instance why just an automatically generated website cannot perform the same functions? At least without seeing how those apps will look like it is impossible to make any conclusions. In addition, the project contains some elements around the content creation that look artificial and should not be part of it.
  • The budget is too expensive while we have limited funds and other projects with more certain impact. Here we have an assumption that helping museums with apps will help us with content but I don't believe in this conversion.
  • This is exciting. I hope this is well documented, as this can be replicated to other knowledge topics.
  • Yes, this project would be one I’ll choose to support and fund fully.
  • I recommend this project for funding because of the impact it will have on the GLAM sector. Also, making the app accessible to users without the need for an internet connection is great and innovative. The team also has the necessary experience to develop the app.

Mercedes Caso (platícame) 01:23, 8 May 2021 (UTC) Reply

This proposal has been recommended for due diligence review.

The Project Grants Committee has conducted a preliminary assessment of your proposal and recommended it for due diligence review. This means that a majority of the committee reviewers favorably assessed this proposal and have requested further investigation by Wikimedia Foundation staff.

Next steps:

  1. Aggregated committee comments from the committee are posted above. Note that these comments may vary, or even contradict each other, since they reflect the conclusions of multiple individual committee members who independently reviewed this proposal. We recommend that you review all the feedback and post any responses, clarifications or questions on this talk page.
  2. Following due diligence review, a final funding decision will be announced on Thursday, May 27, 2021.
Questions? Contact us at projectgrants (_AT_) wikimedia  · org.

Mercedes Caso (platícame) 21:18, 13 May 2021 (UTC) Reply

A couple of clarifications based on comments

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

Hello, thanks everyone for your comments, which I think are overall pretty positive. I've seen a couple coming back so I'd like to address them;

Cost and sustainability

Building an entire app out of scratch would be several orders of magnitude more expensive, period. This project is a real bargain because we're mostly using tech that is already available and using the grant part to automate what is not yet automated. This means that a) we get to present a tested product that we know works (Kiwix and its range of existing custom apps have more than 1.5 million downloads) b) its maintenance is on someone else's budget (Kiwix's zimfarm already runs updates on wikimedia (and other) content no matter what, and will continue to do so) and c) because of the planned automation we will remove the boring part for the human element in the process (meaning that once the app for a given museum is out there, it'll add new content without having to be told to do so).

GLAM / Wikimedia benefits

Here I'm coming with my Wikimedia Chapter hat and experience. More often than not, potential partners have no idea what partnering would mean and entail. It's just too big that nobody knows where to start, and there's no clear deliverable - the "What's in it for me?" part of every discussion. Saying "You'll be on Wikipedia" says a lot about what's in it for Wikipedia, but on a day-to-day basis the GLAM has nothing more to show its visitors. The pitch here to them is "help us create articles on your collection, and we'll give you a free app that you can't afford to produce on your own and that brings infinitely more value to visitors than the 3x8cm piece of paper in local language that people usually find below your items". I don't think the Met, London Gallery or the Louvre would care about such app: they have money and people to build something that is fully bespoke. Here we address another segment: GLAMs in countries where money is tight (and generally speaking, culture is not high on government budget lists) and whose choice is between having an app with generic design but bespoke quality content on the one hand and... nothing on the other hand. Seems like a pretty straightforward deal to me, and spot on as far as knowledge equity goes.


I see here two main risks: 1. Kiwix closes shop: We have no plans for that, we're professionalizing and therefore more sustainable in the long term than a volunteer effort. 2. No promotion: we can't force chapters to use the app, but everyone is always looking to make an editathon that works and partnerships they can announce. The app makes both of these a super-low hanging fruit to pick. I'd still advise regular reminders to publicize internally (a presentation at Wikimania or regional meetups, along with announcements when a new app is out) so that new people are made aware of the option. The other Kiwix guy (talk) 07:01, 13 May 2021 (UTC) Reply

More clarifications based on comments

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First of all, thanks for the all the comments and feedback. I will try to add more clarification here regarding this projectː

Who is the main beneficiary of this projectː Museums or Wiki Community ?

Although both museums and Wiki communities will benefit from this project, the main and the first beneficiary of this project is the Wikimedia movementː

  • This project will help to promote the content produced by Wikimedians. It's good to have content on Wiki projects but what is better is to use this content and promote the effort done by Wikimedians.
  • This project will be a motivation to produce more content as in order to be able to build a mobile app, there is a minimum of articles that need to be there on Wikipedia in relation to the museum collection. For the moment we thought to set a limit of a minimum of 5 articles to be able to generate an application. So no content no apps. We think that this will give local communities a clear target to plan editathons in order to increase content about museums on wiki projects.
  • Being able to provide local museums by mobile application, is a strong argument to approach GLAM institutions and build partnerships with them which will be a beneficial for local communities. In Tunisia for instance, thanks to the idea of this project we have a confirmation from the director of museums to build a partnership with Wikimedia Tunisia.
  • Promote local affiliates and communities who are going to provide and promote these mobile apps for their local museums. The generation of the apps will generally go through a collaboration with local affiliates/communities. By providing these apps, local affiliates/communities can have a positive coverage/impact on medias and social media. We can imagine titles in the mediaː the Wikimedia Community of "Country" equipped "Museum name" by a mobile application based on content from Wikipedia. This will for sure promote the movement and will give more visibility to local affiliates and help them to recruit more volunteers.
  • Promote accessibility as through the mobile applications it will be possible to listen to the Wikipedia content either by using the default voice reader of the Kiwix application or by adding a recorded file into the article.

Please note that it will be possible for local affiliates/communities to generate a mobile application for a museum and to promote it even if the museum won't accept to collaborate (which it's not logic unless the museum would like to develop its own application).

Project metrics about content

We are very confident about reaching the metrics about content as we are going to target mainly museums located in countries (in Africa and Asia for instance) where content about museums is scarce. This project is first of all based on content, without content we can't have mobile applications. A practical example to explain the logic behind the metricsː the Sousse Archaeological Museum is the second most important museum in Tunisia and has a big collection of roman mosaics (more than 50 well identifed mosaics) whihc are not well documented on Wikipedia (only 2 are documented on Wikipedia with 3 articles in totalː 2 on french wiki and 1 on english wiki). Currently based on the available content it's not possible to generate an app for this museum. Using this project as main motivation to organise editathons we can imagine at least that 25 mosaics can be documented in at east 4 languagesː Arabic, French, English and Italian (since we are covering roman mosaics). This will give us at least 100 article for a single museum i.e. 10% of the target.

Project visibility

In order to be used at a large scale it's very important that communities all over the world will be aware of the existence of such project. Promoting this project will go through two phasesː 1-during the project implementationː during this phase and once we have the confirmation we will start promoting the platform by building a landing web site (the url should be makumbusho.wiki ) where we will publish guides and video explaining how this platform can be used. We will be also promoting the web site via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube..). Both budgets for the web site and the online ads have been included in the grant application. During this phase also we will be reaching to communities directly to promote the project, participating in Wiki conferences and using Mailing lists to make communities aware of it. 2-after the project implementation we will continue to promote the idea by participating to Wiki and GLAM conferences and events.

Potential of the project

The potential of this project is very huge. Being based on a Wikidata queries, the project can be adapted to for other use than generating mobile applications for museums. By manipulating the wikidata query it will be possible for example to generate a mobile application for World Heritage city as this city will contains several monuments within it. Basically the idea behind this project is that the platform can be used to generate mobile app for a main subject composed of sub items linked together which will provide endless possibilities to use this platform in the future.

Updated round 2 2021 eligibility decision

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

We appreciate your innovative idea about how to encourage and support local community-led GLAM partnerships. However, as shared in more detail by email, the project is not eligible for review in the current Project Grants round because of specific constraints in the Wikimedia Foundation around which kinds of partnerships are eligible for grants funding.

We appreciate that you took a chance to submit an idea for consideration in Project Grants and hope to see this idea find another path forward. Marti (WMF) (talk) 22:12, 27 May 2021 (UTC) Reply

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