Решения Викимедиа/Комитет по проведению Викимании
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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia resolutions/Wikimania Committee and the translation is 20% complete.
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This is a failed proposal proposal. It was declined by several members of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees in August 2013. If you want to revive discussion please bring it up at Talk:Wikimania Committee.
Resolved on 22 April 2013, that the Board:
- authorises the creation of a Wikimania Committee , to be initially chaired by James Forrester;
- directs the committee to make strategic plans for Wikimania, including bid selection and conference evaluation;
- directs the committee to report back to the Board with its initial members and committee charter by July 15, 2013;
- directs the committee to report publicly about its work on a quarterly basis;
- directs the Executive Director to assist the committee, and to appoint a staff member to the committee as needed.
- Draft Wikimania Committee charter.