Wikimedia Taiwan/Organization/1st-term
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In this page, the family name for Chinese-style Chinese names were placed first.
Wikimedia Taiwan
List of the 1st term board of directors, supervisors and secretary in the Chapter, which was elected on 11-Feb-2007.
理事會/Board of Directors
繁體中文 English 本會置理事九人,成立理事會,理事會置理事長一人。
- 理事長:鄧傑 (Theodoranian|虎兒)
- 理事:
- 許瑜真 (KJ)
- 張 遠 (ffaarr)
- 張正一 (魔法設計師)
- 劉自強 (TzuChiang Liou)
- 卓政興 (Jasonzhuocn)
- 趙佳誼 (銀色快手)
- 徐承立 (Qweaz)
- 王鐘銘 (MingWangX)
The Board of Directors has 9 members, including 1 elected Chairman.
- Chairman: Deng Chieh (Theodoranian|虎兒)
- Directors:
- Hsu Yu-chen (KJ)
- Chang Yuan (ffaarr)
- Chang Zheng-yi (魔法設計師)
- Liou Tzu-chiang (TzuChiang Liou)
- Zhuo Zheng-xing (Jasonzhuocn)
- Chao Jia-yi (銀色快手)
- Hsu Cheng-li (Qweaz)
- Wang Chung-ming (MingWangX)
監事會/Board of Supervisors
繁體中文 English 本會置監事三人,成立監事會,監事會置監事長一人。
The Board of Supervisors has 3 members, including the Chairman.
繁體中文 English 本會置秘書長一人。
- 秘書長:
- 簡翔泰 (H.T. Chien)(任期:2007年-2012年)
- 陳瑞霖 (Dennis Chen)(任期:2012年-2013年)
- Secretary:
- Chien Hsiang-tai (H.T. Chien)(Term: 2007-2012)
- Chen Jui-lin (Dennis)(Term: 2012-2013)