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"To claim your rights, you need to know your rights" Celebrate the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by strengthening the factual coverage of human rights on Wikipedia!
Want to help in another way? Let us know by emailing: Alex Stinson and Luisina Ferrante
Host an On-Wiki Campaign (追記) (追記ここまで)
International campaigns work best when local communities organize contribution in their local wiki in the way they know how! We need your help building a #WikiForHumanRights event in your local wiki.
The campaign is focused on the Core Topic list and Youth Topic Lists. However, if your community wants to create Human Rights topics in general please do! If you let people add their own topics, collect that list of topics on the event page.
We invite you to think about ways of overlapping with other campaigns (Wikipedia Asian Month 2019 or 1Lib1Ref), WikiProjects or programs. Please report the event pages in the table as well!
Let us know by reporting your event by adding it to the On Wiki Table of Events. Please try to fill out as many fields as possible.
In the Use Wiki section, pick your language Wikipedia in the last radio button and adding "enwiki" or similar.
Click the "Do it!" button
Copy the Petscan ID
In the Programs and Events Dashboard, paste the PSID and click "Add this PSID"
Add individuals who participate in your event to the campaign event, so we can track their participation and edits.
The Programs and Events dashboard will now track all edits to pages that are part of the Wikidata driven list for the event.
If your community works on other topics in your language: please report them by adding them to a list on the event page and adding them to the programs and events dashboard event. Add a link to the event page list and the Programs and Events to the table below and we will be able to track participation in your event.
Encourage your local community to participate.
Consider using notices, contacting village pumps, social media, mailing lists and other tools that you usually use to invite people!
Identify if you want to run a human rights editathon as part of the campaign. If you are a Wikimedia organizer, make sure to discuss with your local partners and decide the venue and location.
If you do not know how to run an editathon or have not been engaged in Wikimedia , consider partnering with a local Wikimedia affiliate. If you need help contacting please reach out to Alex Stinson and Lusina Ferrante
We invite you to think about ways of overlapping with other campaigns, WikiProjects or programs. Please report the event pages with a special focus on Human Rights in the table as well!
Create a local wiki event page using the best practice for your wiki or community.
Check the #OnWiki list of events above, and see if someone has generated the list for this event in ListeriaBot. If that list exists, consider creating the listeria lists with the instructions on the list page.
If you are running an event with a local partner, create a list of complementary topics for your context and add it to the event page. For more ideas, see the scope of the Youth List.
Communicate the event, and encourage people to participate using the resources we create on the Share subpage for the campaign.
If you have never run an offline editathon before or are looking for ways to improve your practice, consider taking the training at the Programs and Events Dashboard.
Working with Activists on Sensitive Topics (追記) (追記ここまで)
Human rights topics can be complicated to work on: they are both complex to write about and participants in events or activities may have strong emotional connections with the topics.
Wikimedia Argentina has been running events in several countries with activists working in Human Rights fields. They have developed a set of recommendations to keep in mind for your event:
English event kit for working with Human Rights activists.Spanish event kit for working with Human Rights activists.
Privacy and Safety
Working in Human Rights it's also important to pay attention to the safety of participants. Activist participants may be taking risks by being public. If you are concerned about safety at your event and want to learn more, we recommend taking this training and using the resources available on Commons.
If you have incident reported at your event, please share it with the Wikimedia Foundation's Support and Safety team: ca(_AT_)
Let us know about your Offline Events (追記) (追記ここまで)