WikiCite 2018/Program/clinical trials
Team clinical trials met to develop the Wikidata model, content, and documentation on clinical trials!
- Sheri Tibbs Tibbs001
- Willy Hoos
- Lane Rasberry bluerasberry
- Finn Arup Nielsen Fnielsen
- Daniel Mietchen Daniel Mietchen
- Joshua Dockery Jndockery
- Arthur P. Smith ArthurPSmith
- Serah Njambi SerahRono
- Konrad Förstner Konrad Foerstner
Wikimedia projects historically have not have much coverage of clinical trials as most trials were out of scope of Wikipedia and Wikimedia coverage. Clinical trials present primary information and Wikipedia's typical coverage is secondary interpretation of that primary content. Since Wikipedia's inception there has been a continual practice of removing information about clinical trials, as contributors confuse the outcomes of clinical trials with conclusions about general medical practices.
In various places there have been experiments in Wikimedia coverage about clinical trials. One early experiment was sharing information in Wikimedia projects for the en:PARAMOUNT trial, which was unusual for the study sponsor applying a Wikimedia compatible copyright license to the informed consent document. Lane imported this in 2013. Willy from ClinWiki engaged with this same content and came to Wikipedia to seek similar collaboration.
The WikiCite project grew from disparate Wikimedia initiatives since the start of Wikipedia. The first WikiCite conference was in 2016. PubMed had structured data which was easy for WikiCite to ingest, and consequently, WikiCite began to have a lot of medical information. Medical papers often discuss clinical trials, so as WikiCite accumulated more medical papers, the value of matching this data to clinical trials data increased. Finn and Daniel's development of Scholia as a Wikidata/WikiCite visualization front end for academic papers raised the possibility of adding a minor feature of visualizing clinical trials to the existing visualization suites of Scholia.
With new Wikidata developments in structured data and the development of WikiCite, Willy brought in Sheri who had clean structured data from in a database at her university. Willy and Sheri came to WikiCite 2018 with intent to pilot an upload of some clinical trials information.
- d:Wikidata:WikiProject Medicine/Data models/Trials
- Sheri presented the AACT Database, which is structured data from
- Joshua presented
- Willy presented
- Lane presented recent new properties for the data model
- research site (P6153)
- clinical trial phase (P6099)
- Arthur reviewed this one during its proposal
- Finn proposed Wikidata:Property proposal/OpenTrials ID
- Sheri presented a sample dataset of clinical trials following the data model
- Sheri and Josh made their first Wikidata edits
- Josh - dandruff in Johannesburg The Efficacy of Sodium Shale Oil Sulponate 1% Shampoo in the Treatment of Pityriasis Capitis (Q59290603)
- Sheri - Atrial fibrilation from Novartis Efficacy and Safety of MAA868 in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation (Q59276346)
- Finn extended Scholia with an aspect for clinical trials: