WikiCite 2018/Program/Cobb
Title: Identifying works and authors in Wikidata
Over twenty-five thousand works are linked to a University of Leeds affiliated author in Wikidata. An open access copy of approximately 7,500 of these items can be retrieved from the institutional repositories via a full-text available at URL. In this presentation, I will give a brief overview of the work I have done during the last year to identify Wikidata items that represent a research output from the University of Leeds, attach authors to their papers and create new items for missing researchers. The main focus of my talk is the workflows I have developed for the reconciliation of papers deposited in the White Rose Research Online repository ( with Wikidata items and adding departmental affiliations of researchers from the University. During this discussion I will cover the sources of data I have drawn upon, how the data were prepared for uploading and problems I have encountered. To conclude, I will demonstrate how this corpus can be visualized and explain why I believe this challenging task is made worthwhile by the potential to perform powerful analytics.