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Call for actions and collaborations
- At Talk:Leadership_Development_Working_Group#Definition_of_Leader of the leadership development working group I have asked for the definition of leader. You can discuss it there further if you are interested in it. I think such discussion should happen also on Metawiki and in the local projects in the different languages additional to the working group. If someone from another language verion will also discuss that locally it is something that I support and like. The definiton of leadership is an important topic and I am interested in other views to that topic and hope that there will be a wider discussion about.--Hogü-456 (talk) 20:50, 16 May 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
- I am interested in creating a easier way to design and integrate Graphical User Interfaces in a program and am interested in using programming language R for that and am looking for other interested people. So something like a GUI-Generator for the programming langue R. I created a program that can convert blocks from block based programming language Snap! into source code and currently create a program that turns source code into blocks. For these programs I used the programming language R. So I am especially interested in creating GUIs using R-compatible packages. If you know someone or if you are interested in working on such a thing please contact me. I am interested in helping creating the GUI-Generator when I understand how creating GUIs work. For that it is helpful to have some examples of GUIs with their source code. For the backend calculations that happen a solution that makes it easier through the conversion of blocks into code, exists already. I hope that the GUI-Generator innovation for R makes it easier to create programs with a Graphical User Interface. This will be also maybe helpful for Wikifunctions.--Hogü-456 (talk) 11:53, 24 June 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
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Your thoughts on our episodes
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Your thoughts on Episode #6 Hubs
- I am interested in Hubs and from my point of view it is a good concept. I like more discussions about how Hubs will look like and how much money and staff will be allocated to them. From my point of view it can be chance to employ people in different countries of the world.--Hogü-456 (talk) 20:28, 22 November 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
- I really enjoyed this episode! I am in the middle of the Language Diversity Hub and the definition of hubs as a "fluid thing that fills the cracks within the movement" is a surprisingly precise description of how I feel this hub is evolving! Thank you! --Mali Brødreskift (WMNO) (talk) 12:27, 23 November 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
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Your thoughts on Episode #5 Peer support
- In the cases I needed support it was possible for me to get it. Sometimes I wish more support and I dont know who to ask. From my point of view a networking possibility is important. It helps getting in touch with people. If you can talk to people it is sometimes easier to get new contacts or learn something than writing all things online. At the Wikimedia Hackathon Workadventure was used for connecting with other people. This is a tool I like very much and I wish that there will be a Workadventure installation hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation or a chapter that is open and where people can meet informally in a virtual space. Work Adventure is a 2D-Map where you can walk around and can meet people and talk to some at the same time directly at the map or to more people in integrated video conference rooms based on Jitsi.--Hogü-456 (talk) 20:56, 20 October 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
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Your thoughts on Episode #3 UNLOCKing innovation
- I like innovation and think it is important to support people to bring up innovations and I am working on innovations in my spare time. In the last months I worked on a program that converts blocks from block based programming language Snap! into source code. Through such a kind of codification it is possible to program in a structured natural language enviroment. This makes it from my point of view easier to create programs and will hopefully help when Wikifunctions as a new Wikimedia project is live. Currently I try to create a program that converts Source code into blocks to make source code easier readable for humans.--Hogü-456 (talk) 11:14, 24 June 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
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Your thoughts on Episode #2 'Communitizing' Strategy - Insights from Wiki Movimento Brasil
- I am interested in discussions what leadership means and I am interested what in Brazil will the outcome of that discussion. I dont like leadership in volunteer context and the other parts of the Podcast have been interesting to hear. I dont like the word movement and I really like decentrality and so I think that the goal that the Wikimedia Projects will be the central platform in the ecosystem of free knowledge is a goal that I do not support. It has something to to that superlatives are for me not welcoming. Instead of one central platform it is better to have more platforms and that these then talk and work together at specific topics. I come from Germany and there is a good support in a financial perspective for community events and indiviual support. So I hope that it will be easier in the future in other countries to get support and thes also for little amounts. That writing the movement charter needs so long is something that I wonder about but it is for me not a problem. I plan to participate in the discussions about the movement charter in the next months, when updates will be published.--Hogü-456 (talk) 20:39, 16 May 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
- Thanks for this perspective. I can see how some of the 'big' aspirational language can be off-putting. Personally, I feel similarly about 'leadership', and see much more potential in peer-matching/support (topic of one of the next pods) and targeted financial support like we do in DE. Keep watching and commenting, thanks! Nicola Zeuner (WMDE) (talk) 08:35, 18 May 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
Your thoughts on Episode #1 "Knowledge as a service"
- I really like decentral infrastructure and so I do not support so much the goal that Wikimedia will be 2030 the central structure in the ecosystem of Free Knowledge. From my point of view it is also important to support building specific platforms. In Wikidata there was the announcement of WikibaseCloud. It is better to support building infrastructure for specific topics instead of one big central infrastructure in a ecosystem. As I write it I have not completely listened to the podcast episode 1 and so I will add some thoughts here later.--Hogü-456 (talk) 20:12, 13 April 2022 (UTC) [reply ]
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