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Downloads.php v 0.1

# Author : Romain GEORGES
# Date : 03/31/2006
# type : MediaWiki Pluggins
# name : Downloads.php
# topic : Downloads list in table from filesystem
# derivated from 'FileSystemListing' by Javier Castro (jac) - javier.alejandro.castro@gmail.com
# http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FileSystemListing
# usage : <downloads path=value url=value></downloads>
# argument are NOT optionals
# Install by copy in "$MEDIAWIKI_PATH/extensions/" the Downloads.php file
# and add require_once(" extensions/Downloads.php "); in $MEDIAWIKI_PATH/LocalSettings.php
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
 'name' => 'Downloads',
 'description' => 'Downloads : Provide a downloads Aera on your wiki fom FS with comments and icons',
 'author' => 'Romain GEORGES',
 'url' => 'http://www.diablotins.org',
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfDownloads";
function wfDownloads() {
 global $wgParser;
 $wgParser->setHook( "downloads", "renderDownloads" );
# The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
function renderDownloads( $input, $argv )
 $path = $argv['path'];
 $url = $argv['url'];
 if ($path !== "")
 $result = readDirContents($path);
 return renderDirContents($result, $path, $url);
 return "";
function iconexist($path,$ext){
 if ($path{strlen($path)-1} !== '/')
 $path .= '/';
 $im = $path .".icons/". $ext .".gif";
 if (file_exists($im)) {
 return true;
 return false;
function renderDirContents($FileArray, $PathName, $url=null) {
 $output = '<table align=center style="border:1px dotted grey;background-color:lightgrey;text-align:left;color:black;border-spacing: 1em;-moz-border-radius: 0.6em;">';
 foreach ($FileArray as $value)
 if ($value['content'] !== null)
 $output .= "<li><h3>".$value['name']."</h3></li>";
 $output .= renderDirContents($value['content'], $PathName, $url);
 if ($url)
 if ($PathName{strlen($PathName)-1} !== '/')
 $PathName .= '/';
 if ($url{strlen($url)-1} !== '/')
 $url .= '/';
 $pathToFile = substr($value['path'], strlen($PathName));
 $href = $url . $pathToFile;
 $output .= '<tr><td style="border:1px dotted red;background-color:white;width=90%;color:black;-moz-border-radius: 0.6em;padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em ">';
 $tb = explode('.',$pathToFile);
 $ext = array_pop($tb);
 $file = implode('.',$tb);
 $info = $file.".info";
 $image = $url . ".icons/". $ext . ".gif";
 if (iconexist($PathName,$ext))
 $output .= "<ul style='list-style-image: none;'><li><img src='$image'>";
 $output .= " <b>Fichier</b> : <a href='$href'>".$value['name']."</a></li>\n";
 if (file_exists($PathName.".data/".$info)) {
 $tb = file($PathName.".data/".$info);
 $output .= "<li><b> Description</b> : ".$tb[0]."</li>\n";
 $output .= "<li><b> Plateforme</b> : ".iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$tb[1])."</li>\n";
 $output .= "</td></tr>\n";
 $output .= "<tr><td>".$value['name']."</td></tr>\n";
 $output .= "</ul></td></tr></table>";
 return $output;
function readDirContents($dir, $sort=true)
 if ($dir{strlen($dir)-1} !== '/')
 $dir .= '/';
 $a = array();
 $gd = opendir($dir);
 while (($fileName = readdir($gd)) !== false)
 if ($fileName == "." || $fileName == ".." || $fileName == ".data" || $fileName == ".icons")
 if (is_dir($dir.$fileName))
 $a[$i++] = array("path" => $dir.$fileName, "name" => $fileName, "content" => readDirContents($dir.$fileName));
 $a[$i++] = array("path" => $dir.$fileName, "name" => $fileName, "content" => null);
 if ($sort)
 return $a;

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