Teknisk/Nyheder/2015/uge 15
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This page is a translated version of the page Tech/News/2015/15 and the translation is 57% complete.
The Tech News weekly summaries help you monitor recent software changes likely to impact you and your fellow Wikimedians. Subscribe, contribute and give feedback.
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Seneste teknik nyheder fra Wikimedias tekniske fællesskab. Fortæl venligst andre brugere om disse ændringer. Ikke alle ændringer vil påvirke dig. Oversættelser er tilgængelige.
Nye ændringer
- Du kan nu tilmelde dig en ny email liste for vigtige nyheder om Wikimedia Labs. [1]
- You can read the last monthly report. In the future you can read team reports every three months. You can see current work on the roadmap. [2] [3]
- Antallet af artikler i Special:Statistics opdateres nu en gang om måneden. [4]
- You can use a new version of the Wikipedia app for Android. Using the app, you can now share a fact with your friends. [5]
- The import tool was broken for a few days. Imports didn't add log entries. You can delete and import pages again if necessary. [6]
- Labs var nede adskillige gange i løbet af ugen [7] [8] [9] [10]
Ændringer denne uge
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and MediaWiki.org since April 1. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from April 7. It will be on all Wikipedias from April 8 (calendar).
- You can now add the same special characters with VisualEditor as with the wikitext editor. [11]
- Mange fejl med copy-paste i VisualEditor er nu blevet fikset. [12] [13]
- You can now use basic tools of VisualEditor in the new talk tool. You can add links, bold and italics. You can also mention people. [14]
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the Editing team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on April 8 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Fremtidige ændringer
Teknik Nyheder forberedt af teknik ambassadører og lagt op af bot • Bidrag • Oversæt • Få hjælp • Giv feedback • Abonner eller annuller abonnonement.