Add topicWhy preserve a language's words?
Mii o'ow gidinwewininaan. Mii ow minwewebagaasing miinawaa sa go gaye minweweyaandagaasing. Mii ow memadweyaashkaagin zaaga'iganiin miinawaa sa go gaye bineshiinyag nagamotaadiwaad megwayaak. Mii ow enitaagoziwaad ma'iinganag waawoonowaad, naawewidamowaad. Mii ow gidinwewininaan wendinigeyang bimaadiziwin, gikenindizoyang anishinaabewiyang, gidinwewininaan gechitwaawendaagwak gaa-ina'oonigooyang gimanidoominaan. (Ojibwe text)
This is our language (yours and mine). It is the pleasant sound of the leaves blowing in the wind and the whisper of the wind in the pines. It is the sound of the waves lapping the shores of the lakes and the birds singing to one another in the forest. This is the sound of the wolves howling to one another, sounding in the distance. This is our language, from whence we obtain life, which enables us to know who we are as Indian people, our language, this sacred gift bestowed upon us by our creator. — Quote adapted from the words of Maajiigwaneyaash (Gordon Jourdain)
— Stevey7788 08:56, 17 September 2010 (UTC) Reply
Wiktionary does something like this
Wiktionary has "Translations" sections on many entries. Is that not basically what you're suggesting? Fences and windows 23:40, 17 September 2010 (UTC) Reply
- That's not what I'm supporting. I'm supporting topically-arranged word lists (please see the links I gave at the main page). Stevey7788 20:28, 18 September 2010 (UTC) Reply
This looks like OmegaWiki. If it's different, it could be an extension. --Nemo 06:49, 7 October 2010 (UTC) Reply