PhilWiki Community/Board
PhilWiki Community Philippine Wikimedia Community, Inc. Philippine Wikimedia Community User Group | |
Philippines | |
Location | Philippines |
Country code | PH-WC |
Legal status | non-stock non-profit corporation |
Founding date | 1 June 2015 |
Approval date | 17 October 2015 |
Main office | Naga City |
Official language(s) | Philippine languages |
Other language(s) | Central Bikol language, Rinconada Bikol language |
Reports | Link to reports |
Facebook group and Facebook page |
The Philippine Wikimedia Community, Inc., an affiliate organization established as Philippine Wikimedia Community User Group or PhilWiki Community (PH-WC), is a free, open and vibrant organization of Filipino volunteers and content editors from the Philippines and all over the world.
The Articles of Incorporation of Philippine Wikimedia Community Inc. states that the number of trustees of the corporation shall be five (5). Immediately after their election, the trustees formally organize by the election of a President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and such other officers as may be provided in the by-laws. The officers of the corporation hold office for one (1) year and until the successors are elected and qualified. The officers of the corporation perform functions as required by existing laws, rules and regulations.
Board of Trustees
2024-2025 Board of Trustees
PhilWiki Community maintains a gender diverse board, which has also elected the organization's first female president. At the 2024 Annual Meeting held in Naga City last March 16, active members and their proxies gathered for the organizational meeting and election of new set of board of trustees. Architect Ian Kenneth Orasa, Maffeth Opiana Sto. Tomas and Marife Altabano were re-elected for another term while Leah Sumalinog and Badette Roco were chosen by the members to replace Francis Charles Brioso and Glenda G. Brioso. The new board reappointed Ian Kenneth as board chair, Maffeth as president, Marife as treasurer, and Joseph as internal auditor with Badette as the new secretary.
Name of Trustee | Position |
Arch. Ian Kenneth Orasa | Board Chair |
Maffeth Opiana-Sto. Tomas | President |
Bernadette Roco | Secretary |
Marife Altabano | Treasurer |
Leah Banastao-Sumalinog | Board Member |
Previous Boards of Trustees
2023-2024 Board of Trustees
The 2023 annual meeting of members was held on March 18, 2023 at Unica Cafe in Naga City, Bicol. Wiki Loves Philippines project lead Maffeth C. Opiana, succeeded Juan Bautista H. Alegre (who now heads the Pilipinas Panorama Community formerly the PhilWiki Community-Manila, an active community of Manila-based Wikimedians) becoming the first female head of the organization. Architect Ian Kenneth L. Orasa was elected as the new board chair, who replaced Wikimedia Commons contributor Zyra B. Hila, the second female board chair elected since the formation of the community on June 1, 2015. The remaining members of the board are Marife G. Altabano (treasurer) and Francis Charles D. Brioso, who are both serving their second term, and WikiGap Philippines 2023 project lead Maria Glenda P. Brioso (secretary). Bikol Wikipedia administrator Joseph V. Ciudadano is the new internal auditor.
2022-2023 Board of Trustees
The 2022 Annual General Meeting was conducted with 13 out of 22 regular members were in attendance. The meeting was divided into two parts: presentations, and election of the new set of officers. Introduction to Wikipedia Translation Tool, Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom, WikiGap Philippines 2022, and Wiki Stickering Campaign were the topics discussed. It was immediatley followed with the awarding of certificates to partners, out-going officers, and participants in different past activities of PhilWiki Community.
The second part of the meeting was the election of the new set of board for 2022-2023. The program includes the checking of attendance, treasurer's report, president's report, presentation of candidates, voting, and annoucement of result. There were 8 members nominated during the nomination period namely Johnny Alegre, Zyra Hila, Frinces Ezra Carullo, Ralff Nestor Nacor, Maffeth Opiana, Francis Charles Brioso, Irvin Sto. Tomas, and Maricon Opiana. The candidates were given time to give their statements. Ralff was not present while Maffeth declined the nomination. With 6 candidates left, the casting of votes was done via Google Forms administered by Marife Altabano.
A total of 13 regular members were in attendance and all participated in the voting: Johnny Alegre, Jeffrey Altares, Marife Altabano, Leah Banastao-Sumalinog (proxy: Maffeth Opiana), Glenda Perico Brioso, Francis Charles Brioso, Frinces Ezra Carullo, Joseph Ciudadano, Maricris Fragata Gomez (proxy: Irvin Sto. Tomas), Zyra Hila, Maffeth Opiana, Maricon Opiana, and Irvin Sto. Tomas.
After the validation of votes, result was announced: Johnny Alegre with 9 votes (ELECTED), Francis Charles Brioso with 7 votes (ELECTED), Frinces Ezra Carullo with 6 votes, Zyra Hila with 10 votes (ELECTED), Maricon Opiana with 12 votes (ELECTED), and Irvin Sto. Tomas with 12 votes (ELECTED).
2021-2022 Board of Trustees
The 2021 annual general meeting was held on the 20th day of March, from 1:47pm - 8:02 pm Philippine Time at Blackscoop Café, Naga City with live updates in Facebook messenger. The thirteen (13) members in attendance were: Marvin Rojo Molin, Maffeth Opiana, Irvin Sto. Tomas, Ian Kenneth Orasa (proxy: Irvin), Ira Villanueva (proxy: Irvin), Joseph Ciudadano (proxy: Marvin), John Paul Collantes (proxy: Marvin), Rodel Frias (proxy: Maffeth), Steven Fung (proxy: Maffeth), Leah Banastao (proxy: Marvin), Ralff Nestor Nácor (proxy: Irvin), Maricris Gomez, and Harold Gomez. Members who did not attend the meeting were: Vanj Padilla, Ramon Olano Jr., Josefwintzent Libot, Marvin Aquino, Harry King Avenido, and Maricon Opiana. One in the membership was suspended.
Name of Trustee | Position |
Ralff Nestor S. Nacor | President/Chair |
Steven A. Fung | Vice-President/Vice-Chair |
Leah Banastao | Secretary/Board Member |
Irvin P. Sto. Tomas | Treasurer/Board Member |
Maricris Gomez | Board Member |
Through PH-WC Resolution No. 4 Amending the 2021-2022 Officers of the Corporation, Maricris F. Gomez was appointed as the new Board Chair.
2020-2021 Board of Trustees
The 2020 annual general meeting was held on 21 March, from 5:00 - 11:42 pm Philippine Time via Zoom and Facebook Messenger. Members present (13) were Froy Beraña (Vice-Chairman/Vice-President), Josefwinzent Libot, John Paul Collantes, Steven Fung, Irvin Sto. Tomas (Chairman/President), Ira Villanueva, Joseph Ciudadano, Marvin Molin, Leah Banastao, Ralff Nestor Nacor, Ramon Olaño (Board Member/Treasurer), Maffeth Opiana (Board Member), and Anthony Diaz (Board Member/Secretary). Members who were absent (8) were Jusan Misolas, Maricris F. Gomez, Harold Gomez, Ian Kenneth Orasa, Rodel Frias, Imelda Brazal, Marvin Aquino, and Vanjie Padilla.
2019-2020 Board of Trustees
The Board of trustees decided to hold its second general meeting on the 3 March 2019, 6:00 in the evening at Caby's Cabana Restaurant, Elias Angeles St., Naga City with 5 members in person and 5 online attendance out of the thirteen (13) official members. The duly-elected as Trustees to serve for a one-year term are Irvin P. Sto. Tomas, Froy B. Beraña, Anthony B. Diaz, Maffeth C. Opiana and Ramon O. Olaño, Jr.
Ad Hoc/ Interim Board of Trustees (2018)
The ad hoc Board of trustees decided to hold its first general meeting on 28 March 2018, 6:00 in the evening at Yellow Cab Pizza, Magsaysay Avenue, in Naga City. The voting closed at 8:00 in the evening and the five (5) members receiving the highest votes were duly-elected as Trustees to serve for a one-year term. The election of officers was held via online voting from 12th to 13th of May. Irvin P. Sto. Tomas was elected as President and Chairman.
The ad hoc board of PhilWiki Community, in its inception, was composed of the following people:
Name | Username | Position | Bylaws signatory |
Irvin P. Sto. Tomas | Filipinayzd | Co-founder | Yes |
Steven A. Fung | Steven*fung | Co-founder | Yes |
Gil L. Gregorio | Geopoet | Co-founder | Yes |
Froy P. Beraña | FroyAgta | Secretary | No |
Maffeth C. Opiana | Maffeth.opiana | Treasurer | Yes |
Ramon O. Olaño, Jr. | Ringer | Member | Yes |
Launch of WikiGap 2023 in the Philippines on March 8, 2023
Regular Meeting on November 3, 2023
Advocacy event attended by the current Board on October 15, 2023
- Photos: (1st photo) Officers of PhilWiki Community, 2023-2024 (left to right): board secretary Maria Glenda Perico, board treasurer Marife Altabano, and president Maffeth Opiana during WikiGap Campaign event launching;(2nd photo) Regular Meeting attended by the board, officers and staff; (3rd photo) Advocacy event attended by the current Board on October 15, 2023
Timeline of Executive Members
Commencing on the first annual meeting in March 2018.
Note: All officers (i.e. Executive Members) are Board Members unless otherwise indicated.
Board Members without an officer position are indicated as "(Board Member)" by default.
- User:Jp2593
- User:Steven*fung
- User:ShiminUfesoj
- User:Ralffralff
- User:Ralffralff
- User:ShiminUfesoj
- User:FrincesEzra
- User:ShiminUfesoj
- User:Ringer
- User:Maffeth.opiana
- User:Ringer
- User:MarvinBikolano
- User:Marife.altabano
- User:FrancisCharlesB (PHWC)
- User:Maffeth.opiana
- User:Ringer
- User:FroyAgta
- User:Maffeth.opiana
- User:Filipinayzd
- User:FrincesEzra
- User:Marife.altabano
- User:Animasola13
- User:Kunokuno
- User:Maffeth.opiana
- User:MarvinBikolano
- User:FrancisCharlesB (PHWC)
- User:Daragang Nagueña
- User:FroyAgta
- User:Steven*fung
- User:Zyrahila
- User:Ralffralff
- User:Buszmail
- User:Filipinayzd
- User:Maffeth.opiana
- User:Filipinayzd
- User:Zyrahila
- User:ChisoyWasabe