Growing Wikimedia
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
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See also Wikimedia principles
Wikipedia and where it should go
- Discussion on why the wikipedia works and what is the logical extension of the wikipedia
- best cases which wikipedia could realize
- The future of Wikipedia (Kpjas and others)
- Visions of what wikipedia could ultimately become (fantasies)
- Wikipedia4 timeline (proposed, very tenative)
- A Better Wikipedia
- WikipediAhimsa
- Wikipedia cloning project
- Discussion on business models and organizational charters applicable to large free wikis
- GFDL Workshop
- Proposal for an Encyclopedian Recycling Endeavor (BryceHarrington)
- The ideal Wikipedia board
- Logo suggestions
- Wikipedia Client
- Wikipedia T-shirts (now available in Esperanto!)
- What to do with
- Use a local Wikipedia from inside Emacs
Where it actually is
- Making Wikipedia profitable (Neeklamy and others)
- The Wikipedia Community - and your own ideas of community
- The importance of being Wikipedia (help spread the word!)
- Interlingual coordination
- Transwiki - for moving articles between different languages
- Statistics for International Wikipedias
Growing and managing the community
There are many things we truly have to decide in order to get along here and now. We seek assistance on the following core issues that keep us 'alive':
- The ideal Wikipedia board - to decide governance issues like these:
- Wikipedia board manual
- recruiting editors
- recruiting authors
- Wikipedia4 features
- Wikipedia4 timeline
- Nine leverage points
- wikipedia sociology
- Wikipedias and cross-fertilisation
- Help us find a Wikipedia mascot!
- There is also an English Wikipedia available -- International help necessary
- Future of international Wikipedias as part of the main community
- Thoughts on Wikipedia interlanguage priorities
- Mediation
- Singular Wikimedia account
What might damage it (hazards, things that must be done right)
- How to Destroy Wikipedia (The Cunctator) - an open challenge
- Threats that wikipedia might face, in your most paranoid nightmare
- Worst cases of what could happen to wikipedia (realistically)
- Responding to the Critics (Stephen Gilbert)
- Wikipedia drop-outs
- Discussion about FOLDOC fork
- Wikipedia's first press release--draft for comment
- Advertising on Wikipedia (Jimbo Wales, with comments by others)]
- Wikipedia Governance - Jimbo Wales (Response to 24's governance)
- Open letter to the Enciclopedia Libre group (fork of the spanish wikipedia spring 2002)
- Integrating Two Integrative Sites (a proposal from Kris Roose of the Integration Website
- Wikicide - a one sentence definition
- Protected pages considered harmful
Wikipedia history
- Historical Wikipedia pages -- a museum of old pages
- History of Wikipedia -- Wikipedia and where it's been
- Wikipedia commentary
- Wikipedia software upgrade status
- Logo history -- History of the logos