Data dumps/More resources
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Please add other resources to this page (or remove dead ones as they become obsolete).
On the dumps:
- w:Wikipedia:Database_download
- mw:Manual:Importing XML dumps
- mw:Research Data Proposals#Dump (obsolete; last updated in 2010)
- mw:WMF Projects/Data Dumps
- wikitech:Dumps
On related projects:
- Datasets - a lst of different data sources related to the Wikimedia projects and tools for working with them
- en:User:Emijrp/Wikipedia Archive
- en:User:John_of_Reading/Typo_fixing_with_AutoWikiBrowser (Searching with regular expressions)
- WikiTeam (website) - a group of people who develop software for making backups and archive wikis
- Entropy-based analysis tool (Who Writes Wikipedia?) last updated in 2011
- mw:Backing_up_a_wiki How to back up your wiki, with a database dumping tool for MySQL/PostgreSQL etc, or with dumpBackup.php