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The Chattogram Wikimedia Community brings together Wikimedia volunteers, researchers, educators, educational institutions, libraries, museums, and cultural organizations to collaboratively document and celebrate over 2,500 years of rich culture and heritage in Chattogram. As the largest administrative division in Bangladesh, Chattogram boasts a vibrant history that this community is dedicated to preserving and sharing with the world.
21 February 2024 - Iqbal from Chattogram Tops Wikivoyage Contest 2024
Iqbal Hossain from Chattogram won first place in the 2024 Wikivoyage Article Contest, held to celebrate World Tourism Day and promote high-quality articles on Bangla Wikivoyage (
21 February 2024 - Ekushey WikiGathering
Wikipedians in Chittagong celebrated International Mother Language Day with an inspiring gathering. Holding banners and advocating for Bengali Wikipedia, they showcased their commitment to preserving and promoting their linguistic heritage.
25 April 2019 - 'WikiCamp Chattogram 2019' to enrich Wikipedia in Chattogram
Chattogramer Alo
A day-long workshop titled 'Wikicamp Chittagong-2019' was held in Chittagong on how to enrich Wikipedia, the largest open encyclopedia on the Internet and spread it to everyone.
After the successful WikiCamp Chattogram 2019, we are excited to bring it back in 2025. The primary goal is to strengthen the Wikimedia movement within Wikimedia Bangladesh, enhance the skills and expertise of new Wikipedians, and foster collaboration between experienced contributors and newcomers.
The blog
Contributing to Bengali Wikipedia is essential in consideration of sincerity and responsibility towards the language