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Stewards/elections 2007/statements/Millosh

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Nanae (talk | contribs) at 11:45, 26 November 2007 (voto). It may differ significantly from the current version .

Millosh (Miloš Rančić)

Identity confirmed by Cary Bass on 14:04, 15 November 2007 (UTC).[reply ]
  • Languages: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (from Russian, numbers are related to ability to read the language; to a lesser degree I am able to read Czech, Slovak and Sorbian; thanks to my linguistic background, I may be helpful in other languages, too)
  • Personal information: I was born in 1973 in Belgrade, Serbia; I am Unix admin and I am finishing studies in general linguistics. In 2004 I had transformed Serbian Wikipedia to a live project; today I am trying to do the same with Serbian Wikinews and Serbo-Croatian Wiktionary. From Decembar 2005 to April 2007 I was president of Wikimedia Serbia. From 2006 I am admin on Meta. I am admin and bureaucrat on a couple of Serbian projects and operating with a couple of bots as well as participating in some other Wikimedia and wiki related projects. I am applying for stewardship because there is a lack of stewards who are able to deal effectively with South Slavic projects. (As well as I am encouraging other well known people from South Slavic region to do the same.) I see this position as a temporary one, until more people from the region become stewards.
Español :
  • Idiomas: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (del ruso, los números de refieren a la habilidad de leer el idioma; en cierto grado puedo leer checo, eslovaco, sórabo y por mi trasfondo lingüístico, puedo ayudar en otros idiomas)
  • Información personal: Nací en 1973 en Belgrado, Serbia. Soy un administrador Unix y estoy terminando mis estudios en lingüística general. En 2004 transformé la Wikipedia en serbo en un proyecto vivo; hoy intento hacer lo mismo con Wikinoticias en serbo y Wikccionario serbocroata. Desde diciembre de 2005 hasta abril de 2007 fui presidente de Wikimedia Serbia. En 2006 me convertí en administrador de Meta. Soy administrador y burócrata en un par de proyectos serbos y opero un par de bots además de participar en algunos otras wikis. Me lanzo para steward pues hay una falta de stewards que sean capaces de lidiar efectivamente con los proyectos eslávicos sureños. (También invito a que otros conocidos usuarios de la región hagan lo mismo). Veo esta posición como temporal, hasta que más gente de la región se vuelva steward.
Français :
  • Langues : sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (de ru- aux autres, les chiffres correspondent à mon niveau de lecture de ces langues ; je peux lire (moins bien) le tchèque, le slovaque et le sorbien ; grâce à mon expérience en langues je pourrai peut-être aider avec d'autres encore)
  • Informations personelles : Je suis né en 1973 à Belgrade en Serbie. Je suis un admin Unix et je finis mes études en linguistique. En 2004 j'ai fait de la Wikipédia en serbe un projet vivant ; aujourd'hui j'essaie de faire de même sur leWikinews en serbe et le Wiktionnaire en serbo-croate. De décembre 2005 à avril 2007 j'ai été président de Wikimedia Serbia. Je suis admin sur meta depuis 2006. Je suis admin et bureaucrate sur plusieurs projets en serbe, j'ai deux bots et je participe à plusieurs autres projets Wikimedia et wiki en général. Je postule pour devenir steward parce que je vois qu'il manque des stewards pouvant aider sur les projets en langues slaves du sud. (J'encourage &galement d'autres personnes de la région à faire de même. Je vois ce statut comme temporaire jusqu'à ce qu'ils postulent.)
  • Sprachen: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (vom Russischen, die Nummern beziehen sich auf die Fähigkeit die Sprache zu lesen; zu einem geringeren Grad vermag ich Tschechisch, Slowakisch und Sorbisch zu lesen; Dank meines sprachlichen Hintergrundes kann ich auch in anderen Sprachen hilfreich sein)
  • Informationen zur Person: Ich wurde 1973 in Belgrad, Serbien geboren; ich bin Unix-Admin und beende gerade mein Studium in allgemeiner Linguistik. Im Jahre 2004 verwandelte ich die serbische Wikipedia zu einem aktiven Projekt; derzeit versuche ich selbiges mit der serbischen Wikinews und dem serbokroatischen Wiktionary. Von Dezember 2005 bis April 2007 war ich Präsident von Wikimedia Serbia. Seit 2006 bin ich Admin auf Meta. Ich bin Admin und Bürokrat in einigen serbischen Projekten und betreibe einige Bots, ebenso nehme ich an verschiedenen anderen Wikipedien und wiki-bezogenen Projekten teil. Ich beantrage den Stewardstatus weil es einen Mangel an Stewards gibt, welche für südslawische Projekten zuständig sind. (Außerdem ermutige ich andere gut bekannte Personen von der südslawischen Region selbiges zu tun.) Ich sehe dies als eine temporäre Position, bis mehr Leute dieser Region als Steward verfügbar sind.
Bahasa Indonesia:
  • Bahasa yang dikuasai: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (dari bahasa Rusia, angka-angka ini berkaitan dengan kemampuan untuk membaca dalam bahasa yang bersangkutan; pada tingkatan yang lebih bawah saya dapat membaca bahasa Ceko, Slowakian, dan Sorbia; dan dengan latar belakang linguistik, saya dapat membantu di bahasa-bahasa lainnya juga)
  • Informasi pribadi: Saya lahir pada tahun 1973 di Beograd, Serbia; saya adalah seorang admin Unix dan menyelesaikan studi di bidang linguistik umum. Pada 2004 saya mengubah dan menghidupkan Wikipedia bahasa Serbia; pada saat ini saya sedang melakukan hal yang sama untuk Wikinews bahasa Serbia dan Wiktionary bahasa Serbo-Kroasia. Sejak Desember 2005 hingga April 2007 saya adalah Presiden Wikimedia Serbia. Sejak 2006 saya adalah opsis di Meta. Saya adalah opsis dan birokrat di dua proyek bahasa Serbia dan beroperasi dengan sepasang bot serta berpartisipasi di beberapa proyek Wikimedia dan proyek yang berkaitan dengan wiki lainnya. Saya mencalonkan diri sebagai Steward karena hanya ada sedikit Steward yang dapat bertugas secara efektif dengan proyek-proyek Slavik Selatan. (Demikian juga saya mendorong mereka yang berasal dari wilayah Slavik Selatan untuk melakukan hal yang sama.) Saya memandang posisi ini sebagai posisi sementara, sampai lebih banyak orang dari wilayah tersebut menjadi Steward.
  • Lingue: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (dal russo, i numeri si riferiscono alla capacità di leggere le lingue; con minore abilità riesco a leggere il ceco, lo slovacco e il lusaziano; grazie alla mia formazione con le lingue, potrei essere utile anche per altre)
  • Informazioni personali: Sono nato nel 1973 a Belgrado, in Serbia; sono un amministratore di sistema Unix e sto finendo gli studi nella linguistica generale. Nel 2004 avevo trasformato la Wikipedia in lingua serba in un progetto vivo; oggi sto cercando di fare altrettanto con Wikinews e con il Wiktionary. Da dicembre 2005 ad aprile 2007 ho ricoperto il ruolo di presidente di Wikimedia Serbia. Dal 2006 sono un amministratore su Meta. Sono amministratore e burocrate su un paio di progetti in lingua serba e manovro un paio di bot, oltre a partecipare ad altri progetti di Wikimedia e wiki correlate. Mi candido come steward dal momento che ve ne sono pochi che siano in grado effettivamente di interagire con i progetti delle regioni slave del sud. (Allo stesso tempo, desidero stimolare altre persone ben conosciute provenienti dalle regioni slave del sud a fare altrettanto.) Vedo pertanto questa posizione come temporanea, finché un maggior numero di persone dalla stessa regione diventino steward.
  • 言語: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (ロシア語以降は、読む能力について表示しています。ほんの少しならチェコ語・スロバキア語・ソルブ語を読むことが出来ます。言語学の素養のおかげで、他の言語においても私はお役にたつのではないかと思います)。
  • 候補者についての情報: 1973年にセルビアセルビアで生まれました。ユニックスの管理者で、一般言語学を専攻しています。2004年にセルビア語ウィキペディアを活性化し、実働するプロジェクトに作り変えました。私はいま同じことをセルビア語ウィキニュースセルボ・クロアチア語ウィクショナリでしようとしています。2005年12月から2007年4月まで、ウィキメディア・セルビアの会長でした。2006年からメタの管理者をしています。私は複数のセルビア語プロジェクトで管理者およびビューロクラットをしており、他のウィキメディアまたウィキ関連プロジェクトでボットを動かしています。私がスチュワードに立候補したのは、南スラブ語プロジェクトを効果的に扱えるスチュワードが不足しているからです(南スラブ語地域でよく知られている他の方にも同じように立候補してほしいと思っています)。私のスチュワード就任は、同じ地域から他のより多くの人たちがスチュワードになるまでの過渡的なものであると考えます。
  • 識講乜話:
  • 個人資料:
  • Języki: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (jeśli chodzi o rosyjski to poziom odnosi się do umiejętności czytania; w mniejszym stopniu jestem w stanie czytać po czesku, słowacku i łużycku; dzięki mojemu wykształceniu lingwistycznemu mogę byc przydatny również w innych językach)
  • Informacje o mnie: Urodziłem się w 1973 w Belgradzie w Serbii; jestem administratorem Uniksa i ukończyłem studia lingwistyczne. W 2004 przekształciłem Serbską Wikipedię w działający projekt; obecnie próbuję zrobić to samo z Serbskimi Wikinews i Serbsko-Chorwackim Wikisłownikiem. Od grudnia 2005 do kwietnia 2007 byłem prezesem Wikimedia Serbia. Od 2006 jestem administratorem Meta. Jestem adminem i biurokratą na niektórych serbskich projektach i korzystam z kilku botów jak również uczestniczę w kilku innych projektach Wikimedii i związanych z wiki. Staram się o bycie stewardem gdyż jest zbyt mało stewardów będących w stanie skutecznie działać w południowosłowiańskich projektach. (Równocześnie zachęcam inne znane osoby z tego regionu do zrobienia tego samego). Uważam te funkcję za tymczasową dopóki więcej osób z regionu nie zostanie stewardami.
Português :
  • Línguas: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (a partir do Russo, os números referem-se à capacidade de leitura da língua; em menor grau, consigo ler Checo, Eslovaco e Sorábio; graças à minha formação linguística, poderei também ser útil noutras línguas)
  • Informações pessoais: Nasci em 1973 em Belgrado, na Sérvia; sou um administrador Unix e estou a concluir estudos em Linguística. Em 2004, transformei a Wikipédia em Sérvio num projecto vivo; ctualmente tento fazer o mesmo com o Wikinews em Sérvio e o Wikcionário Servo-Croata. De Dezembro de 2005 a Abril de 2007 fui presidente da Wikimedia Sérvia. Sou administrador no Meta desde 2006. Sou administrador e burocrata nalguns projectos em Sérvio e opero alguns bots, assim como participo noutros projectos Wikimedia e projectos relacionados com wikis. Candidato-me a steward porque faltam stewards capazes de lidar de forma eficiente com projectos em línguas eslavas meridionais. (Também encorajo outras pessoas conhecidas da região eslava meridional para fazer o mesmo.) Vejo esta posição como temporária, até mais pessoas da região se tornarem stewards.
Српски / srpski:
  • Језици: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (од руског, бројеви су везани за способност да читам тај језик; нешто слабије могу да читам чешки, словачки и лужичкосрпски језик; захваљујући свом познавању лингвистике, могу да будем од помоћи и на осталим језицима)
  • Лични подаци: Рођен сам 1973. године у Београду, у Србији; ја сам Јуникс администратор и завршавам студије опште лингвистике. Године 2004. претворио сам српску Википедију у жив пројекат; данас покушавам исто то да урадим на српским Викивестима и српскохрватском Викиречнику. Од децембра 2005. до априла 2007. године био сам председник Викимедије Србије. Од 2006. године сам администратор на мети. Администратор сам и бирократа на пар српских пројеката и управљам неколицином ботова, а учествујем и у неким другим пројектима везаним за Викимедију и викије. Пријављујем се да постанем стјуард јер не постоје стјуарди који могу ефективно да се носе са јужнословенским пројектима. (Такође охрабрујем остале познате људе из јужнословенског региона да ураде исто.) Видим ову позицију као привремену, док још неки људи из региона не постану стјуарди.
  • Kielet: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1 (venäjästä eteenpäin numerot liittyvät kykyyn lukea kieltä; vähäisemmässä määrin pystyn lukemaan tšekkiä, slovakkia ja sorbia; kielitieteellisen taustani ansiosta minusta saattaa olla apua myös muilla kielillä)
  • Henkilökohtaiset tiedot: Synnyin vuonna 1973 Belgradissa, Serbiassa. Olen Unix-ylläpitäjä ja yleisen kielitieteen opintoni ovat päättymäisillään. Vuonna 2004 sain muutettua serbiankielisen Wikipedian eläväksi hankkeeksi; nykyään yritän tehdä saman serbiankieliselle Wikinewsille ja serbokroatiankieliselle Wikisanakirjalle. Joulukuusta 2005 huhtikuuhun 2007 olin Wikimedia Serbian puheenjohtaja. Vuodesta 2006 lähtien olen toiminut Metan ylläpitäjänä. Olen ylläpitäjä ja byrokraatti parissa serbiankielisessä hankkeessa, operoin paria bottia ja osallistun myös eräisiin muihin Wikimedia- ja wikiprojekteihin. Haen stewardin oikeuksia, koska tällä hetkellä on pulaa stewardeista, jotka kykenisivät toimimaan tehokkaasti eteläslaavilaisten hankkeiden hyväksi. (Kannustan myös muita eteläslaavilaisen alueen hyvin tunnettuja henkilöitä tekemään samoin.) Näen tämän aseman väliaikaisena, kunnes alueelta saadaan useampia stewardeja.
Questions / Frage / Domande / Pertanyaan / Kysymykset / Perguntas
  1. I see your impressive record, and how much you've helped. However, as you probably know, stewards are discouraged to act (as stewards) on the projects they're active on. How would that interfere with your intention to become steward in order "to deal effectively with South Slavic projects" ? drini [es:] [commons:] 21:18, 14 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
    • Strictly speaking, I am involved in sr.wn, sr.wp, sh.wikt, en.wp, en.wn (and meta, of course). Other projects are more on my wish list then in harmony with my free time (like sr.wb, sh.wp, hr.wp, en.wikt...). Also, note that I am able to read, for example, Slovenian, Macedonian and Bulgarian, but not to write. In the most of cases my involvement is much more structural then "real". For example, I am organizing students of general linguistics to write articles on Serbian Wikipedia and it is my primary involvement on sr.wp today; I am operating with bot which is taking news from the Beta News Agency (according to deal with them, of course) and putting them into Serbian Wikinews. Yes, from time to time I make some article (on en.wp and sr.wp) or news (on sr.wn and, possibly in the future on en.wn), but it is not the primary kind of my involvement in those projects. --Millosh 06:12, 15 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
    • Of course, there are well established projects in the South Slavic area (the most of Wikipedias) which need steward involvement rarely (for removing rights and cross-project checkuser actions). However, there are maybe more then ten small projects in South Slavic languages which are active, but which, for example, don't have enough contributors to promote some of them to checkuser (AFAIK, at least 25 users are needed). --Millosh 06:12, 15 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
    • So, my primary goals will be: (1) to help to small projects in which I am not involved (I am not sure that, for example, mk.wp has a checkuser); (2) to help in cross-project checkuser investigations according to steward rules; (3) to help to very small project in which I am involved (it is not so reasonable to ask for help other steward when project has two more active users which I know personally and with whom I am in contact on the daily basis -- the situation on sr.wn); (4) of course, thanks to my linguistic background it is possible that I am able to help in many other cases, not related to the South Slavic region. --Millosh 06:12, 15 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
    • Also, for a long time I was encouraging other people from the region to become stewards. For example, if Romanm (form Slovenia) and Harry (from Bulgaria) took steward duties (with Dungodung and me), the region would be ideally covered with stewards. --Millosh 06:12, 15 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
  2. Do you think it is good/ necessary that every region is covered by stewards from that region/ Do you consider deviding regions for stewards a good idea? Could you elaborate a bit why exactly you consider it good that "this region" is ideally covered? Effeiets anders 15:09, 25 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
    • Yes, I think that regions should be covered by "regional" people. Person from a particular region is able to understand communities' needs much faster then a person who is not familiar with that region. For example, I am sure that you (as a Dutch) are able to understand what is going on on nds: much better then me. Also, if we are talking about small projects, it is reasonable to suppose that a person from a particular region may know persons from small regional projects personally (at least in the "Internet sense" of knowing someone "personally"), which means that such person wouldn't spend a lot of time in analyzing the most of situations. --Millosh 22:55, 25 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
    • I think that there should be stewards who are able to understand communities' needs and who are able to analyze situation neutrally. Good (I was too poetic with word "perfect") covering of some area means that there are people who are able to help to the communities without being actively involved. So, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian Wikimedian area would be much better covered if there are stewards from Bulgaria, Macedonia or Slovenia (assuming that those stewards know the language). --Millosh 22:55, 25 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
    • However, nothing of those means that I think that stewards should work exclusively in "their regions". --Millosh 22:55, 25 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
    • There are two more points here related to the need of "regional" stewards: (1) Wikimedian community is growing and I think that it is natural to see more stewards and that at the some point stewards will have to make at least some kind of preferences by language or by language and region. (2) Important responsibility of stewards have to be thinking about the global community. It is the only organized group which deals with Wikimedian communities at the global level (WMF bodies deal with organizational issues or with WMF issues, not with communities around the projects). While I don't think that stewards should be able to make decisions, I think that stewards' responsibility is to give a good picture of the global community to the community. Without stewards who are able to understand cultural needs of particular communities, stewards wouldn't be able to make a good picture of the global community. --Millosh 22:55, 25 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
Yes / Si / Oui / Ya / Ja / Za / Evet / За /支持 / مع الترقية / Kyllä / Sim
  1. Yes, No concerns about the candidate's ability to assist an underserved set of projects. ZZ Talk 03:50, 26 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
  2. GerardM 09:04, 26 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. --P@d@w@n e 10:12, 26 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. --Sabine 11:03, 26 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. he's always willing to help --.snoopy. AKA dario vet · (talk) 11:13, 26 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. Supporto. Al di là dei buoni contributi nelle versioni locali di wiki che posso apprezzare solo superficialmente per la non conoscenza della lingua nativa, l'articolata e interessante visione del ruolo dello steward "regionale" quì tratteggiata - come trait d'union tra la comunità globale e quella locale - mi appare condivisibile, sempre che lo steward riesca effettivamente a mantenersi equidistante da entrambe. Le funzioni del ruolo, a meno di quelle di checkuser, sembrano richiedere una competenza tecnica minimale per cui è sufficiente la fiducia. Il multilinguismo è una componente fondamentale di wikipedia come mi sembra evidenziato anche dal video dell'attuale campagna di raccolta fondi per cui ritengo importante supportare i candidati delle wiki più piccole, nonché esprimere il mio supporto in italiano.--Nanae 11:45, 26 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]
No / Non / Nein / Tidak / Przeciw / Hayır / Против /反对/ ضد الترقية / Ei / Não

    Neutral / Neutrale / Neutre / Netral / Wstrzymuję się / Tarafsız / Воздержались /中立 / Tyhjää / Neutro
    1. Refus de vote, à cause du système de confirmation des stewards. Hégésippe | ±Θ± 05:59, 26 November 2007 (UTC) [reply ]

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